Harrisburg Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Click on Information in the menu above to see the weekly and monthly game schedule. Click on Calendar for specific dates and times.

Bridge Classes

For more information on upcoming bridge classes, click on the Bridge Education tab above.

Sunday Swiss Winners
Sunday Swiss Winners

Harrisburg Bridge Club held it's Sunday Swiss games recently with open and 0-750 sections. There were a total of 13 tables competing for a nice turnout! Pictured above left to right front are the winners of the 0-750 section, Cathy Becker, Cindy Mueller, Susan Hunter, and George Hope. In back are the open winners from left to right Kamrul Khan, Bill Even, Monica Knopf and Mike Zeller. Congratulations to them and many thanks to Bob Priest for organizing and running the games!      


New Rank Advancements

As per the latest information received from ACBL, we'd like to congratulate the following club members for achieving new ACBL ranks:

Junior Master (5 MPs) - Carle Fones, Vicki Holland, Alison Lampert, John Lampert, Laura Lanier, Dennis Panas, Ed Sandnes, Karen Stock
Bronze Life Master (0-750) - Bill Even

Note: some of these categories also require a specific number of gold, red, or silver MPs in addition to total points. Life/Bronze Life Master point requirements are dependent on when the member joined the ACBL.  




Welcome to Harrisburg Bridge Club
Upcoming Game Schedule

Note: the afternoon open pairs game on Monday March 10 will be an ACBL-wide Senior Pairs event, meaning that all participants must be at least 60 years old by the day of the game. Extra masterpoints will be awarded both at the ACBL and District 4 levels, and a detailed hand analysis will be provided for every board played.    

Here's the complete game schedule at HBC for the upcoming week ($8 table fee unless otherwise noted):

Monday March 10th - open pairs at 12:30 PM (free game for all HBC members)and 0-500 and 0-50 pairs at 6:30 PM (mini lesson at 5:45)
* Tuesday March 11th - open pairs at 12:30 PM; and 0-1500 pairs at 6:30 PM
Wednesday March 12th - 0-500 and 0-50 pairs at 12:30 PM (mini-lesson at 11:45) 
Thursday March 13th - open pairs at 12:30 PM      
Friday March 14th - 0-750 pairs at 12:30 PM
* Saturday March 15th - open and 0-50 pairs Continental Breakfast and Bridge at 11:00 AM (10; food at 10:30; advance registration required)

Added Bonus: HBC and instructor Dennis Shaub will offer a series of March Madness bridge classes every Friday morning during the month of March. Check the "Upcoming Special Events" box on the HBC website to see a flyer with specific details.    


HBC Members Qualify for GNT in Philly
HBC Members Qualify for GNT in Philly

Harrisburg Bridge Club members recently played  in the Grand National Teams event in Allentown to see who would represent District 4 at the NABC in Philadelphia this July. Pictured above from left to right are Rebecca Bergey, Bill Even, Monica Knopf, and Kamrul Khan, not pictured is Ziyana Khan. They will represent District 4 in Flight C in this team event in July.  Congratulations to them and best of luck in Philly! 

Upcoming Special Events

First below is the flyer for March Madness, 4 individual 2 hour teaching lessons on Fridays in March.

Second below is the flyer for Harrisburg Bridge Club's Sectional being held Friday May 16th through Sunday May 18th.

March Madness 4 Bridge Lessons.pdf

May 2025 Sectional.pdf







Donate Now!
Donate Now!

Our goal has been met for The Alzheimer's Association, over $3,000 raised!  Thank you for supporting our Team.

February Swiss Team Winners
February Swiss Team Winners

On February 19th Harrisburg Bridge Club held its monthly Swiss teams event. There were 16 tables total between the open and 0-750 games. A pizza dinner was served and the game was directed by Jim Boyer. The 0-750 winners are pictured above from left to right Bonnie Barton, Greg Merkel, Lana Leisher-Burnside, and Bozena Stine. Next the open winners are Selena Swanson, John Swanson, and Phil Monyer. Not pictured is Ben Hawn. Congratulations to them!

Wednesday Afternoon 0-500 and 0-50 pairs
Director: Timothy LeVan
Tuesday Afternoon Open pairs
Director: Carl Fahnestock
Tuesday Evening 0-1500 pairs
Director: Jim Boyer