Radlett U3A Duplicate Bridge Group
Release 2.19r
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We started playing regularly via RealBridge from the 12th November 2020.  We will normally play on our regular 2nd, 4th and 5th Thursdays but with some exceptions.  Please look at the calendar on this page for more details.

Welcome to Radlett U3A Duplicate Bridge Group
Online play using RealBridge

We continue to play online with RealBridge on the 2nd, 4th and 5th (when there is one) Thursdays in the month.  Look at the calendar tab to see the dates of future games.

Due to a lack of interest I am not currently planning any face to face bridge sessions.  However if you are a member of Radlett or Borehamwood U3A and would like to play in one of these please let me know.  The email address to use is on the Information page or you can also reach me via the Radlett U3A website - here is a link to out page there

We have also established a link with the Borehamwood & Elstree U3A duplicate bridge group ( so that your online season tickets can be used in both groups games.  They typically play online on 3 Mondays each month.

The current season tickets runout at the end of December 2024 (or possibly later).  Details of how to renew will be sent to everyone on my mailing list but if you don't get that message, or want to be a new joiner to the group, please let me know.

There are several other sites where you can play bridge online including Bridge Club Live (, Bridge Base Online (BBO -, Friendly Online Bridge Club (Friendly Online Bridge Club, Virtual World E4R TH1) and many others.  If you have played on one of these you will find that playing with RealBridge is similar, though they don't currently offer the same video and audio communication that RealBridge does.


Playing with RealBridge online

You may have already heard about RealBridge (online), or even played in a game with it.  This is a way of playing duplicate bridge very much like we do at our usual Thursday meetings.  You can see and talk with your partner and opponents and will automatically be moved from table to table.

We restarted our season with RealBridge session from 12th November 2020, generally continue as per our usual schedule of 2nd, 4th and 5th (when there is one) Thursdays in the month.  Season ticket holders will be able to play at the Elstree and Borehamwood group's meetings which are normally on a Monday. 

Almost any PC, Mac or Tablet can be used but not smartphones or iPads older than about 5 years.  You can check if your device works at this link

If you have played bridge online, e.g. with BBO, Bridgeclublive or similar you will find the way of bidding and playing your cards is very similar.

If you live in the same house as your bridge partner (or someone who is playing with a different partner) you will each need your own device and ideally play in different rooms where you can't overhear each other.

If you have not already done so please let me know if you would like to play any of  the sessions.  All of the currently planned sessions are free to season ticket holders.  If you are not a current season ticket holder but a member of RadlettU3A please contact me and I will let you have the details of the 'online' season tickets we are offering.

Any questions or problems please get in touch.



Data Protection and Privacy

In addition to the overall Data Protection and Privacy Policies of Radlett and District U3A (see there are some specific notices for this group.

As you will be aware I publish the results from our sessions via BridgeWebs, an external service. This means your names appear on that website, together with the dates you played and your scores. The information for the current session is also available during and after it on BrianBridge.Net, the system we use for scoring. If you don’t want your name to appear these sites I can create an anonymous name for you. Please let me know if you NEED me to do this for you.

Note that I am now using the more secure email system that BridgeWebs provides to send out my messages about the group. They are not be allowed to use your email address for any other purpose. If you don’t want me to do this for you again please let me know, though it may mean you will not get future reminders about sessions or the results.

Presentation on Duplicate Bridge

After the session on Thursday 13th September 2018 I gave a presentation about Duplicate Bridge 

The presentation  covered:

  • The card deals and how they are prepared
  • The movements used (including a bit about ‘arrow switches’)
  • How duplicate bridge is scored to compare one pair against the others
  • The impact of the scoring on how you should bid and, if possible, play
  • An introduction to BridgeWebs where you can see the results from a session and a lot of other information

If you would like to have a look at the presentation you can see it here.

The presentation I gave in 2016 is also available on our U3A website under the Bridge - Relaxed Duplicate section - see here 

Next session

As per the main notice we are currently using RealBridge online.  Please see the calendar entries below for our next playing dates.

If you are a member of Radlett & District U3A or Borehamwood and Elstree U3A and would like to play in one of our sessions please let me know.  You can see our playing dates below and for Borehamwood their playing dates are on their BridgeWebs page, link on the left.

13th March 2025
Radlett Duplicate Bridge
Online 10:00
Director: Gary Harding
Scorer: Gary Harding
27th March 2025
Radlett Duplicate Bridge
Online 10:00
Director: Gary Harding
Scorer: Gary Harding
10th April 2025
Radlett Duplicate Bridge
Online 10:00
Director: Gary Harding
Scorer: Gary Harding
Radlett Duplicate Bridge
Director: Gary Harding
Scorer: Gary Harding
Radlett Duplicate Bridge
Director: Gary Harding
Scorer: Gary Harding
Radlett Duplicate Bridge
Director: Gary Harding
Scorer: Gary Harding