March Bridge and Brunch A Great Success |
Jump Shift to Spring Unit Game Packs Them In!
Monterey Unit 530 held its monthly Bridge and Brunch open game on Sunday, March 9, 2025. Lunch was ready at noon, and the game started promptly at 12:30 p.m. We tied our record of 17 full tables -- but two players were late because of the time change. Unit president Neville Kirby prepared corned beef on rye sandwiches, Marti Jones brought fruit salad, Kurt Schnebele made Guinness Cupcakes, Don Fennell made a marble pound cake, and others brought delicious sides, salads and treats. Players kept returning to the food table during the game -- a two-board sit-out was just enough time for a second helping for some.
According to treasurer Ray Mok, 16.5 tables after expenses netted $1,306 of which $177 came from donations. These games raise the additional funds we need to cover our rent.
Top Point Getters North - South: 1st - Tom and Ewan Eby, 2nd - Peter De Gregorio and David Ow, 3rd - Glenn Chee and Danny Solow, 4th - Leigh Zerboni and Gabrielle Fischer, 5th - Lynne Weatherman and Betty Jackson, 6th - Helen Rubin and Tom Higgerson, 7th place - Pat Heller and Kathy Gray, 8th place - Don Fennell and Kathy Pfitzer, 9th place - Joe Truskot and Ed Lange
Toip Point Getters East-West: 1st - Leonard Chriss and Jay Armstrong, 2nd - Nancy Barucki and Steve Rubin, 3rd - Martha Hawley and Gerry Kapolka, 4th - Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Sekel, 5th - John and Sarah Gamble, 6th - Mano Singham and Robert DuBroff, 7th - Ron Coffee and Ron Loiacono, 8th - Gerry Williams and John Mahoney, 9th - Neville Kirby and Jim Lauderdale, 10th - Roger and Sarah Peirce, 11th - Carol Sendell and Ted Hill.
The Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California; 831-747-1650.
Packed Room at the Monterey Bridge Center: Clockwise: Ed Lange chats with Lynne Weatherman, - Bob DuBroff, David Ow, Danny Solow, and Glenn Chee await the start of the game - Gerry Kapolka, Lynn Farris, Martha Hawley and Pinney Allen settle in at Table 7.

Update from the Monterey Bridge Educational Foundation |
MBEF Expresses Gratitude for Unit 530 Members' Generosity
The Monterey Bridge Educational Foundation has concluded its second annual fund-raising campaign. In December and January, we received tax-free gifts of $13,925 from 34 donors. At the end of 2024, we had net assets of $46,375. During 2024, we disbursed $6,900 to the Monterey Bridge Club, mainly for rental assistance, and made other disbursements in support of bridge classes.
Thank you for your continuing support.
February Unit Game Draws 15 Tables |
Heart Healthy Month and Bridge
The Bridge and Brunch Unit Game, held Sunday, February 2, 2025, attracted 60 players for an exciting game and a delicious lunch. The luncheon offered eight quiches including mushroom, broccoli, butternut squash, and ham and cheese; plus several salads, muffins, and desserts. Doug did a fantastic job directing the sometimes wandering crowd. According to Unit Treasurer Ray Mok, the event netted $1,066 which included $52 in donations. Pictured above are, left, our heart-healthy life masters Sharon Larson and Betty Jackson, and right Karol Matheson and Danny Solow.
Thank you Ann Ahmadi for the excellent and informative presentation on our in-house defibrillator -- the AED. She certainly defused any fear about using it. Let's stay safe and healthy.
The Top North-South Point Earners 1st - Gina Brown and Glenn Chee, 2nd - Lyde McReynolds and Tom Kehl, 3rd - Philip Duterme and Danny Solow, 4th - Gerry Kapolka and Martha Hawley, 5th - Keith Hedlund and Candy Garvey, 6th - John Mahoney and Gerry Williams, 7th - Joe Truskot and Ed Lange, 8th - Neville Kirby and Ed Schrenzel.
The Top East-West Point Earners: 1st - Trulee Ricketts and Helen Rubin, 2nd - Incy Brooks and Sharon Larson, 3rd - Miranda Morris and Chuck Olvis, 4th - Jae Butler and Greg Northcraft, 5th - Lynn Farris and Pinney Allen, 6th - Bonnie Simon and Bonnie Tragni, 7th - Mano Singham and Bob DuBroff, 8th - Bill Breen and Kristen McMurray, 9th- Diane Duey and Shirley Smith.
The next Bridge and Brunch Game is scheduled for March 9. The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California; 831-747-1650.

Play Bridge With Us |
Bridge Lessons Start Saturday, February 1, 2025 - SPREAD THE WORD!
Sharpen your mind while having fun and meeting new people. Beginner and Refresher Lessons start on Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10:00 a.m. to Noon with Certified Bridge Instructor Hetty Eddy. The lessons are held at the Monterey Bridge Center, 201B Calle del Oaks, Der Rey Oaks The room is set up for ongoing bridge games for different level players throughout the week. The cost is $15 per session.
You will learn the basics of counting points, making bids with a bidding box, communicating the value and shape of each hand, and responding to your partner's and your opponents' bids. Playing bridge has been identified as a major technique to keeping your mind active.
For more information, contact Hetty Eddy at hettyeddy1@gmail.com or 831-262-1420. Register today.
Play Bridge with Us!
Thirteen Tables Line up for Soup and Bridge |
Perfect Weather for Bridge and a Bowl of Soup

