Harrisburg Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2025

Click on Information in the menu above to see the weekly and monthly game schedule. Click on Calendar for specific dates and times.

Bridge Classes

For more information on upcoming bridge classes, click on the Bridge Education tab above.

0-750 NLM Sectional Winners
0-750 NLM Sectional Winners

On Friday February 7th Harrisburg Bridge Club held a 0-750 Non-Life Master Sectional. There were a total of 11 tables in the first session and 8 1/2 in the second with lunch in between sessions. The overall winners of the first session are Joy Proctor left middle and Joyce Wilson right middle. The winners of the second session are Bob Reed on the left, and Dean Frear on the right. Congratulations to them and many thanks to Bob Priest for organizing and running the games!      


New Rank Achievements/andMini-McKenney and Ace of Clubs Winners for 2024

As per the latest information received from ACBL, we'd like to congratulate the following club members for achieving new ACBL ranks:
Junior Master (5 MPs) - Dan Driscoll, Barbara Goll, and Jane Wingard
Club Master (20 MPs) - Ben Lezu
Sectional Master (50 MPs) - Don Fisher
Advanced NABC Master (300 MPs) - Joe Marter
Ruby Life Master (1500 MPs) - Jack Rudy
Platinum Life Master (10,000 MPs) - Phil Monyer

Note: some of these categories also require a specific number of gold, red, or silver MPs in addition to total points. Life/Bronze Life Master point requirements are dependent on when the member joined the ACBL.  




Welcome to Harrisburg Bridge Club
Upcoming Game Schedule

Notes: All limited point games this coming week (Monday/Tuesday evenings and Wednesday/Friday afternoons) will be Stardust events awarding 25% gold points. We're also adding a 0-50 pairs game this Wednesday afternoon in place of the assisted play session, as well as a separate 0-50 section on Saturday morning.

Here's the complete game schedule at HBC for the upcoming week ($8 table fee unless otherwise noted):

Monday February 10th - open pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-500 (Stardust) and 0-50 pairs at 6:30 PM (mini lesson at 5:45)
* Tuesday February 11th - open pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-1500 pairs (Stardust) at 6:30 PM
Wednesday February 12th - 0-500 (Stardust) and 0-50 pairs at 12:30 PM (mini-lesson at 11:45); free games for HBC members! 
Thursday February 13th - open pairs at 12:30 PM      
Friday February 14th - 0-750 pairs (Stardust) at 12:30 PM
* Saturday February 15th - open and 0-50 pairs Continental Breakfast and Bridge at 11:00 AM ($10; food at 10:30; advance registration required) 


District 4 STaC Winners First Session
District 4 STaC Winners First Session

On February 2nd Harrisburg Bridge Club held a two session District 4 STaC game. There was an Open and 0-750 section for both games. A delicious lunch was provided between sessions. There was a great turnout of 19 tables in the first session and 18 1/2 in the second session. The 0-750 winners from the first session shown from left to right above are Darius Kapadia and Jerry Skurcenski.  The winners of the open first session are Bob Miller and Jack Hund. Congratulations to them!

Upcoming Special Events

Below is the flyer for Harrisburg Bridge Club's Sectional being held Friday May 16th through Sunday May 18th.

May 2025 Sectional.pdf







Donate Now!
Donate Now!

Our goal has been met for The Alzheimer's Association, over $3,000 raised!  Thank you for supporting our Team.

District 4 STaC Winner Second Session
District 4 STaC Winner Second Session

On February 2nd Harrisburg Bridge Club held a two session District 4 STaC game. There was an Open and 0-750 section for both games. A delicious lunch was provided between sessions. There was a great turnout of 19 tables in the first session and 18 1/2 in the second session. The 0-750 winners from the second session shown from left to right above are Bozena Stine and Susan Lewis. The winners of the open second session are Ronald Clawson and Ronald Orr. Congratulations to them!

NLM 0-750 and 0-50 Sectional 1st Session
Director: Harrisburg
NLM 0-750 Sectional 2nd session
Director: Harrisburg
Thursday Afternoon Open pairs
Director: David Charleston