Exeter Bridge Club





Recent Updates
RealBridge Information & Registration
12th Jul 2024 09:29 BST
Hosting & Contact Us
3rd Jul 2024 10:15 BST

There will be prize/event sessions as follows:-

Face to Face at ISCA - first Tuesday monthly, first pair £20, second £10

Face to Face at ISCA - Denis Ash - second Tuesday monthly to September 2024

BBO - third Monday monthly, first pair £20, second £10

RealBridge - fourth Friday monthly, first pair £20, second £10

Please note, club members only can win the prizes

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Welcome to Exeter Bridge Club

We play Duplicate Bridge at all levels - beginners to more experienced players

Face to Face bridge at the ISCA Centre: Club session on Tuesdays at 6.15, Advanced Supervised Play on Thursdays at 1.30

Face to Face bridge at the Newcourt Community Centre: Supervised Play on Wednesdays at 1.00

We currently run the following on-line events:

Duplicate Pairs on Mondays at 7.15pm on Bridge Base Online

Duplicate Pairs on RealBridge - Fridays at 3pm on RealBridge

Special On-Line Events

See Specific Pages for more information and registration (if required) details

There are teaching classes for beginners and improvers and supervised duplicate sessions for novices.

The Club is affiliated to the English Bridge Union. Membership of Exeter brings the benefits of EBU membership.

The club promotes a friendly atmosphere with respect for fellow players and the Director.
You will find most of the information you need in these pages.
Click here for
contact information.

Last updated : 1st Jul 2024 16:03 BST

Need a Partner? - Hosting at Exeter Bridge Club

 Do you sometimes want to play face-to-face bridge at Exeter Bridge Club on a Tuesday evening, but don’t have a partner, perhaps because your regular partner is away or because you don’t have a regular partner?  Well, we have a list of “hosts”, who can be contacted before a session (preferably at least a day before) and will either partner you or pair you with someone else also seeking a partner.

 This has worked reasonably well over the past 18 months, but we have relied heavily on a few good members and could do with more volunteers to act as host every now and then.  If you could offer to be host for one or more of the Tuesday sessions over the coming months, please let me know.  You only need to turn up for the session if contacted beforehand, so you wouldn’t have a wasted journey. Please contact Neville Lane by email to nevilleslane@gmail.com or by phone to 07496 392106 if you can volunteer. Thank you.

Last updated : 4th Jun 2024 14:59 BST
Realbridge duplicate pairs sessions - Friday Afternoons


 Table Money for Exeter Bridge Club RealBridge Sessions is £2.50 for a member and £3 for non-members 

All players will be contacted with details on how payment should be made

Payment will NOT be taken on the RealBridge platform

RealBridge allows you to see and talk to the players at your table, which gives it a real "club" feel – all very different from the existing bridge websites which rely on messaging and feel much less social. All you need to play is a desktop, laptop, or tablet which ideally has a WebCam so that other players can see you when you play (the webcam is not essential but does make the event more sociable). The system is very user-friendly, and even if you have never played before online you should find it very easy to use. All our players are welcome to play in all RealBridge sessions. 

If you feel unsure whether you have the technology and skills to play, please contact Tony Rusbridge who should be able to give you any necessary advice and reassurance. If you would like to play but do not have a partner please use our partner finding system which is here. You can also enter individually and the director will assign you a partner on the day if there is one available.

Sessions on Fridays @3pm 

You can enter to play here - registration IS REQUIRED for the first time you play as we need to have your contact details for collection of payment

Last updated : 3rd May 2024 18:55 BST
Hosting - see Menu (Hosting) for details
Wed 17th July 2024
Face to Face Bridge - Duplicate Pairs - Supervised Play
Newcourt Community Centre 1.15
Director: Jeremy Child
Scorer: Jeremy Child
Wed 17th July 2024
Learners practise
Victoria Park Exeter 7.00pm
Director: Jeremy Child
Thu 18th July 2024
Face to Face Bridge - Duplicate Pairs
ISCA Centre, Exeter 1.30pm
Director: Jeremy Child
Fri 19th July 2024
RealBridge Pairs
RealBridge 3.00pm
Director: IBE
Mon 22nd July 2024
BBO Pairs
BBO 7.15
Director: IBE
Tue 23rd July 2024
Face to Face Bridge - Duplicate Pairs
ISCA Centre, Exeter 6.15pm
Director: Richard Lingham
Scorer: Viv Mably
Wed 24th July 2024
Face to Face Bridge - Duplicate Pairs - Supervised Play
Newcourt Community Centre 1.15
Director: Jeremy Child
Scorer: Jeremy Child
Wed 24th July 2024
Learners practise
Victoria Park Exeter 7.00pm
Director: Jeremy Child
Thu 25th July 2024
Face to Face Bridge - Duplicate Pairs
ISCA Centre, Exeter 1.30pm
Director: Jeremy Child
Fri 26th July 2024
RealBridge Pairs - Prize Afternoon
RealBridge 3.00pm
Director: IBE
Director: Jeremy Child
Scorer: Jeremy Child
Face to Face Bridge - Duplicate Pairs
Director: Paul Guppy
Scorer: Tony Rusbridge
BBO Pairs - Prize Session
Director: IBE
Scorer: Mitch
RealBridge Pairs
Director: IBE