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Members' Successes
SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2024 - 31st August 2025

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position :

1. Wednesday 15th January - British Winter SIMS (238 pairs). 1. Geoff Lacey & Steve Lambert (4th). 2. Tanja & George Summers (9th). 3. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (25th)

2. Tuesday 14th January - British Winter SIMS (370 pairs). 1. Tanja & George Summers (20th). 2. Pat Hogger & Roger Jeffries (21st). 3. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (30th)

3. Wednesday 13th November - Children In Need SIMS (1448 pairs) 1. Carole Morley & John Pelley (9th). 2. Joanne Turner & Alan Woof (87th). 3. Tom Hume & Peter McRobert (200th).

4. Wednesday 9th October - British Autumn SIMS (263 pairs) 1. Joanne Turner & Alan Woof (25th). 2. Carole Morley & John Pelley (26th). 3. Azad Husein & a visitor (27th)

5. Tuesday 3rd September - EBED Autumn SIMS ( 321 pairs) 1. John Hattersley & Simon Cook (9th). 2. Andy Fenn & Nic Fergusson (13th). 3. Joanne Turner & Alan Woof (17th).


Significant results in HBA events :

1. Sunday 9th March - Naomi Gibbs & Mike Rawlins won the Marjorie Lukyn final.

2. Sunday 17th November - In the 7 High Pairs Katharine & Ian Maxwell finished as runners up with Geoff Brown & Steph Harrison finishing third.

3. Sunday 10th November - Andy Fenn & David Arrighi finished second in the Club Winners Cup.

4. Sunday 20th October - Naomi Gibbs & Mike Rawlins won the Mixed Pairs.


SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2023 - 31st August 2024

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position

1. Wednesday 24th July - British Summer SIMS (347 pairs). 1. Margaret Ainsworth & Susie Bond (7th). 2. Andy Fenn & Alan Woof (38th). 3. Anne & Cliff Short (50th).

2. Wednesday 15th May - EBED Spring SIMS (292 pairs). 1. Geoff Lacey & Steve Lambert (5th). 2. Joanne Turner & John Pelley (6th). 3. Susie Bond & Mike Minting (10th).

3. Wednesday 10th April - British Spring SIMS (361 pairs). 1. Harry Sack & Paul Wilson (2nd). 2. Tanja & George Summers (4th). 3. Geoff Bennett & Andrew Bacon (18th).

4. Wednesday 17th January - British Winter SIMS (309 pairs). 1. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof (3rd). 2. Naomi Gibbs & Mike Rawlins (12th). 3. Steve Lambert & Geoff Lacey (61st).

5. Tuesday 16th January - British Winter SIMS (332 pairs). 1. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (2nd). 2. Simon Cook & John Hattersley (7th). 3. Nita Garment & Jim Paterson (56th).

6. Wednesday 8th November - Children In Need SIMS (1542 pairs). 1. Joanne Turner & John Pelley (68th). 2. Marion Fenn & Nic Fergusson (79th). 3. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof (238th).

7. Wednesday 11th October - British Autumn SIMS (276 pairs). 1. Tanja & George Summers (36th). 2. Geoff Bennett & Vince Shaw (41st). 3. Susie Bond & Pat Hogger (68th).

8. Tuesday 5th September - EBED Autumn SIMS (156 pairs). 1. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (3rd). 2. John Hattersley & Simon Cook (7th). 3. Margaret Campbell & Ellen Thompson (49th).


Significant results in HBA events

1. Sunday 12th May. The team of Maggie Moore, John Wareham, Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof finished runners up in the Seniors Teams.

2. Sunday 21st April. Naomi Gibbs & Mike Rawlins finished third in the Championship Pairs Final.

3. Sunday 24th March. Judith & Martin Evans won the 10 High Pairs.

4. Sunday 10th March. The Marjorie Lukyn final was won by Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof.

5. Sunday 19th November. The 7 High Pairs was won by Liz Perrottet & Tony Wild with Ann Earl & Jim Paterson finishing third.

6. Sunday 22nd October. Tanja & George Summers won the Mixed Pairs with Naomi Gibbs & Mike Rawlins finishing in third place.




SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2022 - 31st August 2023

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position

1. Wednesday 26th July. British Summer SIMS (358 pairs). 1. Maggie Moore & Alan Woof (12th). 2. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (19th). 3. Marion Fenn & Claire Hartman (91st).

2. Wednesday 10th May. EBED Spring SIMS (346 pairs). 1. Tanja & George Summers (29th). 2. Fiona Paterson & Tony Adams (51st). 3. Carole Morley & John Pelley (66th).

