Release 2.19r
Middlesex Congress GP Swiss Teams
Director: Rob & Julia
Middlesex Congress GP Swiss Pairs
Director: Rob & Richard
Blue Pointed Mixed & Unmixed Pairs
Director: Rob Sassoon
Metropolitan Cup Division A
Director: Rob & Will
Metropolitan Cup Division B
Director: Rob & Will
16th Mar 2025
Championship Pairs
Highgate Golf Club
23rd Mar 2025
National Pairs Regional Qualifier
30th Mar 2025
MCBA Club Championship
Pinner BC
19th Jun 2025
AGM + Committee Cup
Zoom + Realbridge 6:45+7:30
0 0 0 0 0 0
Pages viewed in 2025
Tie Splitting & Appeals
Tie Splitting Procedure

Tie Splitting

If there is a tie and it is necessary to split it for the purposes of determining qualification or trophy winners, the following methods will be used:


1. The result of the round between tied pairs. If this is tied then

2. Boards scored above average. If still tied then

3. Toss a coin


1. The result of the match between tied teams (if it exists). If this is tied then

2. Matches won (a draw counts as half a win). If still tied then

3. If the event is scored in VPs, net IMPs will count. If still tied then

4. Point a board (win= 1 point, draw including 0-10 points = half a point. If still tied then

5. Toss a coin



In all Middlesex County events the following procedures for appeals will apply.

In the first instance a ruling will be obtained from the Tournament Director.

When there is no TD present e.g. privately played matches, a ruling should be sought by telephone which will act as a ruling of first instance.  This person may be a) a person agreed by both captains or b) a qualified tournament director or c) an EBU panel referee.

Details of directors and referees will be found on the EBU website ( The person concerned should be told that this is a ruling of first instance.

An appeal may be made against a ruling of first instance given in a private match. It must be made, in writing, giving full details of the hand, bidding and vulnerability together with the result in both rooms the details of the matters contested and any statements of the players concerned. The statement of appeal should accompany the match result. A Middlesex referee will make a ruling. There is no deposit for this type of appeal.

An appeal against a ruling of first instance may be made in any other county event or congress. The Tournament director will, if possible, convene an Appeals Committee. If not, then an appeal may be made by telephone to a Middlesex referee. A £20 deposit is required (£30 for teams events) for all appeals of this nature. The deposit will normally be returned unless the appeal is deemed to be frivolous or without foundation.

In the event of a disqualification from a Middlesex event, there may be an appeal on matters of fact only. This appeal will be made to the Middlesex Committee and its ruling shall be final. No deposit is required for an appeal of this nature.


The County Referee is Neil Rosen (07702 132 330