ACBL’s “Deal Me In"

Click Here to read this month's edition of ACBL’s “Deal Me In," a guide designed to help novice bridge players navigate the intricacies of the game.

In this article, we will explore essential bidding strategies for balanced hands, bridge terminologies, and provide quick tips for declarer play.



Josée Hammill wins 2020/21 Teacher of the Year Award


The American Bridge Teachers’ Association (ABTA) announced on August 17 that the winner of the 2020/21 Teacher of the Year award is Josée Hammill of Toronto, Canada.

Josée has devoted herself to the craft of instructing new and intermediate players in the joy and mysteries of the fabulous game of bridge.

Those of us who have been her students thank Josée for her dedication to the role of teacher and mentor. We congratulate her on this acknowledgement of her teaching excellence.

Well done, Josée!

Update: Josée has been featured on the ABTA magazine! Click on the image above or here to download the PDF.

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Welcome to Josee's Bridge
Welcome to my website!
Welcome to my website!

♠  Welcome to my website!  ♣ 


Here you can find my class schedule, helpful links to improve your bridge, past recordings and many other useful tips.


Please write me if you have any question at the email


Looking forward to hearing from you !



Thrilled to announce the start of a new weekly supervised game for 0-20 MP players!


WHENThursday evening beginning October 17th

6:30 pm prompt start.


WHERE: Armour Heights Presbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Avenue


WHAT: A gentle bridge game for players with 0-20 MP. Volunteers will be on hand to answer your bidding questions. Hand of the week analysis with tips on bidding and playing the hand.

A partner will always be guaranteed if you do not have one already.


HOW MUCH: $12 – includes playing 12 boards, hand of the week analysis, volunteers', coffee, tea and cookies. Playing experience in a gentle environment is priceless !


Pre Registration encouraged. Email Josée at to be added to mailing list and receive the LIVE registration link. 


We ask that you are on site by no later than 6:10 pm.


If you have taken some lessons but are worried about playing bridge in a club, this opportunity will ease all your hesitations! You will be hooked after just one week! 


Your director Douglas Jordan, our wonderful volunteers and myself are looking forward to having you join us this FALL.


If you would like to be added to our Evening Gentle Bridge Game newsletter, please email me at You will receive periodic updates.


See you there!

My upcoming in-person Spring 2025 schedule

Josée Hammill Bridge

2025 Spring Schedule


Location: Armour Heights Presbyterian Church

 105 Wilson Ave, Toronto

Introduction to Declarer Play with Josée

You and partner bid all your points. Such an exciting time to bid, bid, bid!  But that’s only half the battle!  Now you need to prove that you knew what you were doing when you bid to this level!  Let me help you achieve your trick taking goal by joining this 4-week course based on Eddie Kantar's Introduction to Declarer Play, updated by Barbara Seagram, and totally designed to help you master the art of taking tricks and fulfilling contracts. It’s ideally suited for both newcomers and intermediate players to help you gain confidence using several declarer play techniques. Hands on!

P.S.: Already registered for Wednesday afternoon with Barb’s Bid and Play sessions? Here’s your opportunity to have lunch with us, and ask any bridge questions that have been on your mind!  Think about it!  Personal attention from two bridge teachers!  Bring on your bridge problems and your lunch! 

  • DATES: Starts Wednesday May 7th for 4 weeks – 10am to 12pm
  • PRICE: $170. Send E-transfer to Includes taxes, Eddie Kantar Intro to Declarer Play book, and additional supporting documents.
  • To register, please contact Josée at

Conventions With Josée – A Brand New Course!

Are you and your partner ready to add a few bidding “gadgets” to your Convention Card? Do you feel like you have a solid understanding of the basic principles of bidding in bridge? Using Barbara Seagram’s Intermediate 3 book as a starting point, this 6 week course will focus on some important conventions that can help you “tweak” your system, and enhance your communications with partner.

Think Texas Transfers, Fourth Suit Forcing, Bergen Raises, Jacoby 2NT and splinters, negative doubles, New Minor Forcing and DONT!

  • DATES: Starts Wednesday March 26th for 6 weeks – 10am to 12pm
  • PRICE: $220. Send E-transfer to Includes taxes, Barbara Seagram Intermediate III textbook, and additional supporting documents.
  • To register, please contact Josée at

Basics Beginners Bridge with Josée

This 8-week course is designed for absolute beginners.  By the end of the series, you will be guaranteed a solid understanding of basic bidding and playing bridge concepts. This class is hands on.

  • DATES: Starts Tuesday March 25th for 8 weeks – 6:30 to 8:30 pm
  • PRICE: $260. Send E-transfer to Includes taxes, Barbara Seagram Basic Bridge textbook, PDF of PowerPoint presentations and online recordings. 
  • To register, please contact Josée at

Advanced Beginners (Int 1) Bridge with Barb Black

Whether you are transitioning from basic lessons or returning to the game after a long hiatus, this 7-week course is the ticket to help you solidify your foundation.

  • DATES: Starts Wednesday March 26th for 7 weeks – 1 to 3 pm
  • PRICE: $230. Send E-transfer to  Includes taxes, Barbara Seagram Intermediate I textbook, PDF of PowerPoint presentations and online recordings.

Bid and Play With Barb Black

Two very completely different gentle sessions aimed at improving your bidding and playing foundation. For anyone who has recently completed the Bridge Basics or Intermediate I program, or needs a refresher on bidding and playing techniques.

You’ll practice hand evaluation, supporting partner’s suit, NT bidding and responses, competitive auctions and much more. Even learn some defence tips!

  • DATES: Wednesday May 14th and May 21st – 1 to 3 pm
  • PRICE: $35 each session. Send E-transfer to Lessons will include a PDF of all the hands with commentary on bidding and declarer’s strategy. These sessions are hands on!
  • To register, please contact Barb at


For any questions, feel free to reach out via email at


Following a career in management at TD Bank and volunteering in the community, Barb began her bridge journey in 2012 when a friend invited her to take an 8-week Beginner Bridge Basics course taught by Josee. She was immediately hooked and went on to pursue intermediate courses and ongoing lessons while playing regularly. Encouraged by a friend who played bridge at an advanced level, she soon became an avid Duplicate Bridge player.

Barb particularly enjoys inspiring her friends to take up this wonderful game and has coached many on their bridge journeys. Through this coaching and mentoring, she has developed a passion for teaching bridge and is excited to take the next step into more formal instruction. Barb has been collaborating with Josee in her Bridge Basics and Intermediate courses.

Believing that playing with a variety of partners is key to enjoyment and improvement, Barb plays regularly at Monday Club and Toronto Bridge, and she enjoys attending the many tournaments in and around Toronto. She and her husband reside in North Toronto, while their three grown sons live in Toronto and New York.


Just a couple pictures taken at the Toronto Easter Bridge Tournament .

The group picture above was taken after the Thursday game when hospitality was offered to all the Intermediate Novice players. A number of us gathered post game, had some pizza, a drink and discussed hands that came up during the game. It is such a fun part of Tournament Bridge - Post Game gatherings.

I received the award on Sunday presented by Andy Risman of Unit 166. Andy was the recipient last year.

Fun was had by all ! Now I am looking for someone with a place big enough to house the award :)



Available for Purchase - Learn on your own time!

All courses are complete, with all recordings, slides, and handouts, so you can watch them in your free time, at your convenience.

Contact me at for pricing and additional details. 

Splinter Bids – Apr 2024

My brand new recorded lesson on Splinter Bids is finally ready! Splinters are very descriptive bids that promise excellent trump support, shortness and a game going hand - all in one bid!

What to Expect:

  • A very detailed PowerPoint presentation on the mechanics of this bid and the follow ups.
  • How to revalue your hand after a splinter bid.
  • When slam should be a good proposition and when a game is the maximum you can hope for.
  • Then we move to BBO to bid and play 12 hands.


Let’s Recap EVERYTHING You’ll Get!

  1. You will receive a handout of all 12 hands with commentary on bidding and playing.
  2. Plus, my 2-hour video, that you can watch on your own time, and follow every deal along with the handouts.
  3. A copy of all slides used during the presentation in PDF
  4. Finally, I'll be available by email to answer anything that may come up during the lesson. Reach out to me with all your questions - even the wildest ones!

And the best part is: you’ll be able to apply everything you learn right away.


Bidding and Playing Shapely Hands – Nov 2023

In this lesson you’ll be ready for a thrilling journey through 12 meticulously crafted, shapely hands boasting big shapes and distribution that will redefine your approach to the game.

What to Expect:

- Let's bid and play 12 hands with unique shapes and distribution that will challenge and elevate your bridge skills. Think 6-5 hands, 6-4 hands and such!

- Uncover strategic insights on bidding and playing these shapely hands to enhance your overall gameplay.

- Learn from the comfort of your own space with this

pre-recorded lesson, allowing you to master the material at your own pace.

Price: $25, in any currency and form of payment.


My brand-new recorded lesson on Competitive Bidding is ready! You'll learn how to use takeout doubles, overcalls, jump overcalls, and improve your competitive bidding arsenal.

Now let's see what's inside: In this new recorded lesson, we will play together 12 specially selected hands, some from prolific writer and accomplished bridge player Eddie Kantar and others I have dug out from my bottomless pit of practice hands.


Here's just a small sample of the 12 deals that we'll cover:


  • Why you should avoid takeout doubles when holding a six card major. 
  • What's the best strategy to play when looking around for a missing queen.
  • When giving partner a ruff, which card you should return?
  • When doing a jump overcall, what's the key factor you need to consider?
  • If you pass a one level takeout double, what are you telling partner about the opponent's trump suit?
  • Lots of Bidding, Play and Defensive commentaries, so you can study the hands from every angle!



Avoidance means just preventing (or avoiding) a particular defender from gaining the lead. And identifying who is the danger and safe opponent.

That means, after you learn this simple technique, you can open the door to think like an expert, in just mere hours! It’s an incredible valuable skill that anyone can learn and use during all future games.

So let's see what's inside: In this new recorded lesson, we will play together 12 specially selected hands from prolific writer and accomplished bridge player Eddie Kantar.

Here's just a small sample of the 12 deals that we'll cover:

  • When your contract depends on one of two finesses, how you can decide which one you should take?
  • How to identify the danger and non-danger hand (and why you should do it right before playing to the first trick!)
  • When planning the play, see the reason for looking at the whole hand as a unit, rather than concentrating on only one suit. 
  • Why it's sometimes a bad idea to play bridge by nursery rhymes (“Eight ever, nine never”, etc.).
  • When dummy holds a king vulnerable to attack, how to identify who you should keep off lead as long as you can?

As an extra bonus, you'll also receive a PDF file with eleven additional hands commented by Easley Blackwood, featuring:

  • How you could manipulate things so that the safe hand gets the lead while you're still establishing your long suit.
  • Why avoidance will sometimes be the very good reason you finesse for a queen when you are missing only four cards in the suit. 
  • When you have to take two finesses, it might make a big difference which one you take first. See one example where, even if both finesses fail, the contract still succeeds.
  • Another hand showing that if you can't keep a dangerous opponent off lead forever, you’ll see how to keep him out of the lead until he can’t do you any damage. 

And sooooo MUCH more... This is the mini-video that was in my last newsletter: . Watch it to give you a bit of a sense of what the lesson will look like, and always let me know if you have any questions.

No Trump Defence (Sep 2022)

During this lesson, we will play together 12 specially selected hands from prolific writer and accomplished bridge player Eddie Kantar.

Here's just a small sample of the 12 deals that we'll cover in this live lesson:

  • Which thinking habits you, as third hand, must have after the opening lead is made?
  • What is a negative discard, and why they are so important at No Trump?
  • Before returning partner’s suit, why and how to count declarer’s tricks?
  • Holding 4 small cards, when you should lead the top one, and when lead the second highest?
  • When declarer leads a suit, why we give count to partner.

The 90-minute lesson includes a handout of all the hands (with commentary from Eddie Kantar). This is an awesome opportunity to get moving towards better defence!

This is the mini-video that was on my last newsletter,  Watch it to give you a bit of a sense of what that lesson will look like, and always let me know if you have any questions.

Ducking by Declarer in Suit Contracts (Jun 2022)

You know that, most of the time, the fate of the hand is determined by how you play to the first trick. That's why many contracts can be won or lost because of that first trick.

Some of the things that you will learn in this lesson:

  • There's one outstanding difference with ducking plays in suit contracts, you need to know exactly when trumps must be drawn (and what happens if you don't do it!).
  • What are the 3 main reasons for making a ducking play in a suit contract.
  • Why some hands can be made if you duck the first trick and win the second, while strangely enough the contract cannot be made if you win the first trick.

And much, much more! We'll play each hand twice. One without ducking, and again, the same hand ducking. Then you can easily see what happens in each case.

The 90-minute lesson includes a handout of all the hands (with commentary from Eddie Kantar).

This is an awesome opportunity to get moving towards better declarer play!

Introduction To Defence

Have you noticed that you are defending at bridge 50% of the time? That is right! Did you know that being on Defence is the most fun you can ever have at the bridge table even when you do not have any points in your hand? Let me teach you how to have more fun and to gain respect from all players when you show them you know how to defend! 

  • Opening Leads against No Trump and Suit contracts
  • 2nd hand play
  • 3rd hand play
  • Signaling against No Trump and Suit contracts
  • And much, much more!!

Includes Eddie Kantar’s book - 2nd edition, revised and updated by Barbara Seagram.

Introduction To Declarer Play

Bidding is great and winning the contract even better. But if you do not know how to make a plan to make your contract then what good is that! In this 4 week course you will learn :

  • Counting Losers
  • Counting Winners
  • Ruffing losers in the Dummy
  • Extra Winners in the Dummy or in Declarer’s Hand
  • Long Suit Establishment (aka Taking Tricks with Tiny Cards)
  • When and How to take a Finesse and much more! 

Includes Eddie Kantar’s book - 2nd edition, revised and updated by Barbara Seagram.

Thinking Bridge – Plan Your Moves!

Whatever seat you are in, you have to be planning your moves. Let’s spend these sessions where we explore what it feels like to sit in any and all 4 seats, and think like an expert. Only time you will be allowed to relax will be when in the dummy’s seat. Complete set of different hands for each of the dates. You will love them!

Basics Beginners Bridge Series

Learn the basic elements of the game of bridge: how to take tricks, how to work with a partner, how to open the bidding in a suit and in No Trump, how to respond, how to compete and more.

An 8 week course includes all recordings, PDF of presentations and practice hands for each week.

Intermediate I Bridge Series

For those who feel rusty and need a refresher and for those moving up from Basic lessons. Opportunities to play and practice online will be provided. Lessons are recorded and can be watched on your own time.

A 7 week course includes all recordings, PDF of presentations and practice hands for each week.

Includes Barbara Seagram Intermediate I book.

Intermediate 2

Weak Two Bids, Strong 2 Club Bids, Slam Bidding, Cue-Bidding First Round Controls, Preempts, Unusual NT, Michaels Cuebids, Opening Light in 3rd seat, Balancing, End Plays, Cross-Ruff, Loser-on-loser play, Introduction to defence, ...and MUCH more!!

An 8 week course includes all recordings, PDF of presentations and practice hands for each week.

Includes Barbara Seagram Intermediate 2 book.

Intermediate 3

Intermediate III is a full course on Defence and Conventions!

  • DEFENCE: Third Hand Play, Second Hand Play, Suit Preference Signalling, Strategy on Defence, Lead Directing Doubles, Discarding. 
  • CONVENTIONS: Negative Doubles, Jacoby 2 NT as a forcing raise, Jacoby Transfers, Texas Transfers, Splinters, Roman Key Card Blackwood, Cue Bids, Slam Bidding and lots more! 

Includes Barbara Seagram Intermediate 3 book.

Learn To Play Two Over One

Learn the system that most of North America now plays. It makes it much easier to get to a better contract, easier to find slams on fewer values and easier to know when to stop in a part score.   Learn the forcing No Trump bid.  

A two day course + one additional hour of practice hands.

Includes Barbara Seagram 2/1 Game Force book.

Bid And Play – The Convention Series

  • Lesson 1 - DONT over 1NT Opening Bid
  • Lesson 2 - Reverse Drury
  • Lesson 3 - Jacoby 2NT and Splinters
  • Lesson 4 - Reverse Bergen/Bergen Raises
  • Lesson 5 - New Minor Forcing/Checkback Stayman
  • Lesson 6 - Fourth Suit Forcing
  • Lesson 7 - Four Way Transfers

All lessons come with recordings and PDF of practice hands. Purchase each lesson individually or all 7 for  the price of 6.

Email me at for additional details and pricing.


ACBL Guest Membership

If you enjoy a game of bridge, then the American Contract Bridge League is the place to be! Being an ACBL member gives you exclusive access to one-of-a-kind benefits that all bridge fans – from newcomers to advanced players – will love.

When you join this bridge-loving community, you’ll be able to experience all that membership offers, like playing with fellow devotees in clubs and tournaments across North America, winning masterpoints® to show off your success and reading a world-class monthly magazine.

You will start collecting masterpoints, that’s ACBL’s exclusive measurement of success. Call them Bragging rights! 

  • You get to climb the achievement ladder, from Rookie to Life Master and much higher!
  • You will receive in your mailbox the excellent monthly Bridge Bulletin, full of news, tips and games.
  • Game results are sent directly to your inbox and cell phone with ACBL Live and Live for Clubs.

And so much more!!! 

The ACBL makes it easy for you as a new player to explore all the benefits of being an ACBL member. You can join for free for 120 days as a guest, at

Guest Member Benefits

  • You will receive a weekly email with bridge tips from Patty
  • You can earn up to 20 masterpoints – we give our Masterpoints at our Gentle Bridge game but they are only good when you are a member.
  • You will have digital access to the Bridge Bulletin
  • If after 120 days you are convinced this is a good deal, you can join as a full member with the special pricing of $29 US for the first year of regular membership if you are a guest member first.   Receiving a hard copy of the glossy monthly magazine at your home is worth the price of admission!  It is easy to join as a guest, try it now!
Evening Gentle Bridge
Director: Douglas Jordan
Evening Gentle Bridge
Director: Douglas Jordan
Evening Gentle Bridge
Director: Douglas Jordan
Evening Gentle Bridge
Director: Douglas Jordan
Evening Gentle Bridge
Director: Douglas Jordan