Release 2.19q

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4th Jul 2024 17:36 BST
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24th Jun 2024 10:44 BST
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2nd Apr 2024 10:31 BST
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Come and visit us at St Walburge's Gardens, Weston Street, Preston PR2 2QJ. We welcome players of all standards and have lessons for beginners as well as practice and supervised play for the less experienced.The premises are easily accessed and have ample car parking.

Payments Card or Paypal

If you need to pay Preston Bridge Club this page explains how we accept money

Card or Paypal


First Name & Surname
BACS Payments

Payments can be made directly to our bank account please ensure that you identify yourself clearly on the payment.

If you are a member using your EBU number

Bank account details are

Preston Contract Bridge Club


Sort Code 30-99-50

Account 52240368

Payment reference as below

Payment reference must contain your EBU number sandwiched between a C and a Z with no spaces like this C72844Z