This hand cropped up a few days ago on the Sunshine Coast site
After East had opened 1♥, you stretch somewhat, bidding to the ambitious contract of 6♦.
Taking 12 tricks looks like an impossible task
West led the ♥J, won by east with the king, who switched to a trump, won in hand with the ace
You can see 11 tricks and it looks like you may have to lose a spade late in the play
Even with all 4 hands in view, (double-dummy) it’s hard to see where your 12th trick is coming from
But the LMITB says 12 tricks are there against best defence
It looks like a squeeze is the only way to make this one
You have 2 cards that will pose a threat to East, the ♥Q and the ♠10
After taking the trump in hand you lead a club to the ace and ruff a club
Lead a spade to the ace and ruff another club with the king
Ruff a heart, and ruff your last club
Lead a trump to the ♦J and cash the queen and reach this position
When you play the ♦5 East is in a pickle
He can't afford to throw the ♥A, so has to throw the ♠9
As your ♥Q has done its job you can discard and now when you lead a spade to your king the jack and queen fall making your ♠10 a trick