Probability of Drop of |

With 2 cards missing go for the drop of the King (52%)
With 4 cards missing go for the drop of the Queen (52%), the cards may be 2-2 (41%) or she may be singleton (12%)
With 6 cards missing go for the drop of the Jack (54%), the cards may be 3-3 (35%) or he may be doubleton (18%) or singleton(2%)
With 3, 5 or 7 cards out do NOT expect to drop K, Q or J respectively
Percentages of Card Division between two hidden hands |

Cards out:
2 cd: 1:1 52%; 2:0 48%
3 cd: 2:1 78%; 3:0 22%
4 cd: 2:2 41%; 3:1 50% 4:0 10%
5 cd: 3:2 68%; 4-1 28%; 5:0 4%
6 cd: 3:3 35%; 4:2 49%; 5:1 15%; 6:0 2%
7 cd: 4:3 62%; 5:2 30%; 6:1 7%; 7:0 0.5%
8 cd: 4:4 33%; 5:3 47% 6:2 17% 7:1 3% 8:0 0.2%
9 cd: 5:4 59%; 6:3 31%; 7:2 9%; 8:1 1%; 9:0 0.1%
Except for 2 cards the general rule is:
Even cards probably do not split evenly
Odd cards probably do split as evenly as possible
Odds against a player being dealt |

Playing 26 boards twice a week expect:
13 cards in one suit = 169,066,442 to 1 Once every 60 000 years! 
8 cards in one suit = 213 to 1 Once a month
7 cards in one suit = 28 to 1 Once a session
6 cards in one suit = 6 to 1 Four times a night
at least one singleton = 2 to 1 Once a two board round
at least one void = 19 to 1 Once a session
AKQJ10 in a suit = 500 to 1 Once every three months
four Aces = 378 to 1 Once every two months
a hand with no points = 278 to 1 Once a month
a Yarborough (no10) = 1827 to 1 Twice a year
Did you know? |
43.6 percent of all slam contracts fail.
62.7 percent of all bridge players are women.
97.8 percent of all bridge statistics, including these, are made up! 
EBU Membership - New Members' Guidance |
 What is NGS?
How to order your EBU diary?
EBU magazine?
What is "My EBU"?
You can find the answers of the above questions and many more in the:
New Members Booklet