Harrisburg Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2025

Click on Information in the menu above to see the weekly and monthly game schedule. Click on Calendar for specific dates and times.

Bridge Classes

For more information on upcoming bridge classes, click on the Bridge Education tab above.

December Swiss Mixer Holiday Party Winners
December Swiss Mixer Holiday Party Winners

Harrisburg Bridge Club recently held a Swiss Mixer Holiday Party with a great turnout of 10 tables. Dinner was yummy with chicken tenders and appetizers, side dishes, and desserts brought by participants. Pictured above is the winning team from that night. From left to right Neil Treeby, Bonnie Peechatka, and Harold Cramer. Not pictured is Cathy Brown. A festive night was held by all and congratulations to the winners! 


New Rank Achievements

As per the latest information received from ACBL, we'd like to congratulate the following club members for achieving new ACBL ranks:

Junior Master (5 MPs) - Ben Lezu and Sharon Paxton
Club Master (20 MPs) - Connie Kuntz and Jane Snyder
Regional Master (100 MPs) - Doug Martin and Mary Weston
NABC Master (200 MPs) - Rebecca Bergey and Pat Bettger
Life Master (300/500 MPs) - Bill Even, Monica Knopf, and Ray Rizzo

Note: some of these categories also require a specific number of gold, red, or silver MPs in addition to total points. Life/Bronze Life Master point requirements are dependent on when the member joined the ACBL.  


Welcome to Harrisburg Bridge Club
Upcoming Game Schedule

Notes - In the event that we decide to close HBC due to winter weather, that decision will be made at least two hours before the start of the game. We will then send an email to all club members announcing the closure, will post the closed status on the HBC website, and will put an appropriate message on the phone answering machine.       

Here's the complete game schedule at HBC for the upcoming week ($8 table fee unless otherwise noted):

Monday January 6th - open pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-500 and 0-50 pairs at 6:30 PM (mini lesson at 5:45)
* Tuesday January 7th - open pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-1500 pairs 6:30 PM
Wednesday January 8th - 0-500 pairs at 12:30 PM; and non-competitive and instructor assisted bridge play for beginners at 12:30 PM ($2)
Thursday January 9th - open pairs at 12:30 PM      
Friday January 10th - 0-750 pairs at 12:30 PM
* Saturday January 11th - non-competitive and instructor assisted bridge play for beginners at 9:30 AM ($2) 


Winners Post Holiday 0-750 NLM Sectional
Winners Post Holiday 0-750 NLM Sectional

On December 27 Harrisburg Bridge Club held a Post Holiday 0-750 Non-Life Master Sectional. A delicious lunch was provided before play and there was a great turnout of 12 1/2 tables in the first session and 10 in the second session. Unbelievably, the same 2 pairs won both sessions, not an easy feat to accomplish! The North/South and East/West winners are pictured above from left to right Jerry Skurcenski playing with Darius Kapadia, and Karen Gayman playing with Kathy Gallagher. Cheers to them!

Upcoming Special Events

First below is the flyer for the District 4 STaC (Sectional Tournament at Clubs) game being held Sunday, February 2

Second below is the flyer for a NLM Sectional game including a 0-750 section, and a 0-50 section being held Friday, February 7

2025 District 4 SundaySTaC.pdf

NLM Sectional February.pdf






Donate Now!
Donate Now!

Our goal has been met for The Alzheimer's Association, over $3,000 raised!  Thank you for supporting our Team.

December Swiss Teams Open Winners
December Swiss Teams Open Winners

The December Swiss teams games were held recently with 8 teams in the Open game and 8 in the Limited game. Pictured above are the winners of the Open game from left to right Dave Charleston, Kitty Markley, and Rich Lyden. Not pictured is Russ Poppleton. The winners of the Limited game were Cindy Mueller, Cathy Becker, Susan Hunter, and George Hope not pictured. Congratulations to all! 

Saturday Morning Brunch & Bridge Open Pairs
Director: Dave Charelston
Friday Afternoon 0-750 pairs
Director: Jim Boyer
Thursday Afternoon Open pairs
Director: Robert Priest