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News Archive - 2011

This page shows old "News Items" published in, or relating to, the calendar year 2011. It includes hyperlinks to the detailed Results, where available.

Items are in reverse-date sequence: the most recent first. 

Your Web Master may in the near future initiate a project to sort these annual pages into a more meaningful Archive, but so far all that has been done is to tidy them up and make the context apparent. In the interim, suggestions from the membership are welcome!

Essex Christmas Party - 2011
  • Christmas party pairs 2011
  • Christmas party pairs 2011
  • Christmas party pairs 2011
  • Christmas party pairs 2011 The Winners

Photographs courtesy of John Williams

This event raised £183.15 for the Little Havens Children’s Hospice.

Mixed Pairs - December 2011

Well done to Bernie Hunt & Judith Moorman.

Cecil Leighton gets EBU Silver Award

Congratulations to Cecil Leighton who has been awarded the Silver Award for 2011 at the EBU AGM. Cecil was nominated by London Metropolitan Bridge Association in recognition of his truly exceptional services to the County and to bridge. For full story go to the EBU Website (bottom of page).

Felixstowe Congress - October 2011

Simon Moorman & Peter Oake were second in the Championship Pairs on the Saturday and David Cooper was part of a team who finished 2nd in the Swiss Teams on the Sunday.

Full results here


Senior Pairs - July 2011

Well done to Chris Taylor & Sue Taylor and John Birch & Pat O'Gara who finished equal 1st with Peter Scotting & Pat Johnson 3rd.

Busiest Bridge Clubs - 2010/11
Busiest Bridge Clubs - 2010/11
  • Southend And Leigh Bridge Club were the highest placed Essex club in the EBU top 50 clubs for 2010/11 (by number of players who have played.) They were 21st in the country.
  • Thorpe Bay Bridge Club are another Essex club to make the top 50 at 36th.
Seniors Cup Winners

 Peter Scotting and Pat Johnson 

The George Curtis
The scores in the 'results' section for the George Curtis are the final results (we were initially going to VP them but this is not EBU practice for this type of event ).
We would like to congratulate Margaret Curtis, David Sherman, Frank Morrison and Ian Moss who won comfortably.