Welcome to the Merseyside Bridge Centre |
Our Wirral based club, established in 1983, is conveniently located in Prenton, Mid Wirral, just 5 minutes drive from the M53. We play in the church hall of the Prenton Methodist Church, CH43 0RE (see the directions in Information on the left), which is situated in a very pleasant safe part of Prenton, with car parking on the church premises.
Our aim is to play a good standard of bridge in a friendly atmosphere, and the club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union (EBU), with sessions directed according to the EBU rules. The club welcomes visitors whether you are an experienced player or would just like to improve, but is not suitable for a complete novice.
Keen players will be pleased that the club uses pre-dealt computer generated hands. The results are recorded on our website, so that you can see details of the hands , and how you did compared to the other pairs.
The club is currently running Face2Face sessions on a Monday evening (when Standbys are available) and a Tuesday afternoon - and an online duplicate competition on BBO on a Wednesday evening.
Members can also play in the Real Bridge Social Lounge on a Tuesday and Thursday evening.
If you are interested in joining or want further information e-mail us on < admin@merseybridge.org.uk >
Last updated : 4th Dec 2023 16:03 GMT |
Latest News |
We have been informed that Pat's funeral will take place at 2.00pm on Thursday 10th April in the Centre Chapel at Landican.
Many congratulations to the winners of the 2024 competitions as follows:-
1st - Robin Huddleston
2nd - Chris Griffin
1st - Richard Lacey
2nd - Mary Read
1st - Pat Arthur
2nd - Graham Ward
1st= Mark Madeley
1st= Tom Green
In order to protect members from unwanted intruders the Committee has decided the outer door to the Church hall should be locked at the start of each bridge session.
It will still be possible for members to open the door from the inside simply by using the push bar.
Standbys are now available on a Monday evening.
If you do not have a partner please advise the director at least 15 minutes before the due start time.
At that time the standby will be allocated with someone else looking for a partner and, if not required he/she will go home.
Please comply with our Safeguarding Policy and do not enter the car park before 7:00pm. Please be seated by 7:20 pm to commence play at 7:30 pm.
To ease congestion in the car park at this time, it would be very helpful, if able, to park in the surrounding roads. It is anticipated that 24 boards will be played and the session to end at approximately 10:30 pm.
Any member requiring a partner may find it helpful to put a message on the Club's WhatsApp Group. Any member not on the group is welcome to join and should contact Chris Griffin - 07754-047853 - in the first instance.
Chris will also be happy to post an appropriate message on behalf of a member unable to do so themselves.
The annual subscription has been reduced to £12.00 with effect from 23.05.22. Please adjust your standing order accordingly.
It is recommended that members take a lateral flow test before playing F2F bridge at the Club.
We would also ask members not to attend if there is any suggestion they have a viral infection, cough or cold.
Last updated : 25th Mar 2025 09:17 GMT |
Registration for Online Duplicates |
If you would like to play in our online duplicate on BBO on Wednesday evenings and have not previously played then please fill in this form and submit it.
Last updated : 5th Jan 2024 10:33 GMT |
Real Bridge Social Lounge |
MBC members can still gather a table of four playing companions and have a fun night playing up to 20 boards at your own pace. You can play regularly or occasionally.
Mike Fairclough will set up a session on a Tuesday evening or a Thursday evening. So if you have a table of four contact mikecde@gmail.com.
He will send you the link for that night.
NB you must have your own group of four to play and the sessions are free to subscribed MBC members
Last updated : 13th Oct 2023 14:23 BST |
Free English Acol Bridge Club Tournaments |
The English Acol Bridge Club (TEA) runs on Thursday and Friday afternoons on BBO at 2.15pm and on Sunday and Monday evenings at 7.30pm.
It usually consists of 8 two-board rounds. An attraction is that there is no cost involved! Naturally, you do not have to play every day, just on an ad hoc basis. A few of us have played in it and it is a very enjoyable and friendly club. The standard is not dissimilar to our own club.
It is organised by a Tony Fern who goes under the BBO name of Vesian. His email is PlayAcol21@gmail.com Before you play for the first time you need to drop Tony an email with you and your partners' BBO names so he can register you as eligible to play in the club. Thea and Linda are TDs in the TEA so can also help with any queries.
Then, to enter on the day, you have to register WITH your partner about 15 mins before the start time. However there is a partnership desk if you don't have one. You find the tournament by the same method you log in to our own duplicates on BBO (ie ‘Competitive’ then ‘All tournaments’ then enter TEA or Acol in the search bar).
Last updated : 5th Jan 2024 10:31 GMT |