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Cotton Cup
5th Jul 2024 18:13 BST
Hand of the Week
5th Jul 2024 16:14 BST
Welcome to the Royal Automobile Club Bridge Circle - Pall Mall
RAC v Hurlingham Club

Our annual 12 aside 24 board match was played from late afternoon at the picturesque Hurlingham Club in south west London on Monday 1 July 2024. Hurlingham are one of our strongest opponents and have beaten us in recent years and so I was a little nervous when a number of our original selections could not play. Oh me of little faith! Bluntly the substitutes performed magnificently and supported the team to a nailbiting tie. Yes, an actual tie. A new zero imp result. This is a first for me! At half time the RAC lead by a handsome 25 imps which was brutally clawed back by a ravenous Hurlingham, some of whom took risks with their bidding which worked brilliantly for them. With a few boards still to be played Hurlingham had taken a net 8 imps lead. It was a bit like watching the scoring of the Eurovision one contest as the RAC whittled away at the lead as one by one the final boards were scored. There were so many permutations which could have given either side victory but a tie somehow felt rather bizarrely like we had 24 winners.

Dinner was excellent and served in the soon to be retired formal dining room and our special thanks to Gitte for creating a year ago a movement format so that all players played each other which she repeated again this year and to Ruth and Kitty for organising the match so effectively.

Our team consisted of : Michael B/David M Pralab B/Terry S Robin K/Lester P John C/Mark A Andrea G/John K David W/Pearse E

Michael Bailey


Last updated : 2nd Jul 2024 15:45 BST
Pall Mall Bridge Circle July Newsletter
Last updated : 26th Jun 2024 21:33 BST
RAC v Roehampton Club Match

A lovely evening was played out in the St James Room in our annual team of 8 bridge match against the Roehampton Club. We fielded 3 substitutes Trevor Southam, Howard Wand and Michael Bailey who stood in for members originally selected and could not play. The RAC ran out winners by 14 imps which is a narrow winning margin reflecting the overall solid performance by both teams. As captain for the night I would like to thank Howard W, Sally, Paul and Lester for assisting me in setting up the boards, scoring cards and pencils and tidying up at the end of the evening. Victor continues to provide predealt playing boards and results sheets, thereby allowing self review after the end of play, and banqueting did an excellent job looking after us. 


Lester and Howard S
Howard W and Robin
Sally and Paul
Trevor S and Michael B

Report submitted by Team Captain Michael Bailey



Last updated : 26th Jun 2024 08:29 BST
RAC V Le Cercle de l'Union Interalliée
  • 2024 Le Cercle table
  • 2024 Le Cercle
  • 2024 Le Cercle teams
  • 2024 Le Cercle ceiling
  • 2024 Bridge at Le Cercle
On Sunday 16th June I had the pleasure of assuming the role of Captain and taking our RAC bridge team to Le Cercle de l'Union Interalliée for our inaugural Bridge match in Paris. The RAC has strong ties with the club and have been playing Chess with them for over 40 years.  The Bridge team at “Le Cercle” were absolutely charming and we were made very welcome.  We played in 3 teams in order of strength and at half time I must report that our “C” team were the only Brits in the lead!  It became very clear during the 2nd half exactly how strong the French were, we discovered many have very high ratings and are really excellent players, clearly what I’m trying to say is that they were the victors in the end!  I was told that they regularly play the Automobile Club de France and always win, now in the past I have been advised that the ACF were the best team we played, well there are now new “kids on the block" and when these delightful people visit us next year we need to have a good plan!  After the match we were invited to a champagne reception in the huge garden (the club is almost next door to the Elysee Palace) and then to dinner is a very beautifully decorated room.  All in all this new match was a huge hit and Marie-Francoise their captain with whom I had made all the arrangements was wonderful, I am really looking forward to seeing them next year.  Our team consists of: Fiona McWatters/Henry McWatters, John Craggs/Mark Alcock, Sally Found/Paul Found, Howard Wand/Pearse Elder, Andrea Geser/ Malcolm McIvor, Simone Wand/Oliver Wand.
Report Submited by Fiona McWatters
Last updated : 19th Jun 2024 13:28 BST
RAC v Automobile Club de France

Last week was the annual match against the Automobile Club of France. This year it was the Parisians who hosted the event. It was a delight to be back in the City and, for us, the hint of chaos caused by the arrangements for the forthcoming Olympics, did not dampen our growing excitement to be there and to anticipate our own competition.

The RAC party met early, Thursday evening and, arranged by Andrea, we had a most pleasant walk to the restaurant she had booked. It was a fortuitous opportunity to get to know a little about each other. However friendly our relations with those we meet in the bridge circle may be, it was both on the walk and sitting together at the dinner that we could talk to one another without bridge intruding, and get to know and understand something of each other beyond the game and the match.

Unlike on previous occasions, we played 40 boards. 20 in the morning (10a.m. start) and 20 in the afternoon. I would like to say this proved somewhat tiring in terms of concentration but this applied to all playing so I won’t attempt to start with an excuse.

Our ‘first’ teams (one - Pralab and Andrea, Pascale and John and the other, Sally and Paul and David M and me), did not do well. And with the Cup staring at us, we never got near to bringing it home. However, it was a good game although the scoring was a little complicated!

Particular congratulations to Sally and Paul who had the only positive score of the 4 pairs,  with particular praise to Sally who brought home one or two great contracts to help balance the scores for our team.  

