The 2NT bid is made on a ‘balanced’ hand in the 20-22 point range. In this context, a balanced hand is any hand not containing a singleton or void. It is not forcing (i.e. responder can pass).

a)♠ KQ7b)♠ KQ2c)♠ KQ7d)♠ K75


J4 95 A86 AK94

♣ AKJ7♣ AKQ8♣ K6♣ Q

a)   - open 2NT.          

b)   - open 2NT despite the poor diamond suit.

c)   - open 2NT even with the 5-card heart suit

d)   - do not open 2NT. Open 1 (yes – I know this should be a maximum of 19 points, but devalue the hand with the singleton ♣Q). (20-22 point hands where the singleton is not an honour are more problematical – not for discussion with beginners at this stage).


The following responses will suffice for beginners. More comprehensive responses will be learnt with a little more experience.

These responses also serve as an introduction to ‘transfers’, an approach generally used after a 1NT opening bid. They are best initially understood in the context of a 2NT opening bid – much easier.

0–3 points without a 5-card major – PASS

0–3 points with a 5-card major bid the suit below the five card suit (a ‘transfer’)

Partner (i.e. the 2NT opener) must bid the next suit up, 3 or 3. The responder then passes this.

4+ points without a four card major – bid 3NT

4+ points with a four card major – bid 3♣ Stayman to try to find a 4-4 major fit (partner responds 3 without a 4-card major or 3NT with both. Responder should then bid 3NT).

4+ points with a 5-card major – bid the suit below the five card major (a ‘transfer).

Partner (i.e the 2NT opener) must bid the next suit up, 3 or 3♠. The responder then bids 3NT with a five-card suit (and opener can then judge accordingly), or bids 4 of the major with a six-card suit.

Methods of looking for a slam will be ignored at this stage.


Partner opens 2NT. What do you respond with:

e)♠ 9842f)♠ 98742g)♠ Q64h)♠ Q643i)♠ Q8742

76 74 K95 K952 AJ5

K52 K52 76 76 73

♣ 8742♣ 742♣ J9743♣ J97♣ 874

j)♠ Q98742k)♠ 74

AJ5 98742

73 K52

♣ 87♣ 742

e)   PASS

f)    3  - (transfer) - partner must bid 3♠ over which you  pass.

g)   3NT

h)   3♣  - (Stayman) - if partner bids a four card major you raise to 4 of the major. If partner bids 3 (no 4-card major) you now bid 3NT.

i)    3  - (transfer) -  partner must bid 3♠, and you then bid 3NT giving partner the choice to pass or bid 4♠ (with ideally 3 cards with an honour).

j)    3  - (transfer) - partner must bid 3♠, and you then bid 4♠ (showing a six-card suit), which partner will pass.

k)   3  - (transfer) - partner must bid 3 which you now pass.