3. Tuesday 9th May. EBED Spring SIMS (178 pairs). 1. Penny Mauger & Marion Fenn (3rd). 2. Tom Thomson & John Verulam (5th). 3. John Hattersley & Simon Cook (11th).

4. Wednesday 12th April. British Spring SIMS (309 pairs). 1. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof (12th). 2. Paul Wilson & Harry Sack (13th). 3. Maggie Moore & John Wareham (16th).

5. Wednesday 11th January. British Winter SIMS (259 pairs). 1. Donald Reid & Alastair Allan (15th). 2. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof (19th). 3. Claire Hartman & John Pelley (22nd).

6. Tuesday 10th January. British Winter SIMS (342 pairs). 1. Nic Fergusson & Raymond Gilbert (1st). 2. Claire Hartman & John Pelley (9th). 3. Simon Cook & John Hattersley (26th).

7. Wednesday 9th November. Children In Need SIMS (1372 pairs). 1. Marion & Andy Fenn (6th). 2. Paul King & Raymond Gilbert (88th). 3. Val and John Watson (210st).

8. Wednesday 12th October. British Autumn SIMS (324 pairs). 1. Geoff Lacey & Steve Lambert (25th). 2. Tony Adams & Fiona Paterson (70th). 3. Susie Bond & Pat Hogger (88th).

9. Tuesday 6th September. EBED Autumn SIMS (180 pairs). 1. Nic Fergusson & Raymond Gilbert (2nd). 2. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (17th). 3. Tom Thomson & John Verulam (22nd).


Significant results in HBA events

1. Sunday 21st May. The NGS 7 Pairs was won by Nita Garment & Wendy Knight.

2. Tuesday 9th May. The Seniors Teams was won by Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof and John Pelley & a non member.

3. Sunday 23rd April. Championship Pairs final. Naomi Gibbs & Mike Rawlins finished second with Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof third.

4. March. The team of Maggie Moore & John Wareham and Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof lost in the semi final round of the Humble Cup.

5. Sunday January 29th. The Leverstock Green team of Judith & Martin Evans, Pat Jacobs & Susie Bond finished 3rd in the NGS 10 Teams.

6. Sunday November 20th. Julia & Darren Reece came 3rd in the NGS 7 Pairs.

SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2021 - 31st August 2022

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position

1. Wednesday 27th July. British Summer SIMS (283 pairs). 1. Brenda Baldock & Tom Banks (2nd). 2. Andy Fenn & David Arrighi (20th). 3. Paul King & Raymond Gilbert (59th).

2. Wednesday 11th May. EBED Spring SIMS (194 pairs). 1. Marion & Andy Fenn (4th). 2. Margaret Ainsworth & Pat Hogger (27th). 3. Susie Bond & John McBryde (37th).

3. Tuesday 10th May. EBED Spring SIMS (122 pairs). 1. Simon Cook & John Hattersley (8th). 2. Nic Fergusson & Raymond Gilbert (11th). 3. Claire Hartman & John Pelley (16th).

4. Wednesday 6th April. British Spring SIMS (206 pairs). 1. Marion & Andy Fenn (2nd). 2. Chris Leek & Margaret Ainsworth (23rd). 3. Claire Hartman & John Pelley (48th).

5. Wednesday 12th January. British Winter SIMS (183 pairs). 1. Pat Henry & Tom Banks (11th). 2. Margaret Ainsworth & Tim Cooper (24th). 3. Maggie Moore & John Wareham (65th).

6. Tuesday 11th January. British Winter SIMS (376 pairs). 1. Nic Fergusson & Raymond Gilbert (16th). 2. Tanja & George Summers (99th). 3. Penny Mauger & Marion Fenn ( 149th).

7. Wednesday 10th November. Children in Need SIMS (1341 pairs). 1. Pat Henry & Tom Banks (25th). 2. Maggie Moore & John Wareham (140th). 3. Claire Hartman & John Pelley (198th).

8. Wednesday 13th October. British Autumn SIMS (149 pairs). 1. Fiona Paterson & Margaret Ainsworth (7th). 2. Joanne Turner & Oliver Tiemann (18th). 3. Chris Leek & John McBryde (19th).


Significant results in HBA events

1. Sunday 22nd May. Julia & Darren Reece won the NGS 7 Pairs event.

2. Tuesday 10th May. John Wareham was part of the team that finished runners up in the Seniors Teams.

3. Sunday 24th April. Paul King & Vince Shaw finished second in the Championship Pairs

4. Friday 25th February. The team of Susie Bond & Brenda Baldock, Marion Fenn & Penny Mauger, Judith & Martin Evans and Alla & Peter Connor finished third in the Eccles Cup.

