Raphoe Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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Raphoe Bridge Club is now located in Ballybofey/Stranorlar Golf Club


Welcome to Raphoe Bridge Club
Web Site
Web Site

Welcome to the Raphoe Bridge Club Site.

Come and join this friendly club for a game

on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm

Officers elected at AGM 26/09/2019

Phyllis Murphy - President

Declan Gallagher - Secretary

Michael J Sullivan - Treasurer




Raphoe Open Cup - 2024 - Winners

1st Shaun Coll & Patrick J McLoone

2nd Ita O'Sullivan & Mary Duffy

3rd Shaun McNutt & James W McLaughlin

Intermediate Phyllis Murphy & Joe Boyle





Party Night
Scorer: Maeve Costello
Presidents Prize
Scorer: Maeve Costello
Scorer: Maeve Costello