Middlesex County Bridge Association

Championship Pairs (16th March)

Green Pointed Championship Pairs at Highgate Golf Club. Spaces are limited so book soon to avoid disappointment.  

Click here for the entry form.

National Pairs Regional Final (23rd March)

Middlesex will once again be hosting the RealBridge heat of the South Eastern National Pairs Regional Final. If you played at an EBU club between 2nd - 15th Feb in Middlesex, Surrey, Sussex, London or Kent and achieved a core of 55% or over, you are eligible. Note that two players who both qualify in different partnerships may form a new partnership to play in a regional final.

Click here for the entry form

Important Notices

If you think there is a problem with the website, please contact the ECBA Webmaster (click here) .   Any feedback is gratefully received. 

General Data Protection Regulations

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Welcome to Essex Contract Bridge Association
Margaret Curtis International

There will be another 'Essex International Pairs Event' on 5 March.  It will be a match pointed pairs event on RealBridge starting @ 7pm. (Approximately 22 Boards).

We now have 20 different countries playing.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please let Marc (marc.chawner@aol.com) know, so that he can send you a RealBridge event link. When you request a RealBridge event link, please let Marc know who you will be partnering. If you require a partner, please let Marc know and he will attempt to find a partner for you.

Essex Championship Pairs

The Essex Championship Pairs will be held at Barleylands on 16 March 2025 at 12.00. Directed by Rob Sassoon.

Entry fee £40 per pair.  Essex members only. 

Final format depends on the number of entries. There may be a qualification round..

The top 10 pairs play a Howell 27 boards

Non qualifiers play in a consolation event

More details nearer the date.

Payment to ECBA a/c: 63373487 sort:207289 .  Contact Linda Fleet linkarb@outlook.com with any questions.

Please note, if you opt to enter a phone number it will not be displayed on the website. It may be used by the organisers if they need to contact you.  

Cornell - result

The Cornell was played at Barleylands on 9 February 2025

Congratulations to Mayflower A winner of the Cornell teams event.

The team was David Piper,Theo Todman, Sandy Riach and Jacek Lapszys.

Congratulations also to Thorpe Bay A and B teams in second and third place and thus qualifying to represent the county in the Garden Cities. 

The teams were

Thorpe Bay A  Paul Spencer, Marc Chawner, Bernie Harrison and Alan Cohen

Thorpe Bay B  Chris Chorley, Paddy Murray, Richard Perryman and Steve Curran


Boot camps - Marc Chawner
Boot camps - Marc Chawner


Following the Boot Camp on 12 May  Marc Chawner has now produced a new guide Know your Percentages to add to; Defence, Play in a No Trump contract and Play in a Suit contract 


Most of the best players in Essex were set the task of playing the hands in each category -  not always successfully.


See if you can do better, if not with Marc's hands maybe the next time you play at the club.


 Download the PDFs Defence, No trumpSuit contractsKnow Your Percentages


They will give you everything you could ever want to know!


Once again the ECBA would like to express their sincere gratitude to Marc for this formidable work.

Essex v Suffolk County Match

In the match played on March 2, Essex won in all three divisions against Suffolk:

Essex 'A' v. Suffolk 'A' 111-65 IMP   16-4 VP

Essex 'B' v. Suffolk 'B' 123-71 IMP  16-4 VP

Essex 'C' v. Suffolk 'C' 124-42 IMP  18-2 VP

This result means that Essex finish this season in second place in the C division; other placings depend on other counties' results.


Uppsala Series On-line

In their last match in Division 4, Essex Saxons won by 15.08 to 4.92 VP giving them seven wins out of seven and a total of 121.43 VP out of a possible 140 (86.7%).   230 players took part across the four divisions.  All of the Essex players finished with positive XIMP scores. The stand-out results were by Marc Chawner who topped the XIMP table for the whole league, Paul Spencer was 4th and Pat Johnson, who played with three different partners, was 6th.  The link to the full XIMP table is here: https://www.bridgeskalis.se/scoring/tvl/250227128096/iaf/

The team moves up to Division 3 starting next week.


Essex County Matches

ECBA Player Availabilities 2025-26.xlsx

Essex Leagues

Essex Leagues 2024/25

Keep up to date with the Essex leagues.

For latest position see RESULTS


Margaret Curtis Events

The Essex Bridge Academy are using money bequeathed by the late Margaret Curtis. Money which is to be used for events such as our Wednesday event which is 100% funded from the late Margaret Curtis bequest.

Consequently, invitations to join our Wednesday evenings and the session links can only be issued by the organisers in Essex.

All current players continue to be welcomed. If you wish to invite other players, please email Marc (marc.chawner@aol.com) first to confirm eligibility.

Essex Contract Bridge Association
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The ECBA was formed in 1946. We have around 1,700 members and 15 affiliated clubs. ..........

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ECL v. Suffolk
Margaret Curtis International Pairs
Margaret Curtis International Swiss Pairs
Wed 5th Mar 2025
Margaret Curtis International Pairs
RealBridge 7pm
Sun 16th Mar 2025
Championship Pairs
Barleylands 12.00
Wed 19th Mar 2025
Essex International Pairs
RealBridge 7pm
Sun 11th May 2025
ECL v. Norfolk (Away)
RealBridge 1pm