Welcome |
![Welcome](/sbuhighland/HD_logo.png) Welcome to the website of the Highland District of the Scottish Bridge Union
Here you will find information for SBU members in the District and visitors to the Highlands will be able to locate and contact affiliated clubs which will be more than happy to welcome you for a game of bridge.
District Pairs entry |
![District Pairs entry](/sbuhighland/greig_street_1.jpg) The District Pairs is Face to Face at Ness Club on Sunday 9th March starting at 12.00 with break for sandwiches etc.
The event will only go ahead if enough entries. Table money will be £6 per head.
Entries close on Wednesday 5 March at 5pm.
Strathpeffer Congress - BenWyvis Hotel |
![Strathpeffer Congress - BenWyvis Hotel](/sbuhighland/Strathpeffer.jpg) The Strathpeffer congress is at the Ben Wyvis Hotel again this year from 28-30 March 2025.
Please click on the link to access the online entry form for the congress.
Congress rates are £60 per person, that covers all 6 sessions.
Pairs can play in one event, the rate is £12 per person per session. Please give details in comments.
Please get in touch if you require a hard copy entry form.
Strathpeffer hotel booking Link |
The congress rates for the Ben Wyvis Hotel are :
The room rate is £134.00 per twin/double per night that includes dinner, bed & breakfasts.
Single occupancy rate would be £82.00 per night.
Click on the link to open the booking details that will be emailed direct to the hotel.
![HIGHLAND ONLINE LEAGUE](/sbuhighland/online_bridge_1.jpg) The 24-25 season has begun.
Please click the link for final results.
![HIGHLAND F2F LEAGUE](/sbuhighland/greig_street_1.jpg) Please click the link for results to date
Links to Highland Online Club nights have been set up through LINKS - ONLINE on the Menu ( Left hand side ). If you are not on the entry list follow the link
The SBU has launched MEMPAD (which stands for Membership and Master Point Administration Database), a major new initiative to facilitate the submission of Master Points and the administration of the Master Point system. This development involves a number of phases, but the following features are already in place:
Members can -
* update their personal contact details
* view their own Master Point status
Club secretaries can -
* view their members' contact details
* update details of their office bearers
* submit local Master Points electronically (if using a standard scoring program)
Club treasurers can -
* reconcile members' SBU subscriptions with payments made to the SBU
You will need a password to log on to the system - to receive this, please email masterpoints@sbu.org.uk quoting your Master Point number.
New Tricks |
For our online teaching in schools this year, we have been using New Tricks videos
New Tricks is a charity formed to promote bridge learning.
In addition to videos for schools they have created many fun videos for much more experienced players.
You can donate to the work of New Tricks which is a bridge charity working in bridge education in innovative ways eg battle of the partners.
Anyone considering teaching bridge in schools should als look at 5 Nations Education Resource
Would you like to try RealBridge? You would be very welcome to join the Strathspey BC RealBridge on Mondays at 6.50 for 7pm.
Go to the Strathspey BC website and follow the links to join our session.