Our saving grace was the ‘second’ team (Pearse and Mark and Howard and Ollie Wand). It was keenly fought with some ups and downs, but going into the last quarter they were narrowly ahead by 2 Imps! They ran out winners comfortably over the last 10 boards and had the justified honour of bringing home the Bernard Bignier Cup to the RAC. Well done. And special mention should go to the younger Wand who, as admitted by his old man, played well and was a major contributor to their victory.

I think that we lacked some experience of competition such as this, and Pralab has offered to take us for a seminar (or two?) on those aspects of our game beyond conventions and card play. We could use some experienced advice on reading the players, gauging distributions and logistics on point count etc. I think this would be extremely helpful to all of us. All the more so in an environment when there is far less time pressure, giving us all greater time for thought and calculation.

The French welcomed us warmly and with all hospitality and friendship not to mention modesty in their victory (of course, heavily balanced by our own). With such goodwill, amiability and openness on both sides and amongst ourselves, it was a memorable occasion on both days. Whatever the results of the match itself, we all had a thoroughly great time – partners who came, as well as the players.

Bonhommie, was the order of the day and our opponents were as eager as ourselves to renew the contest next year. All our thanks to our hosts. Let us hope (and expect) that next year brings us both Cups.

Submitted by Howard Salter 

Last updated : 18th Jun 2024 23:05 BST



RAC Teams with pairings for February to July 2024

Captains shown in bold

Cumberland (home) May 15, Wednesday.  Terrace Room 16.00 for 16.30 Pralab B/Trevor S David W/Mark A Martin L/Pauli L Jill P/David O

ACF (away)  June 14, Friday.  Details later Howard S/David M Pralab B/Andrea G Paul F/Sally F John C/Pascale H Howard W/Oliver W Mark A/Pearse E

Le Cercle (away) June 16, Sunday. Fiona M/Henry M John C/Mark A Sally F/Paul F Howard W/Pearse E Andrea G/ Malcolm M Simone W/Oliver W

Roehampton (home) June 25, Tuesday.  St James’s Room 16.30 for 16.45 Paul W/Marina CP Lester P/Howard S Paul F/Sally F Howard W/Terry S

Hurlingham (away) July 1, Monday.  16.00 for 16.30 Michael B/David M Pralab B/Terry S Robin K/Lester P John C/Mark A Andrea G/John K David W/Pearse E

New Club Edinburgh (home) July 13, Saturday.  Mall Room 15.00 for 15.30 Henry Mc/Fiona Mc John K/Cecilia KP Pauli L/Ina W David O/Sandy 

Last updated : 9th Jun 2024 12:03 BST
The Centenary Cup
The 20th May saw the Bridge Circle at Pall Mall hold the annual Centenary Cup event.  This is was started in 2012 to celebrate the lovely building our club inhabits in Pall Mall. We had a fantastic afternoon and early evening with friends from the MCC, The Cumberland Cub, The Hurlingham Club and The Athenaeum Club.  The RAC were represented by Pall Mall Blue and Red teams, and a formidable team from Woodcote park.  Victor as usual directed us all with a steady hand and kept the show on the road!  At the end of the match I can report that the MCC won overall by a resounding 112 Imps and were awarded our prestigious Centenary Cup.   RAC Woodcote Park came second with 64 imps, and I am very happy to report that the top pair were Heather and Nigel Matthew from Woodcote Park.  We then enjoyed a very nice dinner together and people commented that they are all looking forward to the Centenary Cup 2025!
Report submitted by Fiona McWatters
Last updated : 20th May 2024 22:29 BST
RACvCumberland Club


On the 15th May the RAC welcomed the Cumberland Club to Pall Mall.  The match was played in great spirits and by all accounts a thoroughly enjoyable evening except for the result. A competitive first half saw RAC trailing narrowly by 7 imps but the second half somehow got away from us . Regrettably the final result was a loss of 43 imps. The  arrangements for the game as well as the dinner were spot on- thanks to the RAC team for looking after us all so well. The RAC team consisted of:- Pralab Barua/Trevor Southam, David Wilson/Mark Alcock, Martin LangdonPauli Lauren,  Jill PAtterson/David Owen.

Match report kindly submitted by Team Captain Pralab Barua 


Last updated : 16th May 2024 08:42 BST

Our first weekday afternoon Duplicate pairs Bridge session was held on Monday 22nd April. Participants were encouraged by Victor our TD to play in a business like manner and everyone did their best to comply, despite the distraction of noise from building works outside the Terrace room. We had 8.5 tables and the session without a break at half time concluded in just over 3 hours. We were pleased to welcome some players from Anne’s class taking the plunge. Apart from the regulars at the Thursday club nights, the afternoon Duplicate pairs sessions cater to RAC members and our invited guests from ‘St James‘ Clubs’ who are keen to occasionally play Bridge on a weekday afternoon. Given the success of this opening session, we expect to host similar weekday afternoon sessions in the future - if interested please stay tuned for dates in the future. 

Last updated : 23rd Apr 2024 09:49 BST

We now subscribe to "Pianola", a service that gives interesting analysis and stats of your results from each session, as well as showing how they have been progressing over time. To get started, please give your Email address to Victor ( and you will receive a signup link next time you play duplicate at the club. Some of you may be familiar with Pianola from other clubs, and Victor will be able to add the RAC to your profile.

Victor Lesk

Last updated : 28th Apr 2022 12:53 BST
Thu 11th Jul 2024
Thu 18th Jul 2024
Thu 25th Jul 2024
Thu 1st Aug 2024