Please Note: The Bridge Club Terms of Reference as agreed at AGM 2021 are now available to read under the Main Menu "Information" tab
Master Points are awarded in competitions provided at least 18 Boards have been played in a competition.
Master Points are awarded on Gross Scores before Handicaps are applied.
Master Points are awarded to the top ¼ of the total entry in a competition.
The committee wish to clarify the rules governing the presence of guests playing with members in regular competitions.
Guests are allowed on Wednesday afternoon or Friday night
A member can invite a different guest on each Friday or Wednesday afternoon but a Guest can only play once per month
Elm Park Bridge Club hold competitions on Wednesdays and Fridays almost every week of the year. Bridge is played in the upstairs function room and in the annexe beside it. Every member of Elm Park Golf and Sports Club is automatically entitled and is very welcome to be a member of what is a very vibrant Bridge club. The annexe room is primarily intended for players with lesser experience - It is not used during the summer months.
Wednesday night is the main bridge night with usually 3 competitions taking place during the main playing season - September to May. There is also bridge on Wednesday afternoon starting at 2.00pm. Players are requested to be seated at 1.50pm.
Friday night has traditionally been a night with much fewer numbers playing in a more relaxed evening game of bridge. Members are allowed invite Guests on a Friday night subject to certain conditions which are displayed on the Bridge noticeboard.
For those interested in Scorebridge and Bridgemates below is a link to some videos I made on that subject
These have not been re-edited so if anything feels offensive its not meant ...