Thirteen tables of players showed up on a chilly Sunday, January 19, 2025, to play bridge, catch up on the news, and warm up with two delicious soups: Chicken Tortilla Soup (thanks Kristen McMurray) and ham hocks and kale (thanks Neville Kirby), plus a full array of salads, appetizers and desserts. We thank everyone for being generous. Maja directed a flawless game. According to Treasurer Ray Mok, the game produced a net profit of $922 of which $64 were donations.
Top Point Getters North-South: 1st - Helen Rubin and Trulee Ricketss, 2nd - Glenn Chee and Danny Solow, 3rd - Leigh Zerboni and Betty Jackson, 4th: John Mahoney and Gerry Williams, 5th - David Ow and Lynne Weatherman, 6th: Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi, 7th - Karen Belding and Karol Matheson.
Top Point Getters East-West: 1st - Ron Loiacono and Ron Coffee, 2nd - Sharon Larson and Allyson Farrell, 3rd - Pat Heller and Kathy Gray, 4th - Mano Singham and Bob DuBroff, 5th - Leonard Chriss and Bob Farrell, 6th - Fran Soskins and Kathy Pfitzer, 7th - Neville Kirby and Gina Brown, 8th - Joe Truskot and Ed Lange, 9th - Miranda and Chuck Olvis.
The next Unit Game will take place on February 2, 2025 with Doug Halleen directing. We had to move it up because of the Super Bowl.
The Monterey Bridge Club Unit 530 is affiliated with the American Contract Bridge League. The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California; 831-900-5773.
Unit 530 Members Play the Clambake |
Great Turnout for the ACBL Regional Tournament at the Monterey Hyatt - RESULTS BELOW

Thanks to Neville Kirby and Kristen McMurrauy for recruiting volunteers and players for the Monterey Regional Clambake, January 6 -12, 2025. More details on the event will be posted soon. Photo shows only half of the ballroom. Games and events also took place in other rooms.
Monterey Unit 530 members from left: Kathy Pfitzer and Barbara Santry with an opponent in the center, Ed Schrenzel and Neville Kirby with smiling opponents, and Ann Ahmadi serving as a hospitality volunteer.
Great players Charles Beren and Ken Gaskins find their table. Joe Truskot seated joins fellow Goodwill Ambassadors at the Awards Dinner held at Pacific Grove's Passionfish Restaurant.
Wishing You All Top Scores in 2025 |
Monterey Bridge Club Unit 530 Welcomes in the New Year

Seated from left: Donna Jett, Kathy High, Richard Sheere, Kass Schwin, Ann Ahmadi, Stephanie Brooks, Ray Mok, Pat Canada, Ahmad Ahmadi, Barbara Hake, Anne Donaldson, Annemarie Von Adelung, Lyde McReynolds, Carol Sendel; Standing from left: Dennis van Middlesworth, Joyce Evans, Lisa Estabrooks, Ann Wyatt, Keith Dodson, Jim Riesenfeld, Ron Coffee, Candace Garvey, Bob DuBroff, Mano Singham, Louise Barnard, Susan Mehra, Amy Pofcher, Lynne Weatherman, Leigh Zerboni, B Zoe Foster, Rita Sturgeon, Karin Evans, Linda Miller, Incy Brooks, Barbara Santry, Helga Greaver, Lynn Farris, Jean Engvall, Wolf Sommer, Leonard Chris, Don Graham, and Ted Hill. Not pictured: Jane Altavilla and Joe Truskot (photographer)
The Annual New Year's Eve Chinese Dinner and Open Game was a great event, drawing 11 tables and offering six different menu items prepared by Chef Lee of Monterey. Thank you, Lyde McReynolds, for the fantastic job organizing it, and thanks, too, to those who brought wine, hors d'oeuvres, and desserts.
Top Point Getters North-South: 1st - Candace Garvey and Kathy High, 2nd - Barbara Hake and Annemarie Von Adelung, 3rd - Ron Coffee and Leonard Chriss, 4th - Pat Canada and Richard Sheere, 5th - Lynn Farris and Incy Brooks.
Top Point Getters East-West: 1st - Ann Wyatt and Dennis Van Middlesworth, 2nd - Mano Singham and Bob DuBroff, 3rd - Lynne Weatherman and Amy Pofcher, 4th - Anne Donaldson and Joyce Evans.
Games will take place on Thursday, January 2, 10:30 a.m. (Open) and Friday, January 3, 10:00 a.m.(<750) at the Monterey Bridge Club. No games are scheduled at the Bridge Center during the Monterey Regional Clambake Tournament at the Monterey Hyatt. The Bridge Center will open again on Monday, January 13, 2025.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California: 831-747-1650.
Long-time Monterey Bridge Club member Curt Hussey arrives to wish everyone a Happy New Year, Chef Lee's of Monterey prepared the Annual New Year's Eve Chinese dinner, and Monterey Bridge Center Chorus Director Richard Sheere led attendees in Auld Lang Syne.
Holiday Potluck Unit Game December 8, 2024 |
Holiday Potluck and Open Unit Game Full of Good Cheer

