Glasnevin Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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30th Jun 2024 20:35 BST
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Welcome to Glasnevin Bridge Club
Novice Section Results

Novice Section Results for 26/06/2024

1st Ciara Mooney & Helen Jenkinson

2nd (Joint) Maeve Bergen & Finnula O'Malley, Yvonne Dunne & Denise Malone


Novice Section Results for 19/06/2024

1st. Brenda & Kevin Walsh.

2nd (Joint) Maeve Bergin & F O'Malley, Ciara Mooney & Patricia Jenkens.

Need a Partner?
Anne Hogan has kindly agreed to take on the role of Matchmaker. If you are looking for a partner, she may be able to help you. You can email her or call/text her on 087 655 8463.

This website is designed to displaly results from our Virtual Club games only. All other items are found on the Main GBC Site. 

Mon 29th July 2024
Glasnevin Bridge Club
BBO 7.30 pm
Wed 31st July 2024
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Live 7.30 pm
Mon 5th August 2024
Glasnevin Bridge Club
BBO 7.30 pm
Wed 7th August 2024
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Live 7.30 pm
Mon 12th August 2024
Glasnevin Bridge Club
BBO 7.30 pm
Wed 14th August 2024
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Live 7.30 pm
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Director: Therese Gumbrielle
Scorer: Aidan Synnott
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Director: Therese Gumbrielle
Scorer: Aidan Synnott
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Director: Catherine Moyles
Scorer: Aidan Synnott
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Director: Catherine Moyles
Scorer: Aidan Synnott
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Glasnevin Bridge Club
Director: Therese Gumbrielle
Scorer: Aidan Synnott