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County- Info, Clubs, Venues etc.
Playing for Essex
Essex enters teams in the Eastern Counties League, the Metropolitan Cup and the Tollemache Trophy.  The ECBA welcomes applications from members to join the county representative squad.  Admission to the squad is decided by the selection sub-committee and is dependent on performance in county, regional and national events.   If you wish to be considered to represent Essex please submit a summary of your results in recent years to  Tony Philpott
(chair of selectors)
The other members of the selection committee are: Peter Oake (A squad captain), Bernie Hunt (B squad captain), Maureen Vede (C squad captain), Ian Moss (Member).  Data collation, Butler scores and mail shots are managed by Nigel Bardsley (Membership Secretary).

Would you like an e-mail reminder about forthcoming Essex events 2 to 3 weeks befor each one?   If so, please send an e-mail to: essexbridge asking for this facility.   You will not be sent e-mails about other events or matters.

The ECBA has agreed a policy on behaviour at the bridge table -click here for more details.
Club constitution
A model club constitution has been drawn up.   If any club would like a copy, please contact the Hon Secretary.

We have now set up a dedicated e-mail address for competition entries and any queries that you may have for the Tournament Secretary(Ted Cockle).

There is a Photo page, where it is hoped to put pictures of winners of Essex events.   If anyone would like to contribute other photos e.g. winners of non-Essex events, club pictures, etc., please send them to the web master.   They should be in .jpg form please.
As a result of a secondballot regarding refreshments at ECBA events, these will now beprovided only for Seniors events (those starting in the morning) andclub competitions i.e. Fletcher, Essex Club and Helliar Trophies.  
Please note that the Results page, the Leagues page and the Teaching page are now updated by the Tournament Director, the League Secretary and the Teachers' Liaison Officer respectively. If there are any problems with these please use the information page to contact the correct person.