Upcoming Game Schedule |
Note: the afternoon open pairs game on Monday March 10 will be an ACBL-wide Senior Pairs event, meaning that all participants must be at least 60 years old by the day of the game. Extra masterpoints will be awarded both at the ACBL and District 4 levels, and a detailed hand analysis will be provided for every board played.
Here's the complete game schedule at HBC for the upcoming week ($8 table fee unless otherwise noted):
* Monday March 10th - open pairs at 12:30 PM (free game for all HBC members); and 0-500 and 0-50 pairs at 6:30 PM (mini lesson at 5:45)
* Tuesday March 11th - open pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-1500 pairs at 6:30 PM
* Wednesday March 12th - 0-500 and 0-50 pairs at 12:30 PM (mini-lesson at 11:45)
* Thursday March 13th - open pairs at 12:30 PM
* Friday March 14th - 0-750 pairs at 12:30 PM
* Saturday March 15th - open and 0-50 pairs Continental Breakfast and Bridge at 11:00 AM (10; food at 10:30; advance registration required)
Added Bonus: HBC and instructor Dennis Shaub will offer a series of March Madness bridge classes every Friday morning during the month of March. Check the "Upcoming Special Events" box on the HBC website to see a flyer with specific details.
HBC Members Qualify for GNT in Philly |
Harrisburg Bridge Club members recently played in the Grand National Teams event in Allentown to see who would represent District 4 at the NABC in Philadelphia this July. Pictured above from left to right are Rebecca Bergey, Bill Even, Monica Knopf, and Kamrul Khan, not pictured is Ziyana Khan. They will represent District 4 in Flight C in this team event in July. Congratulations to them and best of luck in Philly!