This page specifically contains links to other sites or pages of interest to members.
Click on the header to take you to the site or page.
 The official web-site of American Contract Bridge League (ACBL).
District 4 |
 District 4 of the ACBL covers Central New York, Eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Southern New Jersey and includes Units 112, 120, 121, 133, 141, 168, 190, and 217
The Web-Site has Articles and Opinions by Expert players in our district & Other useful Links
Basic (and Intermediate) Convention Cards, Commonly Used Conventions, and Convention Card Editors From the ACBL |
 For players trying to decide which conventions to play or for someone who wants to learn about bidding/partnership agreements.
Choices include an ACBL "Fat Free" Convention Cart, Basic 2/1 Convention Card (aka Larry Cohen's Wisdom Lite Series), and SAYC (Standard American Yellow Card).
The page also has links to "commonly used conventions", and "convention card editors".
Bridge Base Online (BBO) |
Play Bridge Online ... Casually or Competitively
Karen Walkers Bridge Library |
 A Comprehensive (and recommended) Bridge Page by Karen Walker.
Karen Walker is an Expert Bridge Player, a regular contributor to the ACBL Bulletin, and an excellent teacher.
Separate sections for Beginners, Advancing Players, & Intermediate to Advanced Players
Richard Pavlicek's Comprehensive Web-Site for Bridge Players |
 Richard Pavlicek is a bridge player, teacher, and writer.
His website includes Basics, Quizzes, Articles, Conventions, Bidding Guides, Polls, Simulations, and other miscellaneous learning materials & links for players of all levels.