Please register for our duplicate bridge session by midnight on the previous MONDAY; late registration may mean no seat at a table. If you have a partner lined up, please indicate. If you do not have a partner, we can usually find one for you, so register anyway.
Meet from 6:pm every wednesday, with play starting promptly at 7pm and proceeding until 10 - 10:15pm.
There are no longer any sandwiches or drinks available - these may be ordered in the Courtyard Bar.
If you can't make it on the day, please give me as much notice as possible, so that if necessary I can contact the others to rearrange/cancel. Do please check in which room we are playing on the board in the lobby of the Club, as we may be in a different room to normal (Thirties Room, 1st floor).
Table money £6 (members) / £8 (Friends).
Any queries, please email Robin at LansdowneBridge@gmail.com.