Jefferson Bridge Association (JBA), Charlottesville VA
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New Rank Achievements

♠  ♣  ♠  ♣ 


November Rank Achievements

Ruby Life Master

Annie Izard

Sectional Master

Linda Macilwaine

December Rank Achievements 

Junior Masters

Mary Barker

Leonard Ralston

January Rank Achievements

Diamond Life Master

Greg Humphreys 

Ruby Life Master

Virginia Cenedella

Club Masters

Elizabeth Bach

Magdaline Caradimitropoul

Candy McCutcheon




 ♠  ♣  ♠  ♣ 



Release 2.19r
Rules of Engagement
This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".
Rules of Engagement

To ensure consistency in our games, our directors should enforce the following rules.  

Violations may result in warnings, board penalties, dismissal or suspension from the game.

♠ Be in your seat at least 15 minutes before game time.
 Sit at an appropriate table for your strata.  If none is available, talk to the director.         
 Turn off cell phones and other electronic devices. Pass completed boards when done, or when the round is called.
♣ Do not stand over or near a table when boards are in play. Call the director for boards, if necessary.
♠ Do not start a new board after a round is called. Call the director and take a late play if necessary.
 Politely call the director for all irregularities and disagreements.
 Partners must have matching convention cards which indicate their agreements.
♣ Do not criticize or intimidate your partner or opponent.
♠ Do not give unsolicited lessons or lectures at the table.
 Do not argue or criticize a director’s ruling. Ask the director for an appeal if you disagree.  Do not appeal to another director. 
 If on lead, make the lead before entering the contract in the Bridgemate or on your convention card.
♣ Minimize commentary during and after the play of a board. 
♠ Pass the Bridgemate around the table for other players to review.
 Bid and play “in tempo” to avoid giving unauthorized information.
 At the end of play, do not pick up your cards until all players agree upon the result.
♣ Ask about the opponent’s bid only when it is your turn to bid, except do  not question the opponents’ bidding if you are in the pass out seat with no intention of bidding, as this may appear to be a suggestion of lead for your partner.
♠ Avoid body language which transmits your attitude.
 Abusive language is not acceptable.
 In case of emergency during the game call the Director or Club Manager.


angryInclement Weather Policyangry

If Charlottesville City Schools are closed due to bad weather, the bridge games will likely be cancelled.  An announcement of the cancellation will be sent to local TV stations, as well as to the club’s e-mail list, and posted on our website, Jefferson Bridge Association, JBA
If the weather clears before game time and streets are safe for driving, then the game may proceed according to schedule. Check your e-mail, the club website, Jefferson Bridge Association, JBA   or call the club manager. 


   ♥   This is YOUR club. You can make it better   

    1.    Invite others to play with us.
    2.    Encourage friends to learn bridge.
    3.    Help with the refreshments.
    4.    Help with the pre-game set up.
    5.    Help with the clean-up /put away tasks.
6.    Take the pencils home and sharpen them for us.

Last updated : Jan 23, 2020 15:15 EST