5. Sunday 30th January. The team of Susie Bond & Pat Hogger and Judith & Martin Evans finished runners up in the 10 High Teams

6. Friday 12th November. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof finished third in the Club Champions event.

7. Sunday 19th September. Andy Fenn, David Arrighi, Alan Hudson and a non member finished third in the Herts/Essex Congress Swiss Teams.

8. Tuesday 7th September. Mike Minting playing with a non member finished third in the Seniors Pairs.


SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2020 - 31st August 2021

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

Significant results in HBA events

1. March - The teams of Joanne Turner & Vince Shaw and Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof plus Jackie Davies and Denis King and two non members reached the Humble Cup semi finals but lost their respective matches.

2. Friday 12th March - Kiku Lester playing with a non member finished second in the Marjorie Lukyn final.

3. Sunday 7th February - the Leverstock Green team of Margaret Ainsworth, Susie Bond, Maggie Moore, John Wareham, Tim Cooper, Steve Haley, Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof finished second in the Desmond Flockhart Trophy.

4. Friday 30th October - Nigel Lewis playing with a non member won the Mixed Pairs.

5. Tuesday 8th September - Fiona & Paul Littlewood won the Senior Pairs with Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof finishing third.

SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2019 - 31st August 2020

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position.

1. Wednesday 15th January - British Winter SIMS (834 pairs). 1. Richard Chester & John Neville (6th). 2. Simon Cook & Bob Howard (24th). 3. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof (48th).

2. Tuesday 14th January - British Winter SIMS (731 pairs). 1. Sue & Dave Fleming (57th). 2. Joanne Turner & Alan Woof (65th). 3. Jackie Davies & John Neville (67th).

3. Wednesday 13th November - Children in Need SIMS (1975 pairs). 1. Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof (67th). 2. Pat Henry & Pat Hogger (99th). 3. Jackie Davies & Nick Doe (156th).

4. Wednesday 9th October - British Autumn SIMS (652 pairs). Angie Spittal & Bill Kenney (46th). 2. Maureen Harrold & Roy Mauger (83rd). 3. Jackie Davies & Oliver Tiemann (94th).

5. Tuesday 3rd September - EBED Autumn SIMS (672 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & John Neville (3rd). 2. Azad Husein & a non member (11th). 3. Joanne Turner & Alan Woof (39th).


Significant results in HBA events.

1. Friday 6th March. Bob Turnham and Gerald Freedman won the Marjorie Lukyn.

2. Sunday 16th February - A team including Jackie Davies, Denis King and Jim Niblett won the Humble Cup - Hertfordshire's premier teams of four competition.

3. Sunday 2nd February - The Ranked Masters Teams was won by Simon Cook & Bob Howard and Jane Seaton & John Hattersley with Mo Purdie & Stuart Tarrant and John Verulam & Tom Thomson finishing third.

4. Sunday 5th January - Humble Plate was dominated by Leverstock Green ! Pat Jacobs & Gill Fisher and Angie Spittal and a non member were the winners. Runners up were Jane Farndon & Pat Henry and Pat Hogger & Harry Sack with the team of Simon Cook & Bob Howard and Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof finishing third.  

5. Friday 6th December - Jackie Davies & Mike Minting won the HBA Mixed Pairs with Susie Bond & George Summers finishing third.

6. Friday 8th November - Denis King (with a non member) came second in the HBA Club Champions event (not representing Leverstock Green).

7. Tuesday 1st October - Mike Minting, Alan Hudson and David Arrighi (with a non member) won the Herts Seniors Teams event.

8. Saturday 21st September - Jackie Davies & Mike Minting won the Swiss Pairs at the Herts/Essex Green Pointed Congress.

SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2018 - 31st August 2019

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position

1. Wednesday 24th July - British Summer SIMS (566 pairs). 1. Trupti Shah & Gary Diamond (35th). 2. Walter Russell & Alan Woof (54th). 3. Jackie Davies & Jim Niblett (73rd).

2. Tuesday 25th June - Bill Hughes SIMS (814 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & John Neville (18th). 2. Paul King & Penny Mauger (32nd). 3. Raymond Gilbert & Claire Hartman (37th).

3. Wednesday 15th May - EBED Spring SIMS (376 pairs). 1. Jill Stebbings & Susan Dow (4th). 2. Richard Chester & John Neville (25th). 3. John Wareham & Tim Cooper (43rd).

