Extraordianary Meeting |
We will have an Extraordinary Meeting on Wed 19 February to determine the increase of the home members annual fee due to the fct we have made aware of An increase of ABF charges and the introduction of MyABF Fees. The meeting will be at 11:45 at Hastings Bridge Club before the start of bridge. So members please hold off paying your annual fees till after this meeting.
Associate members fee of $15.00 is still ok and can be paid.
Annual Fees are now Due! |
The cost is $25.00 for members and $15.00 for Associate members. Please give money to Steve before the AGM. In an envelop with you name and amt in it.
Alternativey, you can transfer money directly into the Oxley brige Club bank accout.
Name: P M Oxley Bridge Club Inc
BSB: 932 000
Acct Number 505 34 20
Make sure to put your name in the comments
Our AGM Will be held on Wednesday 26 February at 11:00 at Oxley Bridge Club before bridge. Please plan on attending. Only fully paid members can vote.
Club Championship Winnners |
NORTH / SOUTH WINNERS: Kath Hilder and Chris Sinclair
EAST / WEST WINNERS: Diana Zanon an Ruth Herdegen
Sessions every Wed afternoon at The Hastings Bridge Club |
We play every Wednesday at the Hastings Bridge Club beginning at 12:30 pm and finishing approximately 4 pm.
Hastings Bridge Club is located at Hamilton Green, 176 Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie.
PO Box 6195, Settlement City, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444.
ABN: 375 528 37 401
Our Club is committed to using the latest technology to enhance the enjoyment of Bridge by its members. Bridgemate electronic scoring makes results available immediately after the last Board is played. Results are posted to this web site, together with travellers and the deal file.
Enquiries: Phone Karen Statsukaitis 0416017119.
Emergency Contact Register |
Port Macquarie Oxley Bridge Club now keeps an Emergency Contact Register for Members. In the event of a medical episode or other emergency at the club. This will allow Directors or Committee Members to quickly identify an emergency contact for the player. Please log in to the Members Area and complete these details on your Profile - 'Account Tab'. (These details are Emergency Contact Name; Relationship to yourself; Phone and/or Mobile number of the Contact Person).