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Moville Bridge Club started as a result of a “wee notion” shared by three women back in 1976.  Driving home from Malin Bridge Club the idea of starting a Club in Moville was suggested by Mary Bonner and quickly agreed by Jane McCauley and Margaret Casey.  Undaunted by the fact that they were beginners and still taking lessons from Denis Doherty, Carndonagh, a founder of the Malin Bridge Club, they laid their plans to call a meeting to gauge interest and to coax, coerce and challenge people to come.

This meeting was well attended and we were extremely lucky to have Tony Meehan volunteer to be Secretary.  He did not foresee that he would hold that position for 30 years!  Undoubtedly everything would have collapsed without Tony, he had the drive and the ‘know how’ to get things moving and he also found time to give classes.

We booked the Foyle Hotel for Wednesday nights formed a committee and we were off!!  The only downside to playing in the Foyle was the erratic heating system; we were often cold and on one Open Cup day the ballroom was freezing (I can still see Fr McGonigle in jacket and scarf standing up beating his arms about to get warm) and the section in the dining room were roasted and shedding any clothes they could.  On Club competition nights we could look forward to a super meal – starting with cocktail sausages and vol-au-vents we worked our way through sandwiches and beautiful home-made cakes and pastries.  Bridge was a bit erratic after that; having the bar meant it was a good night out for anyone fond of a drink to relax them.  One night four or five ladies stayed in the bar for a chat (to discuss the hands played, of course??) and another drink and had to make a run for the ballroom exit when the cops knocked on the front door!!

Denis Doherty and Miss Alys O’Doherty were among our first experienced and helpful players; Cathal Harvey from Buncrana was always available to help.  From the beginning Carndonagh players have been our greatest support and we had regulars from Malin, Derry and Strabane.  Playing all year round we got a fair share of holidaymakers.

In 1977 the first AIB Open Cup competition was held.  When the entrants booked over the telephone became actual people flooding in to play in OUR Club, it was scary! They came from all over Donegal, Derry and Co Tyrone, as they still do, bless ‘em!  No technology then for scoring so that meant a few hours spent next day pouring over the sheets.

Winners of that event were Derry men Michael Quigley and Danny Quigley (see below).




The First Competition for the Foyle Hotel Shield, presented by Mrs Maureen Gillen, one of our first members was played for in 1977.  The first winners of this trophy were Sandra Harkin and Mary McClenaghan.

In and around 1993, and on behalf of a member with breathing difficulties, a motion was introduced at the AGM to ban smoking in the Club.  As expected, there was a near riot, but when Tony suggested a compromise of a smoke free first hour, that was accepted for a trial run – and it worked!!  We were the first Club to do this.

Like most Clubs the December prizes were distributed on the last pre-Christmas playing night.  We always supplied real turkeys and hams and the atmosphere was very festive – but ……… not everyone was happy.  Players and members who had won raffles or what did not want a plethora of fowl, so we gave cash prizes from then on to everyone’s relief – except our butcher!

By 1980 Neil McMahon had taken over as Tournament Director and has proved to be irreplaceable with his clear knowledge of the Rules and sense of fair play.  Margaret Doherty was persuaded by Tony to replace him as Secretary and was an excellent choice, coping with our computerisation and odd problems, with pleasantness and total efficiency.

In 1985 we changed to playing on Friday nights.  Naturally in a busy hotel this had its problems; we were totally distracted one night by rowdy (female) revellers, singing very bawdy songs and on another night people started hammering at the door of the ballroom where we played, demanding that we leave as they had the room book for a Social – not quite conducive to concentration!

Nowadays we play very comfortably in the Day Centre.  We have embraced technology and our members’ travel over the country to compete in Congresses and National Competitions and have become Masters and Regional Masters.  A long-time members Mary (the Moss) Doherty served as Regional President in 2007 a position held by John McClenaghan during 2009-2010.  John has given well-attended classes for the last few years, donating the fees to charity.  Each year he organizes a charity event including memorials for Tony Meehan and John’s sister, Mary Bonner.  This year alas we had another Founder’s memorial for Jane McCauley – this was held on Friday 29th May 2010 and proved to be another great success.  A very generous presentation was made to Claire McGuinness on behalf of the Care of the Aged Committee.