From left, Sharon Larson, Marti Jones, Joe Truskot, Ahmad Ahmadi, Arlene Sekel, and Mano Singham.
On Sunday, December 8, 2024, the Monterey Bridge Club celebrated the holidays with its annual potluck, open game, and silent auction. The lunch began with baked ham by Marti Jones, meat pies and appetizers by Ewan Eby, table decorations by Jane Altavilla, and much more. Thanks to all who brought delicious sides, salads, and desserts. Thank you Doug Halleen for your smooth directions.
According to Monterey Unit 530 treasurer Ray Mok, we had 12 tables, including two free passes to Pat Canada for upgrading our lights. The result was a net of $782 of which $82 were donations.
Top North-South Point Getters were: 1st and Top Scorers - Mano Singham and Maja, 2nd - Ewan and Tom Eby, 3rd - Helen Rubin and Trulee Rickets, 4th - Karen and Ray Mok, 5th - Pat Heller and Kathy Gray, 6th - Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi, 7th - Roger and Sarah Peirce.
Top East-West Point Getters were: 1st - Keith Hedlund and Candace Garvey, 2nd - Sharon Larson and Ron Loiacono, 3rd - Martha Hawley and Gerry Kapolka, 4th - Leonard Chriss and Ron Coffee, 5th - Diane Duey and Shirley Smith, 6th - Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Sekel, 7th - Kathy Pfitzer and Don Fennell.
The Annual Silent Auction has set a new record -- $4,275. Heartfelt thanks to the item donors and winning bidders.
The Monterey Bridge Club depends on the financial contributions of its members. This event provided much-needed income.
The Monterey Bridge Club Unit 530 is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, CA; 831-747-1650.
From left: Stephanie Booth, Santa Claus, Jane Altavilla; Festive Foods; Candance Garvey, Trulee Rickets, Mr. Claus, Ann Ahmadi; and Martha Hawley and Mr. Claus.
Silent Auction Items Attracting Attention |
From Christmas Stockings to Elegant Meals and More
The Monterey Bridge Club has arranged 25 silent auction items for members to bid on. They cover merchandise, concerts, meals, wine and food -- all donated by members to help raise money to cover the cost of renting our Bridge Center and parking lot. Bidding will continue this week during the games at the Bridge Center and end at the conclusion of the Unit Game on Sunday, December 8, 2024. Current bids will be updated soon.
Here's the list:
Silent Auction 2024 |
Item |
Donated by |
As of Tuesday 12/3 |
1 |
Private Bridge Lessons with Lyde |
Lyde McReynolds |
100 |
2 |
Cookies Every Month |
Don Fennell |
300 |
3 |
Santa Cruz Vinyards Wines |
Prudy Foxx/Laura Ness |
210 |
4 |
Sailing on the Monterey Bay |
Judy and Rocky Franich |
150 |
5 |
Paella Feast for 16 |
Kurt Schnebele |
600 |
6 |
One Night in San Francisco |
Sharon Larson |
200 |
7 |
Four Monterey Symphony Tickets |
Monterey Symphony |
220 |
8 |
Hand-Knitting Christmas Stocking #1 |
Lyde McReynolds |
25 |
9 |
Hand-Knitting Christmas Stocking #2 |
Lyde McReynolds |
30 |
10 |
Golf and Lunch at Tehema |
Ron Loiacono |
300 |
11 |
Homemade Fruitcake, Egg Nog, Brandy |
Joe Truskot |
85 |
12 |
Persian Dinner for 8 |
Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi |
400 |
13 |
Maja Designs Tote #1 |
Maja |
70 |
14 |
Wines from Sharon Larson's Cellar |
Sharon Larson |
120 |
15 |
Lands End Fleece Jacket |
Lyde McReynolds |
20 |
16 |
Hand Thrown Serving Plate and Bowl |
Barbara Santry |
40 |
17 |
Champagne and French Wine |
Donna Jett |
100 |
18 |
First Aid Kit, Tools, Battery Lamp |
Joe Truskot |
30 |
19 |
Maja Designs Tote #2 |
Maja |
60 |
20 |
Momi Niiha Lei and Earrings |
Gale Weir |
30 |
21 |
Vietnamese-French Fusion Dinner |
Hong Hai and Bob DuBroff |
250 |
22 |
Southwest Style Silver Necklace |
Hong Hai and Bob DuBroff |
75 |
23 |
Mexican Style Folk Necklace |
Donna Jett |
0 |
24 |
Carmel Mission Concert of I Cantori |
I Cantori di Carmel |
40 |
25 |
Golf Club Ink Pen Set |
Kathy Pfitzer |
0 |
STaC Week Games Top Unit 530 Winners |
Congratulations to Sharon Larson and Ron Loiacono
Their results from Thursday's Game put them at No.2 in the Entire Western District!
(Updated: 11/23/24 01:47:52 ET )
Western Conference Royal STaC(11/18/24 - 11/24/24) - Thursday Afternoon Session(11)
Open Flight Overalls (Tables: 106.5 / Based on 104.5 Tables) Strats: 0/2500/750
MPs |
A |
B |
C |
Pair Names; Club |
Score% |
OA |
OB |
OC |
SA |
16.06 |
1 |
Brian Gilbert, Irvine - Mark Itabashi, Newport Beach; Laguna Woods DBC |
69.08 |
16.06 |
2.16 |
12.05 |
2 |
1 |
Sharon Larson, Carmel - Ronald Loiacono, Salinas; Cypress Bridge Club |
68.89 |
12.05 |
10.16 |
2.06 |
9.03 |
3 |
Judy Elbogen, Lake Forest - Alberto Feilhaber, Irvine; Laguna Woods DBC |
68.22 |
9.03 |
1.51 |
Congratulations to Ron Coffee and Leonard Chriss
Their results in Tuesday's Game put them No.11 in the entire Western District.
STaC Week Promises a Rainbow of Master Points |
STaC Games Offer 25% Gold, 25% Silver, 25% Red, and 25% Black Points
Monday, November 18, 2024
10:00 a.m., OPEN GAME St. John's Chapel, Mark Thomas Drive, Monterey, directors are Alan Hedegard and Janet Hedlund, 831-512-7870
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
10:30 a.m., OPEN GAME Monterey Bridge Center, Del Rey Oaks, director Doug Halleen 831-917-2502
Thursday, November 21, 2024
10:30 a.m., OPEN GAME Monterey Bridge Center, Del Rey Oaks, director Maja 831-682-6110
Friday, November 22, 2024
10:00 a.m., FEWER THAN 750 MASTERPOINTS, Monterey Bridge Center, Del Rey Oaks, director Lyde McReynolds 831-626-4796
Contact directors directly with questions and partner needs.
Monterey Bridge Center: 831-747-1650
STaC games are bridge tournaments held at participating clubs in specific geographic areas. STaC stands for Sectional Tournaments at Clubs.
Here are some things to know about STaC games:
1. Eligibility: Clubs can choose to participate in STaC tournaments, so it's best to check with your local club to see if they are offering them.
2. Points: Winners of STaC tournaments receive RAINBOW points from the ACBL.
3. Registration: There is usually a registration fee to play in a STaC game. ($15)
4. Number of players: Many clubs participate in STaC games, playing the same hands and comparing results.
5. Masterpoints: Players can win gold, red, and silver masterpoints by playing in a Royal STaC.
6. Life Master: Players need to earn a certain number of black, silver, and gold points to achieve Life Master.

