Important Information |
 Welcome to Bridge in 2025
Sessions are held on Mondays (in person)
and Thursdays (on-line)
MONDAY NIGHT IMPROVERS: face to face; and open to all looking to play a step up from social bridge. Ideal for those who have had lessons, returning to the game, or expanding their playing circle. Start time is 19:00. The table fee is £5 per player; tea/coffee provided.
THURSDAY EVENING PAIRS: on the Realbridge on-line platform, and are open to all. The link to the game can be found in the News section of our website. Boards are limited to a maximum of 18; Masterpoints are not awarded. Start time is 19:20, and you can log in from 19:00.
You will receive details of how many chargeable online sessions your have played (only £3 per evening event) at the end of each calendar month, SIMPLE. Contact Chris or Peter (contact details are in the Information section) if you need more details. You can check out Realbridge for yourself by following this link: