Harrisburg Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Click on Information in the menu above to see the weekly and monthly game schedule. Click on Calendar for specific dates and times.

Bridge Classes

For more information on upcoming bridge classes, click on the Bridge Education tab above.

The Longest Day for Alzheimers
The Longest Day for Alzheimers

On Tuesday, June 18 Harrisburg Bridge Club hosted an ice cream social for both the afternoon and evening bridge games. Participants were able to choose the toppings of their choice complete with whipped cream and a cherry on top! Proceeds of over $700 from both games will be going to the ACBL's Longest Day for Alzheimers. Many thanks to Bridget Whitley pictured above left, for organizing our Longest Day Event, and Linda Ivanoff pictured above right, for handling the ice cream sundae duties! Yum Yum! Donations to Alzheimers will still be accepted by the club.   

New Rank Achievements

As per the latest information received from the ACBL, we'd like to congratulate the following HBC club members for attaining new ACBL ranks:

Junior Master (5 MPs) - Sean Huang and Susan Lewis
Sectional Master (50 MPs) - John DiLeonardo and Lana Leisher-Burnside
Silver Life Master (1000 MPs) - Paul Sekula

Note: some of these categories also require a specific number of gold, red, or silver MPs in addition to total points. Life/Bronze Life Master point requirements are dependent on when the member joined the ACBL.  


Welcome to Harrisburg Bridge Club
Upcoming Game Schedule

Notes: Most games this week are NAP Qualifiers (NAPQ), meaning they will award both red and black points. Due to the structure of NAPQ games, the point limits on some of our regularly scheduled games may be modified. Please check the schedule below.

Here is the complete game schedule at HBC for the upcoming week ($8 table fee unless otherwise noted): 

* Monday July 15th - open pairs at 12:30 PM (NAPQ); and 0-500 NLM (NAPQ) and 0-50 pairs at 6:30 PM (mini-lesson at 5:45) 
* Tuesday July 16thopen pairs at 12:30 PM (NAPQ); and 0-2500 pairs (NAPQ) at 6:30 PM (note the evening game is FREE for HBC members)
* Wednesday July 17th -  0-500 NLM pairs (NAPQ) at 12:30 PM  (mini lesson at 11:45); and non-competitive and instructor assisted bridge play for beginners at 12:30 PM ($2)
* Thursday July 18th -  open pairs at 12:30 PM (NAPQ)
* Friday July 19th -  0-750 pairs at 12:30 PM

* Saturday July 20th - Continental Breakfast and Bridge Pairs (NAPQ) at 11:00 AM ($10; food at 10:30; advance registration required); and non-competitive and instructor assisted bridge play for beginners at 9:30 AM ($2)


May Swiss Social Mixer Winners
May Swiss Social Mixer Winners

Thursday, May 30 Harrisburg Bridge Club held it's Swiss Social Mixer. A yummy dinner of chicken and side dishes and desserts were brought by the participants. There were a total of 8 Swiss teams competing and pictured above are the winners. They are from left to right Barb Vander Jagt, Jacqueline Granite, and Marcia Strittmatter. Not pictured is the last member of the team Mike Zeller. Cheers and congratulations to them!

Current COVID-19 Protocols (June 2023)

Effective 1 June 2023, vaccination for COVID-19 is no longer required to play bridge at HBC. Face masks are not required, although masks are still recommended for participants who are at high risk for severe illness. Disposable masks and hand sanitizer will still be available at the club. In consideration of your fellow club members, we ask that you monitor your health and avoid coming to the club if you are ill.


Donate Now!
Donate Now!

Thanks to all who played in our fundraising games on June 18 and for all the donations received. As you can see, we're still a little short on our goal to raise $2500, so please contribute before the July 31 deadline. The donation can is at the Club, ready to receive your cash or check (payable to The Alzheimer's Association). Or you can click HERE to donate by credit card online! Thank you for supporting our Team.

HBC Newest Life Master
HBC Newest Life Master

Harrisburg Bridge Club's newest Life Master is pictured above, Nancy Hershey from Lititz. Congratulations to Nancy on a job well done!



Monday Afternoon Open Pairs
Director: Jim Boyer
Monday Evening 0-500 & 0-50 pairs
Director: Georgi Hess
Friday Afternoon 0-750 pairs
Director: Georgi Hess