Congratulations go to the following members who have been promoted to a higher rank through the EBU Masterpoints Scheme in 2023:
Local Master Colin Barratt (Oct 23) Dave Crowch (May 23), Pat Storer (Jan 23)
Club Master Sue Brewer, Tony Brewer (Sept 23) Dave Crowch (July 23), Pat Storer (April 23)
Area Master Andrew Spence, Anick Spence (Nov 23) John Round (June 23), Rem Henry (March 23)
District Master Chris Holdrick (Nov 23)
County Master Sally Brown (Sept 23)
2 Star Master Sam Boden (Jan 23)
1 Star Premier Master Sue Wright (Aug 23)
4 Star Regional Master Stan Zygadlo (March 23)
3 Star Premier Regional Master Stan Zygadlo (May 23)
(Promotions for 2022 can be viewed in Masterpoint Promotions 2022)
The EBU operates a Master Points Scheme. Players obtain points from success in duplicate bridge competitions, on a scale which varies according to the success itself, the size of the competition and its status. About the top one-third of players in a competition will be entitled to Master Points. Only members of the EBU may register their points and have their records maintained. Members may see their record via myEBU, using their membership number and password.