Lakeland Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Face-to-face bridge at the Peggy Brown Building: Bring new players and friends!! We want to have our lost players return

Tuesdays:       1:00PM  ACBL sanctioned OPEN game


Community Bridge (free!!) starts 12:30-4 on June 26, 2024. SPECIAL FUNDRAISER THE LONGEST DAY 10AM Beginner Lesson

Please notify the director Elsa for scheduling. All must be preregistered by Sunday PM before the Tuesday games.  She needs to know in advance how many people will be playing to make sure the games are viable. Contact: Elsa Nail: 863-712-0857, for immediate partnerships. Come EARLY on Tuesday if you need a guaranteed partnership with the director. Play will be guaranteed, when possible, for walk-ins. PLEASE COME before  1 PM on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for our open games! For groups on Wednesday, please call Elsa with your table counts so the City will have enough tables set up. We will play in individual groups or with large play movements! Scoring will be discussed.

12:30-1PM Social hour and partnership setup Future lessons will also start at 12:30-1PM  Let's have a big crowd!

All travelers are welcome! Bridge Boot Camp is scheduled for July-August 2024 from 12:30-2:30, free play after. Call Elsa for details

News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Wednesdays at Peggy Brown Upstairs before the game: COME LEARN SOMETHING YOU CAN USE 30 min sessions. FREE if you bring a new person to play with us! $5.00 donation appreciated. Handouts free. Show up on Wednesdays by 12:30 start time. Tell Elsa if you are coming! 

CONTACT: Elsa Nail 863-712-0857 call with new beginner and group lesson needs. FREE PLAY ALL SUMMER 1-4pm. No duplicate needed. Bring all your bridge partners and friends

Last updated : May 26, 2024 22:03 EDT
Last updated : Aug 24, 2017 13:53 EST