Delicious Croissants Please at the November 10 Unit Game |
Monthly Unit Game Draws Twelve Tables

Our November Bridge and Brunch Game on Sunday, November 10, 2024 drew a great mixture of playing levels and friendship. Ham and turkey croissants, cranberry salad, deviled eggs, and outstanding desserts filled the buffet table. Lyde McReynolds directed the twelve tables.
Monterey Bridge Club president Neville Kirby thanked the food donors and everyone for attending. She reminded folks about the Team Game coming on Saturday, November 23, and about the availability of the Club T-shirts and gift cards. Joe Truskot presented this season's Silent Auction items and bidding sheets. Bidding ends at the December Unit Game, on Sunday, December 8, 2024. Additional auction items will be added as they are secured. Contact Joe if you have questions.
Treasurer Ray Mok reported that the event netted $950 of which $169 were from individual donations. The funds raised from the event help us to offset the operating expenses involved in running the Bridge Center.
Top Point Getters North-South: 1st - Gerry Kapolka and Martha Hawley, 2nd - Keith Hedlund and Candy Garvey, 3rd - Ron Coffee and Leonard Chriss, 4th - Tom and Ewan Eby, 5th - Bonnie Tragni and Bonnie Simon, 6th - Hetty Eddy and Doug Halleen, 7th - Ed Schrenzel and Neville Kirby, and 8th - Bill Breen and Kristin McMurray.
Top Point Getters East-West: 1st - David Ow and Pat Heller, 2nd - Mano Singham and Bob DuBrof, 3rd - Trulee Ricketts and Helen Rubin, 4th - Sharon Larson and Ron Loiacono, 5th - Miranda Morris and Charles Olvis, 6th - Roger and Sarah Pierce, 7th - Ed Lange and Joe Truskot, 8th - Carol Marquart and Helga Greaver.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California; 831-747-1850. We are Unit 530 of the American Contract Bridge League.
Happy Thanksgiving
Wednesday Morning Halloween Bridge Game |
Ten Tables and a Festive Spread

Our Wednesday morning game at the Monterey Bridge Center drew Ten Tables -- with everyone dressed as a bridge player. Thanks to all for the cake, the delicious spread, and the fun game.
Top Point Getters Nortth-South: 1st - Ray and Karen Mok, 2nd - Bonnie Tragni and Joe Truskot, 3rd: Amy Pofcher and Susan Mazzei, 4th - Debbie Anthony and Jean Engvall, 5th - Barbara Genovese and Kathy Pfitzer
Top Point Getters East-West: 1st - Leon Heller and Charles Beren, 2nd - Ann Wyatt and Jim Ringrose, 3rd - Ann Marie von Adelung and Wolf Sommer, 4th - Mano Singham and Bob Du Brof, 5th - TIED - Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi, Gary Fontana and Joyce Hamza, Victoria Bell and Susan Mehra.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 210B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California. For information call, 8341-747-1650.

Unit 530 receives gift from Larry Slayton Trust |
Larry Slayton Remembers the Monterey Bridge Club in his Estate
The Monterey Bridge Club Unit 530 received a significant donation from the estate of Larry Slayton. Larry had been a long-time member of the Club and a director of several games throughout his many years of involvement. He was an expert bridge player, a well-organized director, and a friend and inspiration to many novice players. His commitment to our Unit is evident in this gift.
For those who knew Larry, we can't help but think that he is now busy organizing games for the Heavenly Choir and providing whatever snacks are popular with angels.
If you would like information on how to include the Monterey Bridge Center in your estate, please contact Ken Gaskins or Jim Lauderdale of the Monterey Bridge Educational Foundation or your estate planner for details.
Thanks again, Larry.
Happy Birthday Lyde |
Wednesday Morning Game Holds Special Birthday Party
The members of the regular morning game applauded its director Lyde McReynolds on her birthday (actually the following day 7/25). With great appreciation for her welcoming spirit, knowledge of the game, and ability to share that knowledge with others, ten tables of players celebrated her birthday. Each Wednesday morning game begins with a short lesson, always covering common areas of misunderstanding.
Wishing Lyde many happy returns of the day.

Barbara Santry Appointed to Fill Vacated Board of Director's term |
Barbara Santry new Goodwill Chair of Monterey Bridge Club

Recently, Unit President Neville Kirby appointed Barbara Santry to fill the remaining term of director Rita Sturgeon who resigned. The board thanked Rita for her service and commitment to the Club and wished her a speedy recovery. In this position, Barbara will resume the duties of Goodwill chair seeing that donations are thanked and the condolences are sent to the families of long-time Monterey Bridge Club members.
Alan Hedegard Certified Local Sectional Director |
Alan Hedegard becomes Local Sectional Game Director
Starting in 2023, the ACBL introduced a new kind of sectional tournament, the Local Sectional. These sectionals award partial silver points, but the unit can use a specially certified club director or tournament assistant (a Local Director) instead of a regular tournament director.
Local Sectionals have to be directed by a part-time ACBL Director or a Local Sectional Director. To be a Local Sectional Director participants need to be already a Club Director or Tournament Assistant and be certified in this new position. The position requires knowledge and performance higher than what is required at the club director level. Certification courses are organized regularly throughout the United States and Canada.
Alan, a long-time Monterey Bay Bridge Club game director, recently passed the course and can now present Local Sectional Games. He currently directs face-to-face games on Mondays, 10 a.m. at St. John's Chapel, Monterey and Fridays, 12:30 a.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salinas as well as several online games.
Sharon Larson Certified Bridge Educator |
Congratulations Sharon!

