North Simcoe Bridge and Games Club
Every skill level welcome
Release 2.19r
Contact Info

427 William Street Midland Ontario

 Club President: 

Gail Chapman
gailchapman1 [@]

Club Manager: 

Jeanette Halliday
jhalliday123 [@]

Thursday Afternoon  contact: Paul Parent

Tuesday Evening Social Game: Karen Granville


Vern Beacock


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All time hits
Welcome to North Simcoe Bridge and Games Club

Welcome to the North Simcoe Bridge and Games Club's website! 

427 William Street, Midland Ontario

Masks as required/requested by individuals

Weekly Duplicate Games 

♠ Monday's @ 1pm (Sanctioned; In Person)

♠ Wednesdays @ 1pm (Sanctioned; In Person)

♠ Thursdays @ 1pm (Unsanctioned; In Person) 

 ♠  ♣ Social Game ♠  ♣ 

Tuesday @ 7pm
Unsanctioned - Supervised Learning Game (Pre-register please)

A ride can be arranged by if required.

June Game Schedule

Wed June 3 - Common Game


Mon June 5 - NAP Game Extra $1

Mon June 10 - NAP Game Extra $1


Wed June 12  - Common Game

Mon June 17 - Common Game


Wed June 19  - NAP Game $1 extra

Mon June 24 - NAP Game Extra $1


Wed June 26- Common Game






Our Website - Did You Know?


 Find A Partner

 UPDATED  - Did you know that you can find a partner by clicking this button?  Try it.

You'll need to login and if you cannot remember your password, just click "SET/RESET PASSWORD" and get a new one.  If you think you're not already registered, click "SET/RESET PASSWORD" anyway.

1. Click "Find A Partner" item on left menu list (or click "Find A Partner" above).

2. Click "Account" tab. Ensure your email address and telephone numbers are in your profile.

3. Click "Find A Partner" tab.

4. Check the boxes of how you want to be contacted: Email, phone or mobile.

5. Find the date (scroll if necessary) that you need a partner.

6. Under the "PR" column, check the box.

7. Click "Confirm".  Its a little button right under the "Find A Partner" tab.

When you find a Partner, to take your name off the list: 

1. Click "Find A Partner"
2. Click on the check mark you added before under the applicable date.  This will remove it.
3. Click "Confirm"

Suggestions? Comments?

If you have any thoughts about what you'd like to see here on the site, please click here to send them in.  No promises on how quickly changes/additions will be implemented but all ideas will be considered.

Great Bridge Podcast.
Its free.
Spotify is free.
Download on cell phone, tablet, or computer.

Thursday Unsanctioned Pairs
Director: Romeo
Wednesday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Ken Facer
Monday Afternoon Pairs
Director: P Parent
Thursday Unsanctioned Pairs
Director: Romeo
Wednesday Afternoon Pairs
Director: P Parent
Mon July 22, 2024
Monday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Ken, Paul or Vern
Tue July 23, 2024
Tuesday Evening Social
Director: None - Unsanctioned
Wed July 24, 2024
Wednesday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Ken, Paul or Vern
Thu July 25, 2024
Thursday Unsanctioned Pairs
Director: Romeo Lalonde
Mon July 29, 2024
Monday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Ken, Paul or Vern
Tue July 30, 2024
Tuesday Evening Social
Director: None - Unsanctioned
Wed July 31, 2024
Wednesday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Ken, Paul or Vern
Thu August 1, 2024
Thursday Unsanctioned Pairs
Director: Romeo Lalonde
Mon August 5, 2024
Monday Afternoon Pairs
Director: Ken, Paul or Vern
Tue August 6, 2024
Tuesday Evening Social
Director: None - Unsanctioned