♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
Livingston Bridge Club
The Club meets at Bankton Mains Bowling Club, Bankton Walk, Livingston. EH54 9LE.
Telephone - 01506-460233.
Visitors are always welcome.
The Club meets every Wednesday afternoon at 1.45pm for a prompt start at 2:00pm until approx. 4.30pm.
The 2024/2025 season commences on the 4th September 2024 through to 30th April 2025.
Club annual fees for 2024/2025 season will be free.
Weekly table fees for 2024/2025 season will be £3.50.
The Club runs both a Matchpoint and Aggregate scoring system during the afternoon competition.
The scoring system generally depends on attendance each week.
♠ ♥ Welcome! ♦ ♣