Monterey Bridge Center board member Sharon Larson recently attended the ACBL Best Practices Workshop in Sacramento. The course has one goal: to advance teaching practices to better motivate and enable students to play bridge. The course required participants to devise a lesson. Sharon taught her fellow classmates all about taking finesses.
The instructors included several national leaders in the field of bridge education. Sharon will soon be sharing the techniques she learned with club members.
Thanks, Sharon, for attending.
Let There Be Light |
Monterey Bridge Center Improves Its Lights

No longer can bridge players attribute their mistakes to dim, flickering, or nonexistent overhead lights. For years, directors often pumped the switches to get the old fluorescent lights and their ballasts to warm up. All that has now changed.
Former building professionals and club members Pat Canada and Janet Kanstrup spent two days converting all of the overhead lights at the Bridge Center from fluorescent to LED bulbs. We can't thank them enough for taking the leadership in this elemental requirement of good bridge -- being able to see the cards more clearly!
Bridge Club treasurer Ray Mok worked out the long-range benefits the Club expoects from more efficient lighting. The cost of this upgrade should pay for itself in a matter of months in the savings we'll get from lower electricity bills.
Club Members Donate Playing Cards to Incarcerated People |
Playing Cards Arrive At County Correctional Facilities - UPDATE
During the summer, a brown paper bag at the Monterey Bridge Center was filled up with multiple decks of playing cards. Some were used but in good condition and others were brand new — still in their original packages. The cards were headed toward the incarcerated people at Monterey County correctional facilities. Don Graham,. a long-time and enthusiastic member of Unit 530, began this effort with a dual purpose: to recycle usable goods and to bring joy into the lives of inmates. Club members responded well resulting in more than four hundred decks of cards being left at the Monterey Bridge Center.
Trent Allen, warden of the Salinas Valley State Prison located in Soledad welcomes help from the community. Keeping inmates occupied in positive activities that challenge their minds, he said, benefits everyone.
On Wednesday, July 26, 2023, twenty-four brand new decks of playing cards were dropped off at Monterey County Juvenile Hall in Salinas. The guard who came out of the secure facility was beaming with appreciation for this unanticipated and helpful contribution. Nearly 200 decks were dropped off at the Monterey County Jail a few days later. On Wednesday, September 20, Joe Truskot, a member of the 2023-24 Civil Grand Jury, visited the Monterey County Jail on the annual tour. Truskot witnessed in just one dorm that seven tables of incarcerated people were playing cards, many with the characteristic ACBL back visible in the photograph. The inmates had torn each of their old cards into eight pieces and were using them as poker chips.
The remaining 200 cards, puzzles, and games were delivered on September 28 to Lieutenant Wesley Fonseca, Public Information Officer at the Salinas Valley State Prison in Soledad. "We can place the jigsaw puzzles in the conjugal units for the inmates and their families."
We may have to repeat this drive as we all know how long a deck of cards lasts. So another brown paper bag may arrive at the Center for members to fill up in January..
Juvenile Hall would also welcome youth-appropriate books, board games, and jigsaw puzzles. Please help out with this effort.
Bridge and Brunch Salutes Italy |
Monthly Unit Game Draws 13.5 Tables

Our monthly Bridge and Brunch Game on Sunday, October 13 featured a salute to Italy with lasagnas (one meat, one not) courtesy of the Ahmadis. Salads, sides, and desserts were in abundance. Maja directed 13.5 tables..The event netted $993 of which $97 were donations. Thanks to all for attending.
Top North-South Masterpoints: 1st - Gerry Kapolka and Martha Hawley, 2nd - Marti Jones and Gabrielle Fischer, 3rd - Ed Schrenzel and Greg Northcraft, 4th - Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Seckel, 5th - Janet Hedland and Amy Pofcher, 6th - Don Fennel and Kathy Phitzer, 7th - Ahmad Ahmadi and Barbara Santry.
Top East-West Masterpoints: 1st - Trulee Ricketts and Helen Rubin, 2nd - Sharon Larson and Allyson Farrell, 3rd - Neville Kirby and Gina Brown, 4th - Lynne Weatherman and Joe Truskot, 5th - Leonard Chriss and Bob Farrell, 6th - Nancy Borucki and Betty Jackson, 7th - Ann Wyatt and Mano Singham.
Our Unit Games provide additional income to operate the Monterey Bridge Club. The games take place at the Monterey Bridge Center, 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California: 831-747-1650.
The next Unit Game will take place on Sunday, November 10, 2024.
Photo: from left, Rita Sturgeon, Ed Schrenzel, Jane Altavilla, Fran Soskins, Lynne Weatherman, and Leonard Chriss.

Eight Teams Compete in Bi-Monthly Team Game |
Alan Hedegard Directs An Exciting Team Game
On Saturday, September 28, the Monterey Bridge Club held its Bi-Monthly Team Game at the Bridge Center and eight teams competed. Although not intended as a fundraising event, proceeds from the event, according to Unit 530 Treasurer Ray Mok, netted $330. In this game, the winners of the first round played against each other and the losers of the first round competed against other losers. That formula continued through the remaining two rounds. The number one scoring team at the end of the game was composed of: Allyson Farrell, Susie Fugelsong, Bob Farrell, and HongHai Dubroff.
Thanks to everyone for playing and for the many folks who brought snacks.
Please click here for the complete results.
A Culinary Trip to Greece and Bridge, September 8, 2024 |
Twelve Tables of Players Sail in for a Greek Lunch and Open Game
Our monthly Unit Game took place on Sunday, September 8, 2024 with an extraordinary Greek feast and twelve tables playing the open, stratified game. Chef Yaza Shafai prepared the chicken souvlaki, tzatziki, and lemon rice. Stuffed grape leaves and a Greek salad also graced the table. We thank her for the extra effort she showed us. Please see her flyer for contact information.
According to Monterey Bridge Club treasurer Ray Mok the game resulted in a profit of $826 of which $45 were cash donations. These Bridge and Brunch games help us offset the cost of operating the Bridge Center.
Master Point Awards North-South: 1st - Gerry Kapolka and Martha Hawley, 2nd - Lynne Farris and Penney Allen, 3rd - Tom and Ewan Eby, 4th - Ray and Karen Mok, 5th - Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Sokol, 6th - Ed Schrenzel and Neville Kirby.
Master Point Awards East-West: 1st - Allyson Farrell and Susie Fugelsang, 2nd - Leonard Chriss and Hong Hai DuBroff, 3rd - Mano Singham and Bob DuBroff, 4th - Glenn Chee and Gina Brown, 5th - Jim Lauderdale and Don Fennell, 6th -
The Monterey Bridge Club is Unit 530 of the American Contract Bridge League. The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201b Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California. There is plenty of parking on the street or at the Moose Club further down. Call 831-747-1650.
The next Bridge and Brunch Unit Game is scheduled for October 13, 2024.