4. Tuesday 14th May - EBED Spring SIMS (467 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & John Neville (7th). 2. Anojan Pothalingam & Neeta Bavishi (16th). 3. Joanne Turner & Alan Woof (23rd).

5. Wednesday 2nd April - British Spring SIMS (795 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & Mike Minting (28th). 2. Marion & Andy Fenn (40th). 3. Chris Leek & John McBryde (84th).

6. Wednesday 16th January - British Winter SIMS (724 pairs). 1. John Neville & Richard Chester (12th). 3. Gerald Freedman & Bob Turnham (59th). (pair finishing second were non members).

7. Tuesday 15th January - British Winter SIMS (854 pairs). 1. John Pelley & Claire Hartman (4th). 2. John Neville & Jackie Davies (6th). 3. Marilyn Blenkins & Bill Kenney (71st).

8. Wednesday 14th November - Children In Need SIMS (2009 pairs). 1. Jane Farndon & Pat Hogger (37th). 2. Tanja & George Summers (41st). 3. Jackie Davies & Nick Doe (133rd).

9. Wednesday 3rd October - British Autumn SIMS (746 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & Oliver Tiemann (17th). 2. John Wareham & Geoff Lacey (27th). 3. Chris Leek & John McBryde (31st). 

10. Tuesday 4th September - EBED Autumn SIMS (758 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & John Neville (1st). 2. Pat Jacobs & Pat Hobson (2nd). 3. Viera Loffler & Alan Woof (42nd).



Significant results in HBA events

1. Tuesday 23rd April. Seniors Pairs. Jackie Davies came third playing with a non member.

2. Friday 12th April. Cadet Pairs. John Hattersley & Nic Fergusson finished third.

3. Sunday 3rd February. The team of Joanne Turner, Vince Shaw, Oliver Tiemann, John Pelley and Claire Hartman reached the semi finals of the Humble Cup.

4. Sunday 3rd February. Cadet Teams. Mo Purdie & Stuart Tarrant and Alla & Peter Connor finished runners up. 

5. Friday 23rd November. Mixed Pairs. The winners were Kiku Lester, playing with a non member with George & Tanja Summers finishing third and claiming the flitch prize.

6. Friday 9th November. Club Winners Cup. Jim Coffell & Raymond Gilbert finished 2nd.



SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2017 - 31st August 2018

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

SIMS - showing the first three pairs from our session and their national position

1. Wednesday 25th July - British Summer SIMS (527 pairs). 1. Tanja & George Summers (2nd). John Neville & Richard Chester (21st). 3. Azad Husein & a visitor (34th). 

2. Tuesday 25th June - Bill Hughes SIMS (891 pairs). 1. Simon Cook & Bob Howard (11th). 2. Mike Neverton & Angie Spittal (35th). 3. Gill Fisher & Brenda Baldock (85th).

3. Wednesday 2nd May - EBED Spring SIMS (343 pairs). 1. Richard Chester & John Neville (2nd). 2. Pat Jacobs & Tom Banks (15th). 3. Paul King & Peter Cridland (25th).

4. Tuesday 1st May - EBED Spring SIMS (586 pairs). 1. Susie Bond & George Summers (17th). 2. Jackie Davies & John Neville (27th) 3. John Knight & David Fensome (78th).

5. Wednesday 11th April - British Spring SIMS (761 pairs). 1. Pat Henry & Tom Banks (40th). 2. Wasi Ahsan & Paul King (51st). 3. Jackie Davies & Nick Doe (71st).

6. Wednesday 10th January - British Winter SIMS (724 pairs). 1. John Neville & Richard Chester (4th). 2 Azad Husein & Anojan Pothalingam (22nd). 3. Paul Wilson & Harry Sack (25th).

7. Tuesday 9th January - British Winter SIMS (805 pairs). 1. David Blasebalk & Careen Benjamin (8th). 2. Jackie Davies & John Neville (24th). 3. Bob Howard & Simon Cook (82nd).

8. Wednesday 15th November - Children in Need SIMS (2000 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies and Bob Turnham (72nd). 2. Tanja Summers and Margaret Ainsworth (139th). 3. Barbara and John Jeffery (291st).

9. Wednesday 4th October - British Autumn SIMS (765 pairs) 1. John Neville & Richard Chester (26th). 2. Jackie Davies & Mike Minting (52nd). 3. Bob Howard & visitor (65th).

10. Tuesday 5th September - EBED Autumn Pairs (687 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies & John Neville (9th). 2. Viera Loffler & Alan Woof (16th=). 3. Marion Fenn & Claire Hartman (153rd).

