Starting on Wednesday 15th January Elaine and Richard will offer fortnightly 2 hour seminars at 10.30 a.m.
These will be on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday in each month and the programme for the first 6 months of 2025 is:-
15th January - Declarer Play - Making a Plan
5th February - Defence - Better Leads
19th February - Defence - Better Switches
5th March - Bidding - Extending Stayman and Transfers
19th March - Competitive Bidding
2nd April - Take out Doubles
16th April - Bidding 4-4-4-1 Hands
7th May - Managing the Danger Hand
21st May - Declarer Play in 1NT
4th June - Game Tries in Majors
18th June - Making the most of High Cards
2nd July - Identifying Slams
16th July - Bidding Slams
Elaine will deliver the first 4 seminars and Richard the rest. If these are popular we propose to continue them after the end of July.
As we have the use of the hall there is no need to book. Members can pick and choose which seminars they wish to attend. Partners are not required.
The cost is £10 for each seminar charged to your cashless account.
On the Wednesdays where a seminar is followed by our restricted pairs session members intending to play in the afternoon are welcome to bring a sandwich/packed lunch and socialise with friends before the afternoon session