Summer Picnic Unit Game |
Old-fashioned picnic and game draws 13 1/2 tables

Our monthly bridge and brunch game held on Sunday, August 11 had Lyde directing 13.5 tables. Lunch was provided by Unit president Neville Kirby - hot dogs, Debby Anthony - a wide array of toppings, Jane Altavilla - potato salad, Joe Truskot - baked beans, Marti Jones - broccoli and apple salad, Kathy Pfitzer - chocolate fudge, and a fantastic plum-filled cake. These special games earn additional funds to help offset our costs.
According to Treasurer Ray Mok, the August Unit Game had a net profit of $1,032 of which $135 were donations.
Masterpoint Awards for North-South: 1st - Glenn Chee and Susan Mazzei, 2nd - Jerry Kapolka and Martha Hawley, 3rd - Debby Anthony and Jean Engvall, 4th - Ed Lange and Joe Truskot, 5th - David Ow and Neville Kirby, 6th - Sharon Larson and Allyson Farrell, 7th - Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi.
Masterpoint Awards for East-West: 1st - Leonard Chriss and Bob Farrell, 2nd - Mano Singham and Bob DuBroff, 3rd - Carol Sendell and Ted Hill, 4th - Candy Garvey and Kathy High, 5th Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Sokol, 6th - Gary Yont and Nancy Oliveira.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201b Calle del Oaks in Del Rey Oaks; 831-747-1650. The next Bridge and Brunch Unit Game will take place on September 8, 2024.
Six Teams Battle It Out on July 27 |
Bi-Monthly Team Game Pits Together Some of Our Best Players
Director Alan Hedegard organized the Monterey Bridge Club's Bi-Monthly Team Game on Saturday, July 27, 2024. For many players, the team game is a new experience, for others it's a great way to play bridge but with a different set of rules.
Overall Placement
First: Candy Garvey, Kathy High, Mano Singham, Keith Hedland
Second: Tom and Ewan Eby, Bob and Allyson Farrell
Third: Ron Coffee, Leonard Chris, Tony Muller, Ed Lange
Fourth: Glenn Chee, Gina Brown, Neville Kirby, David Ow
Fifth: Ray and Karen Mok, Bonnie Tragni, Joe Truskot
Sixth: Trulee Ricketts, Maja, Lynne Weatherman, Hetty Eddy
The next team game will be Saturday, September 28, 2024. Join us!
Hawaian Themed Bridge and Brunch Draws 10 Tables |
July Bridge and Brunch Hulas to Success
The Monterey Bridge Club presented its monthly Unit Game on Sunday, July 14, 2024, with a Hawaian-themed lunch and open game. Club president Neville Kirby thanked the many members who donated a treat-packed luau table. Maja directed the ten tables. According to treasurer Ray Mok, the event netted $758 of which $132 were donations.
North South Masterpoint Winners: 1st - Ed Lange and Joe Truskot, 2nd - Ron Coffee and Leonard Chriss, 3rd - Gina Brown and Neville Kirby, 4th - Kathy Pfitzer and Fran Soskins, and 5th - Ahmad and Ann Ahmadi.
East West Masterpoint Winners: 1st - Helen Rubin and Sam Dodson, 2nd - Mano Singham and Keith Hedlund, 3rd - Kurt Schnebele and Arlene Sekel, and 4th - Marti Jones and Don Fennell.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California with plenty of street parking available. Additional parking is located at the Moose Lodge further down the street. Call 831-747-1650 if you have questions.
The next Bridge and Brunch game is scheduled for Sunday, August 11, 2024.
Left photo caption: Neville Kirby and Kristin McMurray organize the luau while Ron Coffee fills his plate and Victoria Bell and Bonnie Tragni wait in line. Right photo: Dressed in Hawaiian florals, from left, Ann Ahmadi Joe Truskot, Arlene Sekel, Kurt Schebele, David Ow, Marti Jones and Don Fennell.
Annual Meeting and International Theme Game Score Big |
Monterey Unit 530's Annual Meeting Accomplished Much

