Deane Salver Mixed Pairs 2025 |
Please join us for this mixed pairs event.
We still have a sponsor waiting to give the club with most pairs playing £50.
There needs to be at least 5 pairs from the same club for the sponsor to pay out but for the Home club, namely Brunton, there needs to be at least 10 pairs. In the event of a tie there will be a draw unless it is with the Home club, Brunton, in which case the Away club wins.
Please encourage your club members to play.
Presidents Cup & Northern Bridge League |
The Presidents Cup 12/13 July 25 is held on Real Bridge
Please contact the Selectors if you would like to be considered for selection contacts in box to the right
Northern Bridge League 5/7/25, 16/8/25, 13/9/25, 11/10/25 this is held on Real Bridge
The League is divided into three Divisions.
The A Division is for teams consisting of the county's best players,
The B Division is for the county's next best players,
Whilst the C Division is aimed at club players.
The Selectors need to know who would like to be considered to enable a decision to be made as to how many teams to enter and into which Divisions.
Please contact the Selectors details in the box to the right,
if you would like to be considered for selection AND
are available on the above dates.