Winter/Spring 2025 SCHEDULE...
Open Games
SUNDAY, 1PM: HANDICAPPED TEAM GAME, 1PM. Contact Mary Sauer at 239-285-5244 to register a team, or if you need a team, or are willing to play. Handicapped games make it possible for anyone to win!
MONDAY, 8:30 AM: 0-99 game. Lesson first, then play.
MONDAY, 1PM: Open game in the North Room, Stratified 0-750 game in the South Room
MONDAY, 6PM: Beth's Soup Night!! Come for homemade soup and play 18 boards.
TUESDAY, 1PM: Open game in the North Room
WEDNESDAY, 1PM: Open game in the North Room, Stratified 0-750 game in the South room.
THURSDAY, 1PM: Open Game in the North Room
FRIDAY, 1PM: Open Game in the North Room, Stratified 0-750 game in the South Room.
SATURDAY, 1PM: Open Game in the North Room, Stratified 0-750 game in the South Room.
Limited Games
Monday morning 8:30AM - (lesson first then board play) with Janet Tutera. Limited Game: the 0-99 (Beginners and Advanced Beginners)
Chat Games
(minimum of 3 tables needed)
TUESDAY 9:00AM – "CHAT" Game
Ellen and Rich Gabriel’s Chat (From February through April); begins on February 4 – April 29. The Chat is held from 9:00-11:30am and the cost is $12 per person, $15 for guests. No partner needed, no points awarded! Beginners are welcome!
WEDNESDAY 8:30AM: - 0-49er "CHAT" Game (Barometer style )
Tony Cipolla – 0-49 Barometer Chat – continues weekly throughout the year. The Chat is held from 8:30-11:30am and the cost is $12 per person, $15 for guests. No partner needed. ACBL points will be awarded to winners! Beginners and Advanced Beginners welcome!
FRIDAY 8:30AM: "CHAT" Game for players with 0-99 points.
Nan Burford – 0-99 Barometer Chat - Barometer style - masterpoints awarded! No partner needed - just come and play! This Chat game continues through April 25 and is held from 8:30-11:30am and the cost is $12 per person, $15 for guests. No partner needed and ACBL points will be awarded to the winners. Advanced Beginners are welcome!
SATURDAY 9:00AM: "CHAT" Game for beginners!
Barbara Levine - Beginner’s Chat - Mini-lesson, and questions and help available. (No masterpoints awarded). Continues throughout the year. This Chat is held from 9:00-11:30am and the cost is $12 per person, $15 for guests. No partner needed, no points awarded!