The Annual Meeting of Unit 530 was held on Sunday, June 9, 2024, at the Monterey Bridge Center. The international-themed potluck brought an array of delicious cuisine from the heritage of our unit members including steak and Guinness pie, egg rolls, Greek salad, Italian sausage and peppers with orecchiette pasta, Iranian stuffed grape leaves, American potato salad, corn salads, date nut bread, banana pudding, chocolate fudge and much more.We are very grateful to the generous individuals who made the lunch so great. Many players said it was the best food we'd ever offered.
Unit President Neville Kirby (pictured above running the meeting) recognized many of the Club's accomplishments during the past year. Kirby called out the top point-getters in all categories and gave special recognition to Ken Gaskins for achieving life master. After a quorum was determined, the attendees voted unanimously to update the Bylaws to include the following language: "Any person determined by the ACBL to be a member of Unit 530 and in good standing may vote in Unit membership meetings;"
Fran Soskins, election committee member, announced the results of the election: Ahmad Ahmadi, Allyson Farrell, and Maja had all received a sufficient number of votes to serve three-year terms on the Unit's Board of Directors beginning in July. Barbara Santry had been appointed to complete the remainder of Rita Sturgeon's term last month. Kirby thanked retiring board members Sharon Larson and Mano Singham for their service and dedication to the Unit.
The Monthly Unit Game was directed by Maja and attracted 11.5 tables. According to Treasurer Ray Mok, the game netted $923 of which $182 were donations.
North South Masterpoint Winners: 1st - TIE Bob Farrell and Leonard Chriss / Joanne Wicker and Candace Garvey, 3rd - Sharon Larson and Allyson Farrell, 4th - Ron Coffee and Ron Loiacono, 5th - Janet Hedlund and Amy Pofcher, 6th - Bonnie Tragni and Bonnie Simon, 7th - Debbie Anthony and Judy Franich.
East West Masterpoint Winners: 1st - Trulee Ricketts and Helen Rubin, 2nd - Barbara Santry and Donna Jett, 3rd - Ed Lange and Joe Truskot, 4th - Lynne Weatherman and Betty Jackson, 5th - Incy Brooks and Lynne Farris, 6th - Diane Duey and Victoria Bell.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California; 831-747-1650. The next Bridge and Brunch game is scheduled for Sunday, July 14, 2024 with Maja directing.
June 2023 Bridge and Brunch - Largest Attendance Ever |
On Sunday, June 11 our Annual Meeting, Open Game and Lunch drew a record 17 tables!
The Monterey Bridge Club, Unit 530 hosted its monthly Bridge and Brunch Game on Sunday, June 11, 2023 with lunch including Jumbalaya by Don Fennel, Meatballs by Sharon Larson, Persian Eggplant Dip by Ahmad Ahmadi, Italian Sausage by Joe Truskot, plus a potluck array of salads, sides, appetizers and great desserts. Thanks to all who brought things to share. Lyde McReynolds directed the game and had to recruit herself and Alan Hedegard to fill in for two no shows. According to treasurer Ray Mok, "After deducting the director fee and other expenses, we netted $1,384 as profit, a one-game record."
In addition, Club President Sharon Larson chaired the brief Annual Meeting and distributed the awards to top master point winners. She also recognized Susan Mazzei (absent) and David Ow for becoming life masters. Glenn Chee paid a warm tribute to David Ow for his persistence in achieving Life Master status. Treasurer Ray Mok detailed the financial status of the Monterey Bridge Club. Election Committee Co-chair Fran Soskins announced that Kristen McMurray, Ray Mok, and Joe Truskot were elected by the members to serve three year terms on the board of directors.
Top Master Point Winners
North - South: 1st: Sharon Larson - Ron Loiacono, 2nd: Stu Goodgold - Joanne Wicker, 3rd: Marti Jones - Farol Henderson, 4th: Ed Schrenzel - Diane Duey, 5th: Sam Dodson - Helen Rubin, 6th: Bill Breen - Kristen McMurray, 7th: Hong Hai Dubroff - Mo Wittels, 8th: Barbara Santry - Ellin Wilson, 9th: Sam Callaway - Lynne Weatherman.
East - West: 1st: Glenn Chee - Gina Brown, 2nd: Ed Lange - Joe Truskot, 3rd: Nancy Borucki - Betty Jackson, 4th: Wolf Sommer - Edee Heiser, 5th: Tom and Ewan Eby, 6th: Charles Olvis - Miranda Morris, 7th: Helga Greaver - Claudia Vierneisel.
Special thanks to Bill Breen for the excellent award photos.
The Monterey Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California. Phone: 831-747-1650. Please park in the designated spaces, at the Moose Club, or on the street.
Next Unit Game: Sunday, July 9, 2023.
Celebrate Our Local Sectional |
Congratulations to All
Our sincerest thanks to Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi for presenting a flawless Local Sectional Tournament.
Our gratitude to all sponsors, food donors, and participants. According to Treasurer Ray Mok, the event netted $3,860 which included $2,115 in cash donations. The scores are available in the next news item.
Captions: Left, Open Team Winners - Serena Guo, Jung Hu, Brian Zhang, Qiang Zhang; Center, Organizers Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi; Right, <750 Team Winners - Mano Singham, Gabrielle Fischer, Bob DuBroff, and Marti Jones.
Monterey Cypress Local Sectional Results |
Results of the Local Sectional Tournament, Saturday and Sunday, May 25 and 26, 2024
Click here for the Final Scores of the Local Sectional Tournament. Disregard the highlighting.
Nominating Committee Offers Three Candidates for the Board |
Ahmad Ahmadi, Allyson Farrell, and Maja are Candidates for the Board
The Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors of the Monterey Bridge Club Unit 530 has proposed Allyson Farrell, Maja, and Ahmad Ahmadi to serve three-year terms. Ballots and a secure ballot box are available at the Bridge Center. Additionally, all ACBL members are eligible to vote for these individuals. This year, the nominating committee was composed of Sharon Larson, Bill Breen, and Pat Heller. The election results will be announced at the Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 9, 2024.
Recently, Unit President Neville Kirby appointed Barbara Santry to fill the remaining term of director Rita Sturgeon who resigned. The board thanked Rita for her service and commitment to the Club and wishes her a speedy recovery.
Ten Tables Compete at the Cinco de Mayo Unit Game |
Ten Tables Compete at Cinco de Mayo Game - Olé

The Monterey Bridge Center's monthly Unit Game took place on Sunday, May 5, 2024, and forty players competed for master points. Lyde McReynolds directed and Ahmad Ahmadi and Kristen McMurray produced a :"muy fantastico" taco bar. Thanks, too, to Jane Altavilla for the great taco fixings, Neville Kirby and Lyde for the decorations, and the many folks who brought sides and dessert.
According to Club Treasurer Ray Mok, the game resulted in a net of $711 which contained $120 in donations. These Unit Games help us to offset the cost of operating the Bridge Center. The Monterey Bridge Center Unit 520 of the American Contract Bridge League.
North South Masterpoint Winners: 1st - Diane Duey and Joe Truskot, 2nd - Ken Gaskins and Neville Kirby, 3rd - Ron Coffee and Ron Loiacono, 4th - Bonnie Simon and Bonnie Tragni, 5th - Mary Ann Pirotte and Jane Altavilla
East West Masterpoint Winners: - 1st - Bob DuBroff and Mano Singham, 2nd - Susie Fugelsang and Sharon Larson, 3rd - Nancy Barucki and Betty Jackson, 4th - Lynne Farris and Incy Brooks, 5th - Kathy Piftzer and Fran Soskins
The next Unit Game will be our Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 0j, 2024. Monterey Bridge Bridge Center is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Der Rey Oaks, California: 831-747-1650. There's plenty of parking on the street and at the Moose Club at the end of the parking lot. There is a signup sheet at Bridge Center or click here to let us know if you want to attend. Photos: top from left, Lynn Farris, Bonnie Tragni and Incy Brooks; below from left, Sharon Larson, Rita Sturgeon - Fran Soskins - Stephanie Booth, Bob Dubroff - Carol Sendell, and Ted Hill; and food hosts - Ahmad Ahmadi and Kristen McMurray.
Team Game Draws Eight Tables |
Alan Hedegard directs the Monterey Bridge Club Team Game
At game time, two additional teams appeared at the Monterey Bridge Center to compete in the bi-monthly team game. The even number of teams allowed director Alan Hedegard to have winners play winners and losers play losers throughout the game.
The final toll ended up with the following Overall Ranking: 1st - Coffee, Chriss, Loiacono, Muller; 2nd - Chee, Brown, Heller, Pofcher; 3rd - Singham, DuBroff, Farrell, Farrell; 4th - Ricketts, Rubin, Ahmadi, Ahmadi; 5th - Lauderdale, Morris, Santry, Pfitzer; 6th - Truskot, Tragni, Sturgeon, Brooks; 7th - Schnebele, Sekel, Eddy, Wittels'; 8th - Kirby, Ow, Callaway, Weatherman.
Thanks to all who brought refreshments.
The next team game will be part of the Sectional Tournament on Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Photos show the team leaders scoring their results and the game in play.
Ten Teams Compete for Extra Black Points |
Team Game Brings Out Ten Tables of Competitors

