Subscriptions |
Subscriptions for the year 2024 - 2025 will be due from 1st April.
The annul fee will be £10.00 and members are requested to pay Sheila our membership secretary or any committee member as soon as possible, preferably by the end of April.
New members are welcome to join us for any session and may play 3 times as visitors, we hope they will then sign up as members.
The Stewarding System |
The system uses the “Find a partner" page of the website and works as follows:
There will still be a stewards list for Wednesday and members who play on this day are expected to take their turn to be steward.
The steward will log on to the “Find a partner" page of the website at least 24hrs before the event, register as needing a partner and also post a message saying something like “I am steward for the game on Wednesday”.
Members looking for a partner should also log on and register as needing a partner.
At the cut off time of 1.00pm on the day, the steward should check the website.
- If there are an even number of members looking for a partner they will be able to attend and play with each other. No need for the steward to attend.
- If there are an odd number of members looking for a partner the steward will attend to make up a pair.
Members should only log on as looking for a partner, if they are certain that they can attend.
Further guidance for members and stewards see this page: Find a partner instructions
Any problems please contact the Steward Secretary
Best Behaviour at Bridge |
A gentle reminder to ensure that every member of our club has an enjoyable evening/afternoon. Even when concentration and pressure take their toll these simple guidelines should be followed:
1. Greet others in a friendly manner prior to the start of each round.
2. Be prepared to help new players or players who may not understand bidding sequences you may use.
3. Give credit when opponents make a good bid or play.
4. Do not criticise either your partner or opponents at the table.
5. Ensure that you help make the session an enjoyable time for all - enjoy the company as well as the game!