Margaret Casey – March 2010





Front – Tony Meehan, Jane McCauley, Denis Doherty, Mary Bonner (President), Sandra Harkin, Helence Chambers, Tony McDermott

2nd Back - Charley McDermott, Margaret Casey, Margaret McGowan, Gerry Lynott, Sheila Meehan, Pat Orr, Brian Gormley, Fred Chambers

3rd Back - Mary McDermott, Aileen Rainey, John and Nellie Hegarty, Mary McClenaghan, Moya Gillen

Back - Eileen Gormley, Helen Doherty, Kathleen McDonald, Kathleen McGrenra, Eileen Farren


Back – Seamus Donaghey, Fr Michael Breslin, Pat Orr, Kathleen McDonald, John A McLaughlin, Mary B McLaughlin, Eileen Dunne, Johnny Hegarty, Nellie Hegarty, Brian Lane

3rd Row – Fred Chambers, Neil McMahon, Peter McKevitt, Eithne Doherty, Annie Morgan, Paddy O’Doherty, Nary McClenaghan, Maureen Gillen, Eileen McGowan, Rita O’Doherty, N McLaughlin

2nd Row – Pat McGhee, Gerry Lynott, Mary Bonner, Tony Meehan, Moya Gillen, Jane McCauley (President) Margaret Casey, Rose Geehan, Marie Kelly, Joe Doherty, Dennis Doherty.

Front – Sandra Harkin, Eileen Farren, Kathleen McGrenra, Helen Doherty, Margaret Crumlish, Helen Chambers Marjorie McCallion, Conal Byrne




Presidents Prize 1981/1982

Back – Joan McGuinness, John A McLaughlin, Una McCorriston, Peter McKevitt, Pat McGhee, Conal Byrne, Eileen Dunne, Gerry Lynott, Visitor, Fr Breslin, Helen Doherty, Neil McMahon.

3rd Row – Kathleen McDermott, Tony McDermott, Moya Gillen, Annie F McLaughlin, Bridie Kelly, Margaret Casey, Noreen McLaughlin, Tony Meehan, Maureen Gillen, Bennie Mooney, Kathleen McDermott, Tom Doherty, Gerard Monagle, Jane McCauley, Paddy Doherty, Kathleen McDonald, Nuala McLaverty, Kathleen McMenamin, Agnes Keaveney, Fred Chambers, Josie Kelly, Joe O’Connor, Mary Bonner.

2nd Row – Mary Doherty, Mary B McLaughlin, Alice O’Doherty, Moira Hopkins, Eithne Doherty, Eileen Farren, Pat Orr (President), Eileen Hepburn, Marette Crumlish, Margaret Farren, Alexis Lafferty, Mary McClenaghan.

Front – Phylis Monagle, Kay Conaghan, Nora O’Connor, Rita O’Doherty Marie Kelly.



The Founders Trophy was first played for in 1982 and won by Alice O’Doherty and Denis Doherty


This photograph was taken on 2nd February 1990 at the Malin Hotel marking Gerarld Monagle's Presidents night. A specially made wallet and money was presented to Mr Denis Doherty, who had been Tournament Director since the formation of the Club in 1970.  
Mr Tadhg Brennan travelled from Dublin especially for the occasion.  
Carndonagh Bridge Club was formerly Malin Bridge Club  


Front Row:  Rita Harvey,  Mary B McLaughlin, Tournament Director,  Theresa McLaughli, Honorary Treasurer, Mary Hewitt, Honarary Secretary, Gerald Monagle, Honorary President, Tadhg Brennan, Dinny and Josie Doherty, Kathleen McDermott, Vice President,  and Rita Doherty

Middle Row:   Peter McKevitt, Jane McCauley, Mary Nelson, Kathleen McDonald, Margaret Casey, Phyllis Monagle, Bernadette McElhinney,  Maire Hopkins, Mary T McLaughlin, Tony Meehan, Sheila Donaghey/Doherty, Pat Walsh, Eileen Farren, Mrs Brennan, ------, Betty Doherty, Charlie Doherty, Agnes Keaveney, Mary McClenaghan, Nuala MacLaverty, Carmel Boyle, Mary Doherty (Moss), Mrs McEnter, Alexuis Lafferty

Back Row: John Reid, Kathleen (Kay) McDermott, John Sweeney, Noel McEnter, (standing behind), Seamus Doherty (Moss), Conal McGrenera, Michael McLaughlin, Jack McLaughlin, Pat Magee, Dave Hewitt, Tom Doherty, John Anthony McLaughlin, Neil McMahon, Paddy Doherty, Conal Byrne and Brendan Keaveney.

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