Hoby Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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10th Sep 2024 14:26 BST
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Date for your Diary

Dates of our bridge nights for 2024 on Thursdays -  7pm for 7.15pm

January : 4th & 18th

February: 8th & 15th

March: 14th & 21st

April: 11th & 18th

May: 9th & 16th

June: 13th & 20th

July: 11th & 18th

August: 8th & 15th

September: 12th & 19th

October 10th: Charity Bridge Drive everyone welcome.

October 17th

November: 14th & 21st

December: 12th & 19th (Christmas celebration) 🥂


Welcome to Hoby Bridge Club
CHARITY BRIDGE DRIVE - everyone welcome
CHARITY BRIDGE DRIVE - everyone welcome

We welcome Martyn & Lis Ridler, James Thornton & Janette Matthews & hope they enjoy playing at Hoby.

At our recent AGM, Sue Hendry was proposed & seconded as our new Secretary & the Committee look forward to working with her.

June 2024


Congratulations to the members listed below who have attained for the first time a landmark promotion in August 2024. 

The EBU is pleased to encourage and reward members who have been performing well with Masterpoints which, after acquiring a certain number, lead to a promotion in rank.

Jill Hughes  Local Master
Arthur Pritchard  Local Master
Christine Power  Local Master

Well done everyone 😊

Thu 10th October 2024
Thursday Pairs
Hoby Village Hall 7.15pm
Director: Kath Glock
Scorer: Kath Glock
Thu 17th October 2024
Thursday Pairs
Hoby Village Hall 7.15pm
Director: Kath Glock
Scorer: Kath Glock
Thu 14th November 2024
Thursday Pairs
Hoby Village Hall 7.15pm
Director: Kath Glock
Scorer: Kath Glock
Thursday Pairs
Hoby Village Hall
Director: Kath Glock
Scorer: Kath Glock
Thursday Pairs
Hoby Village Hall
Director: Kath Glock
Scorer: Kath Glock
Thursday Pairs
Hoby Village Hall
Director: Kath Glock
Scorer: Kath Glock