Significant results in HBA events

1. Championship Pairs on Sunday 22nd April. Winners were Oliver Tiemann & Alan Woof

2. Cadet Teams on Friday 20th April. Mo Purdie & Oliver Tiemann and Alla & Peter Connor came runners up.

3. Humble Cup. John Wareham, Maggie Moore, Oliver Tiemann, Alan Woof & Tim Cooper came runners up in the final.

4. Cadet Pairs on Friday 16th February was won by Stuart Tarrant with a non member. This was the second year in a row that Stuart and his partner had won the event.

5. Humble Plate on 7th January. Runners up were Gill Fisher, Pat Jacobs, Margaret Ainsworth and a non member.

6.  Herts Senior Teams on 12th September won by Margaret Ainsworth & Susie Bond, Jane Farndon & Pat Jacobs with +47 IMPs.  Second with +44 was a Welwyn team, and just two further IMPs behind was a team including Jackie Davies, Alan Woof and Denis King.

SIMS results and member successes 1st September 2016 - 31st August 2017

This section contains a record of our club members good performances in national SIMS and Hertfordshire Bridge Association competitions during the competition year which runs from September 1st.

SIMS (showing the first 3 pairs nationally from our session and their national position)

1. British Summer SIMS on Wednesday 26th July (525 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies and Alan Woof (19th). 2. Walter Russell and Maggie Moore (51st). two visitors came third.

2. British Summer SIMS on Tuesday 25th July (898 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies and John Neville (122nd). 2. David Hubbard and Vince Shaw (131rd). 3. Maxine Large and Jenny Turner (157th).

3. Bill Hughes international SIMS on Tuesday 27th June (1013 pairs). 1. Sue Fleming and Mimi Baker (120th). 2. Paul King and Peter Cridland (135th). 3. Viera Loffler and Alan Woof (188th).

4. EBED Spring SIMS on Wednesday 10th May (390 pairs). 1. Jim Coffell and Raymond Gilbert (6th). 2. Azad Husain and a non member (30th). 3. Jackie Davies and Oliver Tiemann (37th).

5. EBED Spring SIMS on Tuesday 9th May (620 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies and John Neville (26th). 2. Michael Futerman and NIc Fergusson (108th). 3. Michael Morgenstern and Raymond Gilbert (125th).

6. British Spring SIMS on Wednesday 5th April (823 pairs). 1. Naomi Gibbs and Tim Cooper (28th). 2. Jim Coffell and Raymond Gilbert (73rd). 3. John Wareham and Geoff Lacey (78th).

7. British Winter SIMS on Wednesday 11th January (889 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies and Mike Rawlins (10th). 2. John Neville and Richard Chester (13th). 3. April and Clive Piddell (54th).

8 British Winter SIMS on Tuesday 10th January (859 pairs). 1. Jackie Davies and John Neville (3rd). 2. Azad Husein and visitor (56th). 3. Careen Benjamin and David Blasebalk (142nd).

9. Children in Need on Wednesday 16th November (1,870 pairs). 1. Tanya and George Summers (19th). 2. John Pelley and Rob Corrie (94th). 3. Jackie Davies and John Neville (261st).

10. British Autumn SIMS on Wednesday 5th October (1,001 pairs). 1. John Wareham and Michael Futerman (42nd). 2. Alastair Allan and Donald Reid (52nd). 3. Jackie Davies and a visitor (87th).

11. EBED Autumn SIMS on Tuesday 6th September (822 pairs). 1. Naomi Gibbs and John McBryde (92nd). 2. Jackie Davies and John Neville (102nd). 3. Margaret and David Goodwin (173rd).


Significant results in HBA events

1. Herts Cadet Teams on Friday 21st April. Winners were Oliver Tiemann, Raymond Gilbert, Simon Cook and Bob Howard. Our other team of Alla and Peter Connor and Mo Purdie and Stuart Tarrant finished third.

2. Marjorie Lukyn on Friday 10th March. Rob Corrie playing with a non member came second.

3. Cadet Pairs on Friday 17th February. Won by Stuart Tarrant partnering a non member with Raymond Gilbert finishing second also with a non member.

4. Desmond Flockhart Trophy on Sunday 4th December. A teams of eight competition won by Leverstock Green for the first time ever. The team was Anojan Pothalingham, Rob Corrie, John Pelley, Naomi Gibbs, Tim Cooper, John Wareham, Oliver Tiemann and Alan Woof.

5. Senior Teams on Tuesday 13th September. Won by Jackie Davies and Alan Woof and two non members.