Fakenham Bridge Club
News Page

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Minutes 2.5.24

Minutes of Bridge Committee Meeting 2.5.24




Barry Barnes, Marlene Rogers, Steve Rogers, Robert Smith, Janet Smith, Tony Lawrence





Chris Drysdale






The minutes of the previous committee on 22.1.24 meeting were approved and will be signed online.


Matters Arising

There were no matters arising.


Summer Party







The Summer Party format was discussed and a date agreed. The party will be on June 27th.

It was decided to opt for a plated lunch with a choice of three mains.

The theme is ‘Summer Garden/Flower Power’.

Bridge will start at 11am with lunch at 12.30 and then bridge after.

The bar will be open at lunchtime.



There will be a raffle organised.



MR to liaise with the caterers.



MR to speak to Danny

Competitions and prizes











RS spoke about the format of the existing competitions and their prizes. He had spoken to Viv Cross whose late husband, Henry,  is commemorated by one of the trophies and she has no objection to changes in the way it is awarded. The other trophy is named for Huib Van Hoeven, one of the establishing members of the club. There are no family members to ask about changes. 

RS suggested two one off competitions, one in the Spring and one in the Autumn. These would be open to members only. 

This suggestion was accepted by the committee and relevant changes to the Constitution agreed.




SR reported on the current financial position.

The balance at the end of February, when the accounts were handed over, was £1,335 of which £1204 is held in our bank account. 

At the end of April £640 is held in cash; the bank balance remains at £1204; but we owe £721 to the FSCA.

During these two months we have sent £300 to ECATS for the charity event. We have also paid £215, in cash, for the AGM lunch.

From the end of February until to date we have not been able to gain access to our bank account. It is locked until our changes of mandate have been accepted by Barclays. This has just been done, but we still have not been sent a debit card and card reader to be able to access and use the account.

It was agreed without vote that we should stop paying our annual subscription of £48 to Bridgepads, since we no longer use their scoring system.






























MR showed a new draft of the club directory and parties and competition dates to be added.

It was agreed a charity event supporting Cancer Research be help in September alongside the nationwide event organised by the EBU.

Barbara Morrison has volunteered to help with the computer scoring system as has RS. It was suggested we actively encourage more volunteers to come forward.

The use of travellers was discussed and it was decided to instigate the use from time to time to ensure members remember how to use these.



Meeting ended         1.35pm                 Date of next meeting not set

Last updated : 24th May 2024 09:45 BST
Committee Meeting 21/02/24 - Minutes

Minutes of committee meeting held on Thursday
February 22 nd at 12 noon

Those present
Barry Barnes Neal Foster Anne Hallett and Janet Smith

Subjects under discussion were mainly focused on the AGM together
with. Further discussions with Danny re financial contribution to FSCA
with regard to the Lancaster room and that a committee member should
be representing the bridge club at future FSCA meetings.
The agenda and nomination form to be circulated to all members by Feb
29 th .
AGM to be held on Thursday March 27 th at 12noon followed by a buffet
lunch and bridge
Simultaneous pair
An invitation to participate in a national pairs competition to be held on
Thursday March 14 th was agreed.
The meeting closed at 1240 next meeting being the AGM

signed Barry Barnes 2.5.24

Last updated : 3rd May 2024 21:09 BST
Minutes of AGM held on Thursday March 21st

Fakenham Bridge club

Minutes of AGM held on Thursday March 21st

Barry Barnes Chairperson

Anne Hallett Secretary

Janet Smith 


Patsy Catchpole Val Chapman Grace Brodie Dick Dyke Maureen Rose Sue Heath Brenda Townsend  Hildred Harman. Marlene Rogers, Steve Rogers

Those present

Richard Brocklehurst Lenny Brocklebank Barbara Morrison Andy Bakewell Chris Drydale Angela Harcourt Robert Smith Paul Prevost Molly Freemantle Steven Knight Fiona Jessop Sue Turner Christine Hart Jo and Malcolm Thompson Sue Day Brian Burlingham Tony Lawrence Chris Collison Steve Wells and Mark Buckle


2Matters arising report

3 Chairmans report

It has been a successful year after the slow build up following lock down, averaging 8 tables  We had the usual Christmas lunch. Many thanks to Brenda for organizing the event.

