Monday 3rd March 2025
Hamilton Bridge Club Ltd
Members MUST be nice to their partner and opponents. Good etiquette is an important part of Bridge - please maintain it.
Results will be on our website sometime tomorrow. In the meantime you can see how well you did by clicking here
Minutes of Board Meeting 25th November
The HBC Board agreed that from 20th January the entry into the Monday evening tournament can be booked online.
This will not be a necessity but it would be helpful to the organisers if members could book beforehand if they possibly can.
The Board also agreed that the Friday evening tournament will stop meantime and resume in April.
The Club is supporting this year's appeal for UNICEF on two dates: Monday evening 27 and Wednesday morning 29 January.
There is no additional table money. The Club will make a donation to this worthy charity after both events have been played.
Results will be uploaded to ECATS late on each day because other clubs will be playing the same hands so it is likely to be around 10.00pm