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2035 Hurley Way, Suite 270
Sacramento  CA 95825

Release 2.19q
Thursday Game Status

There will be a game Thursday, February 20th.

If there are words blacked out above, a decision hasn't been made about the game.

To sign up for the Thursday Evening Game, send email to jcoke@yahoo.com or text / call Jim Coke at 530-409-3361.







There still is confusion about such matters as when to alert and which conventions are permitted.  Click to open any of the following files for further information:




In particular, these bids now are non-alertable:
  Support Double, Support Redouble,
  Weak Jump-Shift Response
Also, we no longer type "transfer";
  simply specify the suit shown, a la "diamonds"



The ACBL's "new and improved" software now enables us to assign masterpoint awards based upon the size of the field, not just the section itself (just as was done at the club).  Awards for an Open game now will be based upon the table count of that event plus the total tables in the lower-rated events; so masterpoint payouts in the Open games will increase dramatically.  The award schedule for the other events will remain unchanged.


NOTE: If you are new to BBO and want to play in our virtual club games, you need to be authorized by Teri Smoot: montanabridge@earthlink.net.  Also, if you are not a current member of ACBL, you may play only in an Open game, Flight A.

Some things to remember:

1. Never sign up for more than one session.  If you do so, you automatically will be 'bumped up' to the higher-ranking game.  The event starting-times are staggered so as to accommodate players whose partners didn't show up for an earlier session.

2. Be ready to start the game; otherwise, you might be replaced by a substitute.  The game cannot start without a player in every seat; so the director will do whatever is necessary to get it going, even if it means dropping a pair that is offline.

3. If you weren't ready at the start and you are asked to substitute, accept it.  The director is trying to get you back into the game.  (You should not be asked to fill in by someone you don't know.)

4. You must keep up during the play.  Because everyone is sharing boards, all rounds must start together.  If you run out of time, play will be curtailed and your score will be adjusted.  Watch the clock on your screen.  At BBO, duplicate bridge truly is a timed event; you will not be coddled as was the case at the club.


The table fee is $6 per session, which typically is 18 boards.  Masterpoints are awarded to ACBL members.  Excepting the occasional guest, participation is limited to those who play predominantly at a local of affiliated club in the general Sacramento Valley region. 

To qualify for the 0-499 Pairs, you must not have as many as 500 recorded masterpoints. 
For the 299er pairs, you must have fewer than 300 points. 
Life Masters can play in the 0-499 game.   

For a tutorial on Bridge Base, click here:

      - How to Try Bridge Base Online -


If you played in a certain game, you can click on a percentage score for a recap of that pair's results.  View the hands and the bidding [Movie], and watch how they were played [Next], just as if you were on BBO itself!