Release 2.19q

The County AGM will be held as an online meeting at 7 pm on Friday 21st June.

For details click here.

Help keep this website up to date

We need your help to keep the website up to date. Please use the Contact Us facility (click here) to let us know news, results, forthcoming events etc. If you spot any errors or missing links, please also use the Contact Us facility.  Please be sure to include your name as anonymous emails will be automatically deleted. Many thanks.

  Lady Connell Cup 2024

The final of the County's premier teams competition was played in early July. The closely fought match against David Stevenson's team was won 73 - 60 by Ted Reveley's team. Our congratulations go to Ted, Bill NIcol, Alan Stephenson and S.J. Matthews. 

Last updated : 17th Jul 2024 10:50 BST
  County Teams League

Season 4 of our friendly teams league competition will start on Monday 16th September. Using the same format as before, matches of 20 boards will be played following a relaxed schedule of about one game per month. Matches can be played online or F2F with blue master points awarded for division 1. Captains of current teams will be automatically contacted to confirm their intentions but new teams are very welcome to join. Anyone interested in entering a team is asked to contact Chris Raymond ( ). The closing date for entries will be Monday 2nd September. The fee for entry will remain unchanged at £20 per team which is merely to cover EBU costs / MP awards.

Last updated : 16th Jul 2024 14:25 BST
  Cup Success

Four M&CBA members (David Stevenson, Liz Commins, Simon Edwards & Paddy Murphy) together with Barry Wennell & Wyn Williams won the prestigious WBU Perry Shield on Sunday 14th July. This is an inter-regional teams competition for which they were representing N Wales in the open category. Congratulations to all involved.

Last updated : 15th Jul 2024 12:06 BST
  Northern Bridge League

 A & C teams from Merseyside & Cheshire took part in round 1 of this competition on Realbridge on Saturday 13th July. The A team had 2 defeats & 1 win leaving them in 3rd place & the C team also finished 3rd winning 3 from 5. Full results can be found via this link:

On cross IMPs, Stuart Scholes / Steve Downes were best over the whole day for the A team, & for C there was a very strong performance by David Smith / Stewart Hart who were 3rd overall. Thanks to all for taking part & supporting our county.

Anyone interested in playing in the C team   (aimed at competent club players) in future rounds is asked to contact Chris Raymond

( )

Last updated : 13th Jul 2024 17:25 BST
  President's Cup 2024

This long established inter-regional teams of 8 competition organised by M&CBA  took place on 6/7th July on Realbridge. Five regions contested for the trophy with Yorkshire coming out as clear winners and M&CBA in 3rd place. Thanks are due to all for taking part & particular congratulations to Liz Commins & Tracy Sherman who were consistently high in the rankings on cross-IMPs. 

Last updated : 9th Jul 2024 14:09 BST
  Jim Davies Swiss Teams

This ever-popular, friendly, end-of-season competition will take place on BBO on Friday 26th July starting at 19.00 with the usual format, playing five 5-board matches.

You will pay on the day ($5 BBO per person) but pre-registration is essential. Please submit your entry using the form below.

For any queries, please contact Chris Raymond (, 0151 334 5206). Login instructions will be sent out to all captains 24 hours beforehand.

Last updated : 6th Jul 2024 04:48 BST
  John Armstrong green-pointed Swiss pairs

20 pairs contested for the John Armstrong trophy on Saturday 18th May with Stuart Scholes & Richard Davies coming out as clear winners losing only one match playing in a Swiss Pairs format. In second place were Julian Merrill & Paul Roberts. Coming in 4th place overall, Gordon Bickley & Ann Farquhar won the prize for the best performance in the second session where they scored 41 out of a possible 60 VPs. full details can be found in the results section of the website.

Last updated : 20th May 2024 10:22 BST
  Manchester Green Pointed Swiss Teams

Manchester County Bridge Association are holding a Green-Pointed, Swiss Teams event on Sunday 28th July.

For details click here.

Last updated : 14th Apr 2024 07:56 BST
  Isle of Man Bridge Congress

13th - 15th Sept 2024

Green points & prizes!

Full details via this link:

Last updated : 24th Mar 2024 10:54 GMT
  EBU Premier Grand Masters success

Many congratulations go to Paddy Murphy who, with his partner Mark Roderick of South Wales, won (by a considerable margin) the EBU Premier Grand Masters tournament at the weekend.

For full results click here.

For picture of the happy lads click here.

Last updated : 29th Feb 2024 08:50 GMT
  Selection for International Events

Congratulations to the following Deva members on their selection to represent Wales in this year's home internationals events:

  • Joan Marray, with her partner Jo Copping, finished second in the women's trials and will compete for the Lady Milne Trophy and
  • Peter Kaufmann and Alan Stephenson won the seniors trials and will play in the Teltscher Trophy competition.

Following a highly-placed finish in the WBU Premier League, Peter and Alan have also been selected for the European Championships to take place in Denmark this summer.

Well done all of you and good luck!

Last updated : 29th Feb 2024 08:50 GMT
John Armstrong green-pointed Swiss pairs
Deva Bridge Club
Director: David Stevenson
Scorer: David Stevenson
The Waterworth Cup
(County Pairs Championship)
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
Jim Davies Swiss Teams
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
John Armstrong Swiss Pairs
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
The Waterworth Cup
(County Pairs Championship)
Director: Nick Mayfield
Scorer: Simon Anderson
26th Jul 2024
Jim Davies Swiss Teams
BBO 19.00
Director: Nick Mayfield
Organiser: Chris Raymond
28th Jul 2024
Manchester GP Swiss Teams
Hale, Altrincham
Organiser: Rhona Goldenfield