Grattan Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
News Flash

           ♠   ♣ 

  Winter   Bridge resumes 

    25th  Sept  2023








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Welcome to Grattan Bridge Club
Grattan Bridge Club 1943 - Present

Welcome to the website of the Grattan Bridge Club. The club meets every Monday downstairs during the period of September - May. Bridge commences at 19:30 and the session will typically end circa 11:00. We welcome new members to join at any stage. Please contact the President or Secretary if you would like to come along any evening.

Club Reopening


                                     ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣

  The Grattan Club will resume playing in the Bridge Centre on

             Monday Monday 25th September  2023 at 7.30pm 

                             Existing and New Members  welcome

                                     ♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ 


                        Miriam (0874110472 )

Season 23/24

                      President    Mary Gilmore

               Vice President   Carmel Walsh

              Sec/contact for partners.  Miriam 

                            Ph   087411047

              Treas. Mary McLoughlin

Season 2022/2023


                 President    Anne Rooney

                  Vice President    Mary Gilmore

                  Sec/contact for partners.  Miriam Moloney

                                    Ph   0874110472

                   Treas. Mary McLoughlin

     Christmas Party

                      Monday 19th  Dec 2022

              7.15  Mulled Wine Reception

             7.30   Meal   followed by Bridge and presentation of Prizes

     If you are on the list to attend and cannot or if you are not 

    on the list and now wish to attend

    Please contact Anne Rooney 087 2353514 asap





Calender 2023

April 3rd        Easter Competition      

April  10th     No Bridge                 

May 15th      Presidents Prize 1st Session              

May 22nd     Presidents Prize  2nd Session

May 29th       Presidents Dinner

Return to live Bridge


                                  ♠   ♣ 

  The Grattan Club will resume playing in the Bridge Centre on

Monday 3rd October 2022  at 7.30pm 

      Existing and New Members  welcome

                               ♠   ♣ 


Miriam (0874110472 )

Grattan B.C Online

 The  Grattan Club Online will not be resuming at this time.. For those  unable to return to live bridge

.online bridge will be available  on Galway Virtual Bridge  on BBO (Mon - Thurs @ 7.45pm ) and

on Summer bridge @ Galway (Fri-Sun @7.45pm )  Also if there is a demand   
Galway Virtual Bridge will run Afternoon bridge  Mon-Thurs @ 2.30pm

For more info contact Miriam (0874110472 )

Bridge in the Bridge Centre


  From Oct 25th the Bridge Centre will reopen Mon to Thurs for  "face to face "Summer Bridge. Start time 7.30PM

Summer Bridge will run for 2 weeks both in the Bridge Centre and Online.After the 2 weeks  the Grattan club will

resume online and if  there are sufficent numbers in the Bridge Centre.

   Those who wish to play in the Bridge Centre should bring with them proof of Vaccination, their own hand sanitiser and masks.




End of year Competition Results

North/ South

 3 bottles wine each  Nancy McKnight & Helena O'Toole

 2 bottles wine each Mary Bane Curran & Mary Hackett

  1 bottle wine each Anne Condon & Lucy Kellehan



 3 bottles wine each Anne Rooney & Elizabeth Grogan

 2 bottles wine each Margaret  Mulholland & Gerardine Neville

  1 bottle wine each  Jean De Cleir & Mary McLoughlin


Grattan Club on BBO

 As we cannot  return to playing in  the Bridge Centre,, the Club is going online on BBO

 Starting Monday 12th October at 8pm. 

The first 3 Mondays will be free then from Nov 2nd onwards a fee of $3 per person per session will apply.

Also from Nov 2nd only CBAI affiliated members will be able to .play in the club. To affiliate  click on link  in left corner 

of this page or go to  and click on Grattan  Club.

For those new to BBO  has all  you need to know get started.

also some information for those new

to BBO

Hope to see you all next  Monday and if you have any questions please contact me.

Miriam 0874110472





Message from Club President Noel Bolger

Dear members, in these altered and challenging times where club bridge indoors is unlikely to restart for some considerable time, it is important for our mental wellbeing to be able to continue to play social/competitive bridge, together, in the Grattan online club. I would ask anyone who hasn’t already applied to play online to do so if at all possible. Miriam’s post to the page, see below, gives you all the information as to how to register etc.
The club would welcome new members and you are asked to recruit bridge players who would like to play with us.  We are a “friendly” club more concerned with enjoying the game rather than  the competitive side and therefore more attractive to players who may have heretofore played in non-affiliated clubs. If you know anyone in that category you might entice them to join the Grattan.

Noel Bolger

New Year

Dear Members,

We’re into a new year and Miriam and I wish you a brighter future for 2021.

For the foreseeable future online bridge will be the only way to actively play the game we love and keep us reasonably sane in theses pandemic days.  Hopefully, but probably not before the end of March, will we be experiencing a brighter outlook for this year and things getting back to normality. However it’s unlikely we’ll be back in the bridge centre before September.

BBO is an excellent forum for playing bridge and afterwards, using the “History” tab you can, and in contact with your partner, examine all the hands you’ve played, including the bidding, and you can see how everyone else bid and played the hands. It is an excellent tool for improvement and endless post-mortems.

Keep at the bridge online and as mentioned before please encourage others to play online.  Grattan will welcome other bridge players to play with us online. Just have them contact Miriam (0874110472)

Good Luck with your Bridge.

Noel Bolger






Merry Christmas and New Year 2020/2021
Merry Christmas and New Year 2020/2021
Looking at your results

The new website for the Grattan  Bridge Club has been launched March 2019.

To see your results, click on the date of the relevant competition on the right-hand side. Click on your name to see your pair's score sheet. The percentage score for each contract and opponents are displayed. The hands are also displayed. Traffic light colour coding is used to indicated your performance on each board;
Green is Good,
Orange is Ordinary and
Red is "Reckless".

Committee 2019/20
Committee 2019/20



Looking for a Partner?

Please contact Rose Higgins 091 521789 or   Miriam  0874110472

Open Pairs
Director: Joan Kenny
Open Pairs
Director: Joan Kenny
Open Pairs
Director: Joan Kenny