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The club uses “stratification” to award Master Points on Monday, and Tuesday Face to Face sessions

The stratification levels are different on each night.

If a player has chosen to keep their MP private (and EBU member option), then they are assigned the highest level.

And how does it work?

In stratified games/tournaments, all of the pairs entered in the event compete against each other but are ranked only with their pairs. Each pair is assigned a stratum or "strat" based on the Masterpoints holding of the partner who has more Masterpoints. The game proceeds normally, but the scores are tabulated and ranked differently. In a 3-strat game, the scores are ranked three times.

The first ranking is calculated as in a regular open game where the scores of all players are considered. These are the strat A results. If a B or C pair does well in this ranking, they receive full credit for that performance.

The second ranking compares the scores of only the players designated as strat B and strat C pairs and the scores of the strat A pairs are disregarded. Once again, if a C pair does well they receive points for their finishing position in the strat B results. The third and final ranking compares the scores of only the strat C pairs and all the scores for the strat A and strat B pairs are disregarded.

Masterpoints are awarded for all three strats, but a pair is eligible for only one Masterpoints award and will receive the highest award. One caveat is that there must be at least three pairs in the bottom strat. If there are less than three pairs in the bottom strat, then those pairs will be consolidated with the next highest strat.

A stratified game benefits the novices by initially assuming that they are not expected to beat the experts, but still allowing them to reap the masterpoint reward if they do.

Click here for the the full guide to Stratification.