We took part in simultaneous pairs which raised £300 for charities.

During the year we were joined by several new members, but said goodbye to several members no longer able to play for one reason or another. We were especially sad to lose Ian and Sylvia both long term member’s of the club.

Neal, who had taken on the role pf treasurer, recently resigned and our thanks are due to him for the introduction of the new scoring pads.

My thanks go to the committee for their support and those who direct the play.

Lastly but by no means least thanks to those  who.each week set up the tables and afterwards clear away especially thanks to Lenny.


4Treasures Report

In the absence of a treasurer the financial statement was distributed and approved by members funds available £2,913.72

5 Membership and subscriptions

Danny has already sent out invoices for annual subscription of £20 .  The chairman proposed an increase of table money from 3.50 to £4. This was approved by a small majority.

6 Election of offices  All nominated and seconded.

Chairman Barry Barnes

Secretary Marlene Rogers replacing Anne Hallett who is stepping down. Chairman thanked her for her contribution

Treasurer Steve Rogers

Committee Janet Smith Chris Drysdale Tony Lawrence, Robert Smith 

Meeting closed at 1240


Anne Hallett


Last updated : 14th Apr 2024 12:33 BST
Committee Meeting 19/10/23 - Minutes

Minutes ofcommittee meeting 20/10/2023


Date: 20th October 2023

Venue: Fakenham Bridge Club 


- Barry Barnes (Che)

- Anne Hallett (secretary)

- Janet Smith

- Neal Foster (treasurer)

- Brenda Townsend (social Secretary) 


1) Christmas lunch Dec 14th @10:45:

To commence at 11am, stop for 2 course Lunch, drinks available to buy at bar. Resume play at 2pm until approx. 4pm. Menu will be available soon with cost later. 

Prizes available but no raffle. Xmas themed dress is encouraged. 

2) Bridge pads: 

Neal has researched replacing the bridge pads with similar but apparently a lot easier to manage, Swaffham bridge club are well pleased with them.  He will come up with the best price later in the year and the committee agreed to the replacement (approx. cost £600) 

3) The Lancaster room: 

Is not available November 9th and December 7th, we will be playing in the bar area with screens in situ, the new time 1pm start, seated by 1245

4) The question re sparkling water instead of tea has been resolved satisfactorily. 


Last updated : 22nd Jan 2024 15:23 GMT
AGM 2023


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Fakenham Sports Centre on January 26th 2023





Mattress arising 

Chairperson’s report

Treasurer’s report 

Election of officers


Closing words

Members Present: Marlene Rogers (Chairperson) , Steve Rogers (Treasurer) , Robert Smith, Paul Provost, Christine Hart, Maureen Rose, Anne Hallett, Molly Freemantle, Barry Barnes, Brenda Townsend, Angela Harcourt, Chris Drysdale, Lesley Wordsworth, Carol Whittle, Malcolm Thompson, Neal Foster, Sue Day, Brian Burlingham, Faith Dewhurst, Les Baker, Jo Wells, Richard Brocklehurst, Grania Ward-Brown , Mark Buckle.

Apologies for Absence:  Hilldred Harman, Janet Cockburn, Jo Thompson, Lenny Brocklebank, Janet Smith, Steve Wells, Barbara Morrison, Andy Bakewell, Sue Heath, Chris Collinson, Martyn Sloman, Sylvia McColville, 

Minutes of AGM held May 5th 2022:

The Minutes were agreed and signed as correct.

Matters Arising:

Marlene said that she had written to all the previous members who had not come back to bridge after lockdown in order to encourage them to do so. She had one reply, a pleasant note from Pam Jackson who said that ill health had prevented her from doing so and wished everyone well.

Short articles were sent to several local papers some of which were printed. A  Facebook page was started but it hasn’t been successful. Marlene said she tried to keep the website updated and follow up quickly to any enquiries. She also tried to find suitable partners for newcomers and make sure they felt welcome in the club.

