Note for Apple Mac users. Safari & Bigsur do NOT work with Realbridge, recommend Firefox or Chrome. iPads use SafariNB iPad users be aware that there are "New click and tap options" for bidding and play
Link to Login
Under the League Menu you can see the teams for next week
The Tuesday League runs from Sept 3rd running every week until May Each block of 6 weeks will be priced at £20 per team ie £5 per player With 6 teams we will run 6 week blocks and all teams will play each other 5x5 board rounds If you need a sub for your team then look at the Menu Item League - Subs
Remember All our previous F2F lessons are still on the Website to downlaod
Step 1. Log onto Step 2. Check your camera and microphone work Link to Camera Test Step 3. Read the Player Guide Link to Player Guide
Look in RealBridge menu item "Real Bridge Joining Instructions"
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