The inaugural meeting of the Lincolnshire Contract Bridge Association was held at the Harrington Club, Skegness on 13th June 1946. Mr R J G Dutton was elected Chairman and also the first delegate to the EBU. Reverend Bell was elected Vice Chairman. Mrs Brumpton and Mrs Turner were elected joint Secretary/Treasurer.
The first of the Annual Championships was held on the 10th & 11th January 1947 and the entry was 2/6d per player per event. Cups were presented from the officers mentioned above and they are still played for today.
The first Annual General Meeting was held on 17th May 1947 and John Brown was elected as County Captain, a post he held for several years.
John Brown was our most celebrated member. He wrote several books on bridge, his most popular being "Winning Defence" first published in 1952.
The first record of the total membership is from the October 1947 Committee Meeting when it was 113. This had increased to 228 by the AGM of 1960 which were the last records in the archives for some years. The current membership averages about 800.
Some noted performances in those early years were:
1949 - J Brown & E Smith chosen to play in Camrose Trials
1951 - J Brown & J Woodhouse won the North of England Pairs and were second in the National Pairs championship
1952 - J Brown & J Woodhouse invited to play in Camrose Trial
1965 - Michael Allen & Frank Dlugajczyk won the National Pairs
1970 - Brian Smith & Jeff Morris (now Manchester) played for Great Britain in the European Junior Championships
1981 - The Grimsby team of Peggy Bloomer, Brian Smith, Ron Wall, Paul Genney and Ken Sharples won the Hubert Phillips Bowl (The knockout mixed teams-of-four championships of England)