Monthly Program |
In an endeavour to bring all information for its constituents on to one platfom, PRBA will be migrating all its online activities to its own website prba.in. This will be done in stages so as to make the transition comfortable for everybody. The new website will enable us to bring information to you in a much better fashion as also provide you more easily with a lot more information.
Roster of Life Members |
Early in January, 2024, the executive committee of the PRBA had, in an initiative to update the roster of life members, made available a form for members to update their membership details for PRBA records.
We have now assigned Membership Numbers to all of you who have done so. The updated list of life members, as of 25-June-2024 can be seen by clicking here.
Those of you who would wish to have data updated, please fill this form and inform us as to what data you would like us to update..
If you are not a life member yet and are desirous of becoming one, please click here to subscribe for life membership.
Become a Life Member |
PRBA has 2 categories of Life Memberships
General Category
The first is a general category which is now priced at Rs. 3,000. You can avail of it by clicking here
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens (above 80 years of age) can avail of life membership by paying a subscription fee of Rs. 500 only. Click here to subscribe