Santa Barbara Bridge Center
Release 2.19q
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Welcome Back to the Santa Barbara Bridge Center

Welcome Back to the Santa Barbara Bridge Center

The Bridge Center has been actively planning for the return to face-to-face bridge and is happy to announce that the club will reopen on June 21, 2021 with a limited schedule of games and fewer tables.
In preparation for reopening, the club manager has been in contact with other clubs, the District and ACBL in order to learn best practices. A survey was sent out to our players and we thank the 189 people who responded and gave us valuable input, especially about their willingness to play bridge in person.
The board’s overall goal has been to balance convenience and an enjoyable bridgeplaying experience with a concern for the safety and well being of those who will play at the Bridge Center. To that end, the board has taken into consideration all that it has learned from other clubs, ACBL, local and state health departments and the CDC and has developed protocols for playing at the Bridge Center. These protocols are in place as we reopen but may change over time as the situation changes or guidelines shift.
The board recognizes that despite its best efforts, everyone may not have the level of comfort they desire, nor can all risk be eliminated. But to do the best that we can at this time, we ask all our players to respect and adhere to the protocols and playing conditions set forth below. Please read the following carefully.

Protocols for Participation

Proof of vaccination will be required. NO exceptions! A player can either show their vaccination card or clear photo of their card either prior to or at the first time they play bridge at the Bridge Center. For vaccinations requiring two shots (Pfizer and Moderna), the second shot must have been administered at least two weeks prior to the person’s first game at the Bridge Center. A database of players who have supplied proof of vaccination will be maintained so a player only has to show their vaccination card once. For the convenience of players, two pre-registration days have been set up for players to come to the Bridge Center and show their vaccination card. Those dates are June 17, 4-6 p.m. and June 19, 10 a.m.-12 Noon.
Masks will not be required. Because all players and directors will be vaccinated, masks will not be required. However, some players may want to wear a mask or face shield. Everyone should be respectful of other players’ decisions to wear a mask.
Temperatures will be taken. Before entering the Bridge Center, someone monitoring the door will take players’ temperatures and ask them to attest that they are not showing signs of illness.

Playing Protocols

Game Registration will be required. To lessen congestion, interaction with the game director and other players and to eliminate over-booking, the club is instituting an online reservation system. Reservations will be made through a link on the club’s website. The system is currently being tested.
The player fee will be $10. The new fee will include a soda and/or coffee at no extra charge and no extra charge for special games. Game tickets sold in a packet of 10 will include an 11th ticket free of charge.
Credit cards, not cash. A credit card system has been set up and we ask that players use a credit card to purchase their game ticket.
No food consumption. The club will not offer food and there will be no eating inside the building. If a player needs to eat something during the game, they should bring their own food, individually wrapped and consume it outside during the break.
The building will be well ventilated. To comply with guidelines regarding air circulation in closed spaces, the windows and doors at the Bridge Center will often be open and/or the air conditioner will be on, along with the fan. This is a safety protocol. Players are asked to dress accordingly and have a sweater or jacket handy. Game directors should not be asked to alter the room temperature.
East/West players will carry their bidding boxes as they move from table to table. If a
Howell movement, everyone will move their own boxes.

What to expect when you come to the Bridge Center

There will be limited parking. Players must park either in the Bridge Center parking lot or in one of the spaces directly in front of the Bridge Center building. During the pandemic, a new lease was negotiated and the Towbes Group is requiring that those who attend the Bridge Center use only the parking areas allotted to the Bridge Center. Players are not allowed to park elsewhere in the shopping center. Players should carpool.
There will be a door monitor checking vaccination status and taking temperatures.
The interior of the Bridge Center has been thoroughly cleaned and it will be cleaned after every game. However, players are required to dispose of their personal trash. The HVAC system has been equipped with MERV10-rated filters. To provide the best ventilation, and following CDC and EPA guidelines, either the air conditioner/fan will be on at all times or the windows and doors will be open. It may be chilly so dress accordingly.
A Seating Chart. The new reservation system will seed players and generate a seating chart. Please sit at the table assigned to you. The director will make sure that players who can’t move are sitting in stationary positions.
We will start with 12 tables. Please do not move the tables.
There will be hand sanitizer at each table.
The initial schedule of live games is as follows:

  • Monday, 9:30 a.m. 0-750 Game
  • Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. 0-299 Game
  • Wednesday, 1:00 p.m. Open Game
  • Saturday, 1:00 p.m. Open Game

The board will continue to evaluate and adjust the game schedule going forward.
Online California Coast & Friends games will continue. In consultation with the California Coast & Friends Committee, the CC&F virtual games will continue as scheduled with the exception of the Monday morning 499er Game which will be cancelled effective June 21. This game will be moved to an in-person only game and the level will be raised to 750.
Many of our players are looking forward to seeing each other again across the table. The SBBC board has worked hard to ensure an environment in which everyone feels safe while playing bridge. We are trying several new things and there will be glitches as we make our way back to some sense of “normality.” We ask that everyone be patient and kind and remember the year we have just experienced. The pandemic is not over and these are uncertain times that may require changes as we go forward. The Santa Barbara Bridge Center is a Zero Tolerance bridge club and this will extend to health and safety protocols as well. Game directors will be on alert to violations and will take corrective action when needed.
Our Santa Barbara Bridge Center made it through the past year thanks to the support of our players who played in the online California Coast & Friends games and the Support Your Club games. We are so grateful for that support and hope you all enjoy your return to in-person bridge.