If you like to play bridge on a regular basis and live within travelling distance of our club why don't you become a member?
While visitors are always welcome, membership brings benefits of allowing you to play as often as you like in all Perth Bridge Club events. Membership of the club costs just £20 per year for the 2024/25 season. You must also be a member of the Scottish Bridge Union (SBU) for which there is a further annual charge of £12. If you are not already a member of the SBU, please complete our application form and we will arrange SBU membership for you.
There are a number of documents about Perth Bridge Club and the SBU that you need to read, as our application form will ask you to confirm that you have read and accept them.
Please follow the links below to read them :-
Perth Club constitution - PBC SCIO Constitution 2023.pdf (bridgewebs.com)
Perth Privacy Policy - Perth Bridge Club Data Privacy Policy
Perth Bye Laws - Perth Bridge Club Bye Laws
SBU Privacy Policy sbu-data-privacy-policy-2023.pdf
SBU Bye Laws SBU Bye Laws
Please then print off the membership form by clicking on the 'Membership Form' wording below, complete it and return it to the club as described on the form.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the club at perthbridgeclub@gmail.com