Chairperson’s Report:

Another year on and things in our little club are beginning to look rosier. Thursdays are now attracting a fairly regular attendance of about seven tables, sometimes more. We’ve enjoyed several lunch sessions and a delightful Christmas luncheon organised by Brenda. It’s been lovely to be able to meet up with all our old friends and we’ve also been very lucky to welcome new members into our fold. 

We’ve had a few blips with the technology but renewing the computer and the scoring system are on the agenda and the committee will be looking to update these this year. It’s a good job that, although we are a competitive group of players, we’re not obsessed with results and are willing to wait for them to be posted online.

We are now back to playing regularly in the Lancaster room. During the Summer we will probably need to go back to the Sports Bar if the Lancaster Room bar becomes the main bar area. This should be fine as there is no appreciable usage of the bowls rinks and since the bar will not be open there will be no reason for others to linger.

We are steadily growing in numbers on Thursdays and hopefully this will be replicated if the new committee decides to re-start our Tuesday meetings. It is unfortunate that Monday night sessions have not continued but failing to attract more than two to three tables doesn’t really provide members with good bridge. I feel sorry for the members who are only able to attend on Mondays but there isn’t anything we can do at the moment.

We still need more members to become directors as the responsibility has fallen on Robert and Steve’s shoulders with the help of new recruit Barry in the last few months. Training and support is offered to any volunteers for this role.

I’m very grateful for the help given by Janet and Faith with the scoring, Faith with money and teas and an enormous thank you should be extended to Lenny, who does so much of the setting up and clearing away after sessions. In a small club such as this it is incumbent on us all to help out.

I’m stepping down as chairperson after four rather turbulent years but have offered my services to Anne as secretary to the secretary. If she’s happy for me to do so I’ll still do a lot of the online stuff.

Again let’s hope the coming year gives us good bridge and good company.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer’s Report 05.05.22 to 31.12.2022

Income ​​​​Expenditure​​21.05.22 to 31.12.22​

In bank at 04.05.22​ 2616.85​Drinks​​ 1090.60​

Cash at 04.05.22    ​   135.03​Biscuits​     ​     18.68 ​  

Total at 04.05.22 ​ 2751.88​Levy​ 1928.00​

Table money​               4558.00​Equipment​  ​      0.00 ​  

Misc. cash income​   161.00​Administration​     48.00​


Food​       ​ 1368.19​

Prizes​   ​     35.16​   

Refund​     18.00 ​      

​Donations (FSCA)   ​      50.00 ​    

​    ​​Total expenditure             4556.63


​In bank at 31.12.22​  2866.03

​Cash at 31.12.22    ​      48.19

​Total at 31.12.22​  2914.22

​        ________​_______

​             7470.88​                7470.85

Please note that these figures have not been independently audited.

Key features:

1. We currently have £2914 in reserves.

2. This represents a small increase from May to December, entirely due to the raffle fund-raising by Brenda. Our table money just covers our present expenditure.

Certain decisions have been left for the next committee:

1. It is likely that the FSCA will ask for an increase in levy and drinks payments. This is in line with a general review taking place of the room hire rates and increases in food and drink prices. This is largely a consequence of an expected 10% rise in the wage bill. Thus, our table money may need to be raised.

2. Our scorebridge system has served us very well over the past decade. It is now generally thought that it is in need of upgrading. This will not be cheap. Alternatives that I have looked at start at about £1000. We have the money to pay for it. Whatever system is chosen, in my view, it needs to be simple to operate, reliable and self-contained.

Election of Officers:

There are no new members proposed.

Chairperson:  Barry Barnes has agreed to act in this position.

Secretary:  Anne Hallett has agreed to act in this position.

Treasurer:  Janet Smith has agreed to act in this position.

Social Secretary: Brenda Townsend has agreed to continue.

Other Committee Members may be co-opted as required by the new Committee.

Marlene asked for volunteers to become Tournament Directors to help Robert, Steve and Barry.


Anne asked whether or not it would be a good idea to go back to scoring by hand. The general consensus was that we should use the available electronic technology to help. Faith asked Steve to speak to the manager about the apparent low strength of the internet in the Lancaster Room, and whether or not a better booster could be found. 


There was no other business and the meeting closed at 1.15pm. There was no date set for the next AGM.

Last updated : 4th Feb 2023 12:39 GMT