On Saturday, February 24, 2024, the Monterey Bridge Club presented its first team game of the year. Alan Hedegard directed the game and provided a brief explanation of the differences in scoring and play strategies.
Many thanks to Glenn Chee for being an enthusiastic team game supporter and encouraging the Monterey Bridge Center to offer different opportunities to play bridge. Thanks, Glenn, too, for providing a tray of delicious croissant sandwiches as a snack and for Neville for making sure the refreshment table was well stocked and attractive..
Teams members and results are as follows: team game 20240224.pdf
April in Paris Theme for April 14 Bridge and Brunch |
April Unit Game Nets $1,000 from Thirteen Tables

Thirteen tables of players turned out for the Monterey Bridge Club Unit 530's April in Paris theme Unit Game.on Sunday, April 14, 2024. Doug Halleen directed this Unit Championship Game. Many thanks to Kristen McMurray for organizing the lunch and providing the baguette sandwiches, Neville Kirby for decorating the table, and several members for providing a variety of delicious salads and desserts.
Treasurer Ray Mok reported that the game produced a profit of $1,000, $186 of which were donations. These games help offset the operating costs of the Bridge Center.
North-South Point Getters: 1st - Jay Armstrong and Peter De Gregorio, 2nd - Jerry Kapolka and Helen Rubin, 3rd - Ray and Karen Mok, 4th - Tom and Ewan Eby, 5th - Ron Loiacono and Ron Coffee, 6th - Rita Sturgeon and David Ow, 7th - Amy Pofcher and Janet Hedlund, 8th - Marian Carapezza and Jane Altavilla
East-West Point Getters: 1st - Nancy Borucki and Betty Jackson, 2nd - Glenn Chee and Gina Brown, 3rd - Celeste Falor and Sharon Larson, 4th - Bill Breen and Kristen McMurray, 5th - Carol Sendell and Ted Hill, 6th - Ann and Ahmad Ahmadi.
The next Unit Game is scheduled for May 19, 2024
The Monterey Bridge Club is located at 201B Calle del Oaks, Del Rey Oaks, California. It is an affiliated member of the American Contract Bridge League, District 21. There is plenty of street parking near the Center and additional parking at the Moose Club further down the lot. Questions: 831-747-1650.
Painting by Alan Larkin.
Championship Bridge - Early 60s TV Show |
Partnership Registry Now Available |
We have set up a partnership register for those members who do not have a regular partner or whose regular partner is unavailable. This register is designed specifically for face-to-face games at the Bridge Center in Del Rey Oaks. If you would like to be included in the register, please send a message to Mano Singham ( mano.singham@case.edu) with the following information:
- your name
- email address
- phone number
- approximate number of ACBL masterpoints
Also, please specify the sessions held at the Bridge Center you are available for:
- Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. - Up to 750 master points (Lyde)
- Thursday at 12:30 p.m. - Open Game (Maja)
- Friday at 10:00 a.m. - Up to 750 master points (Lyde)
We are currently updating the list and will send it to everyone who responds. The most efficient use of the list would be for people to contact each other directly when they need a partner and over time build up a personal network. We don't want you to not play because you don't have a partner.
Thanks for helping us rebuild our face-to-face games at the Center.
Locally Directed Games Everyday |
We can no longer just use the word "transfer." We now must include the suit we are transferring to. For example, "Transfer to Spades."
Traditional Support Doubles and Re-Doubles are no longer alertable.
Direct Cue Bids (with the exception of Michaels) must now be alerted.
Uncontested jump shifts no longer require an alert.
Instead of saying “could be short” when bidding 1 Club, for example, you now must specify the number of cards in that suit: “Could be as short as one” etc.
When asked what your bid means, never give the name of the convention! (i.e. Cappelletti, DON’T, Precision, etc.) Instead, you must describe your hand. There are NO secrets in the bidding.
Don’t be just a SLUG! Add your full name to your BBO profile. We all like to know who we are playing with at the table, since we can’t see you,
If your BBO rating is "3" or more, you're no longer a "Beginner."
Each pair must have a convention card posted. Unless, of course, you are subs or newly paired. In this case, you must announce your systems at each table.
Please pay attention! If your name is highlighted in YELLOW, it’s your turn to bid or play, unless you are the dummy.
Learn to use the BBO Chat function judiciously.
The "Table" setting is best for greeting your opponents which you should do regularly. Use it for magnanimous congratulations to the opponents especially when you witness a challenging hand well played. If subs are playing, thank them for joining the game.
The "Private" setting is best for discussions with your partner about the bidding or play of a game, or the sorry state of the world. As in Face-to-Face games, no one wants to hear you bickering or gloating. If you make a negative comment about your partner or the opponents, double check to make certain the right chat mode is on. Remember: sarcasm doesn't work well on these chats.
The "Lobby" setting is great for announcements, such as congratulating high-point getters and special games,