Our fee for online RealBridge is £1 per session on each Tuesday for both club members and sponsored online visitors.
You do not need to pay in advance. Lyn will keep track of who has played and will request payment on a 3 monthly basis.
Lyn will send all those who have played, an email telling them how much they owe.
Any member who has invited and played with a guest will be responsible for payment for themselves and their guest.
If you and your partner are both new online players introduced by a Finchampstead member and agreed by the Committee, please make sure we know your name, email address, EBU number and Finchampstead sponsor before you play.
You will then need to pay by Bank Electronic Transfer (the bank details will be provided in Lyn's e-mail), giving your FULL name and EBU number, if known, in the reference field.
If you cannot pay electronically, then you need to arrange for someone to pay electronically on your behalf. We would like to strongly discourage any payments by cheque in order to minimise travel and visits to the Bank.