ROYSTON BRIDGE CLUB - Competitive yet Friendly |
 Our ♣ sparkles like a ♦, has a big ♥ and ♠♠♠ of bonhomie, boosted by beverage, biscuits, and banter before bridge begins.
Sessions held every Thursday at 7.00pm at the Coombes Community Centre, Burns Road, Royston.
The club has electronic scoring and computer-dealt hands so results and deals are available straight away.
Visitors are always welcome but need to come with a partner. If you are new to the area, use Find a Partner (Public) and the club will make every effort to provide a suitable partner for you.
◄ For further details, see Information and Calendar.
◄ Do you want to learn to play bridge, or improve your play? See Learning Bridge.
◄ We also feature a few interesting hands played at the club recently, see Hand of the Month.
Charity Challenge SIMS 13th March |
This Thursday, 13th March, it's the first SIMS event of the year at Royston, the ECATS Charity Challenge.
This year the two charities nominated by ECATS are Mind and Macmillan Cancer Support, and table money will be increased to £5 for the event, with the club's profits on the day going to the charities.
Hope to see you there.
Bridge 6th March |
Congratulations to Malcolm & Ron who won this week with a score of 65%, with Colin & Faraj just 1% behind.
Surprisingly, only one pair bid and made the 6♥ slam on board 15, but two pairs bid and made a slam on board 21 (on just 23 HCPs combined) — 6♥ by West would go one down on a spade lead but 6♦ by East can't be defeated, "right-siding" the slam as the cards lie. In practice, most declarers make all 13 tricks on a club lead.
Club Website |
This is Royston Bridge Club's official website, Dave Simmons is the current web administrator.
Please have a browse through the website. Some pages are only available to Members. To access these pages click on the link to Members Only on the top right of the Home page to login.
Any comments or suggestions for improving the website are welcome. Members can email me direct, and non-members via Contact Us under the Information tab.