North Cardiff Bridge Club

As always we welcome newcomers, of whom we have had quite a few recently.
If you are thinking of coming along to join one of our popular Friday afternoon sessions remember we operate a Host System, so someone will always be available to partner you.

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2019 Christmas Party

Our annual Christmas Party, held this year on Friday 20th December, was as always a well attended event.

Everyone enjoyed themselves at the Festive Buffet prior to a few rounds of Bridge, played by some in the spirit of Christmas. Perhaps too much Christmas spirt for one or two when the results were produced?

David had as usual prepared the sandwich selection earlier that morning; later at the kitchen in the Church Hall he warmed numerous tasty snacks including a range of vegetarian and traditional items with breaded mushrooms (a new item this year) proving especially popular. During the half-time break mince pies and Christmas cake replaced the normal chocolate and plain biscuits; both were well received.

Before play commenced John Thomas proposed a vote of thanks to Dorothy & David, Janet & Jayne, Ian, and everyone else who assists in the running of our Friday event for all their hard work during the year. Amidst much amusement he presented a new pair of Marigold gloves to our Chief washer-up as well as gifts to both Dorothy and David, who in turn wished everyone all the best for the Festive Season.

Eight rounds of Bridge followed before we ended 2019 in what can only be described as a festive mood; next meeting will be on Friday 3rd January. Hopefully any Hogmanay hangovers will have by then long been forgotten?

To everyone who attended and those unable to make it this year we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.


Christmas Party Pictures are by our 'Official Photographer' - Jayne