Orton Teams Champions 2023/24 |
Graham Tenneson, Derek Tisbury, Graham Froggett and Molly Edwards
Orton Bridge Club |
 Orton is a friendly Bridge Club based in the Orton Wistow Community Centre to the west side of Peterborough, easily accessible from the A1 and A605. We play twice a week on Monday and Friday evenings, asking players to arrive by 6:45pm for a 6:50pm start. We recommend that you arrive in good time or you may not be allowed to play. We finish play by about 10:30pm.
The cost of play is £2.50 per person for members and £3.00 for guests. The cost of SIMS events is £5 for members and £6 for guests. Membership is £10 per annum and our year starts on 1st July. Table money includes coffee/tea and biscuits during a 15 minute break part way through the evening.
Guests are welcome to play but please contact Brian on 01733 661507 before coming particularly if you wish to attend without a member of the club.
Members and guests are expected to play in accordance with the code of conduct of the EBU.
Want to improve your bridge? |
If you want to improve your bridge and need a few ideas then visit the Stamford Bridge Club website and click on "Wednesday Workshops" or "Wednesday Supervised Play"
There you will find a lot of information including hands and play..........click on the link below....
Stamford Bridge Club
Bernard Magee |
Bernard Magee will be broadcasting free bridge lessons on Youtube Monday at 11am while he has time available.........
Bernard Magee Youtube
EBU on BBO and playing online |
How did you and your partner score in the last Teams event? |
To check on you and your partners score (excluding the other 2 in your team) go to the Teams result and then either click on the X-Imps Tab below the date or the Green Graph in the top left hand side.